Your Death Can Reveal Only an Afterlife


500 hp grocery getter
Established Member
May 29, 2006
San Diego
You cannot legitimately answer neither so why bother trying to make the point like you know what youre talking about? The Bible tells of our afterlife so therefore we have faith in what God is telling us is true. From what the Bible says, there very well could be a beforelife but there isn't even any mention in the Bible for this. Just that the Lord has you specifically picked for a purpose in this life. Everyone's life is meant to be a blessed one but in this struggle of a life very many miss the mark of what they were intended for. Our spirit could have dwelled in Heaven before we are born to this earth or it could be created upon our entry into this earth, there is no answer in the Bible for that question.

Here's the deal with wurd....he likes to troll looking for debates get into, yet he only wants a one sided discussion...his side. He loves to "hear" himself talk. These are never meant to sway his opinion, come to a conclusion or even a happy medium, only to frustrate people that don't agree with him. Mostly because he refuses to even consider an opinion other than his own.


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Dec 1, 2004
The Lord covers every aspect of our existence in the Bible.

Our spirit could have dwelled in Heaven before we are born to this earth or it could be created upon our entry into this earth, there is no answer in the Bible for that question.

it covers every aspect, but fails to include something as basic as the origin of our spirit? hopefully humanity's next plagiarized, monotheistic cult will correct this. imagine what would happen if people began to start asking questions and religion does not have answers to them :eek:


New Member
Established Member
Dec 1, 2004
Here's the deal with wurd....he likes to troll looking for debates get into, yet he only wants a one sided discussion...his side. He loves to "hear" himself talk. These are never meant to sway his opinion, come to a conclusion or even a happy medium, only to frustrate people that don't agree with him. Mostly because he refuses to even consider an opinion other than his own.

:rollseyes its painfully obvious to anyone reading these threads (at least those that are not biased in the manner you are with respect to your faith) that wurd2 is open to any and all opinions. all i have ever seen him require is that at least some reason/evidence back up these opinions for them to be considered. this should go without saying. you would hold a much more honest and respectable position if you simply admit that these opinions are based on faith and not fact.


500 hp grocery getter
Established Member
May 29, 2006
San Diego
:rollseyes its painfully obvious to anyone reading these threads (at least those that are not biased in the manner you are with respect to your faith) that wurd2 is open to any and all opinions. all i have ever seen him require is that at least some reason/evidence back up these opinions for them to be considered. this should go without saying. you would hold a much more honest and respectable position if you simply admit that these opinions are based on faith and not fact.

Is it? He asks questions that don't have a concrete answer, so you give him an opinion and then he asks for proof.....hmmmmm. He's not looking for ideas. He wants to make people look foolish. You can try and bring my faith into this if you like, but my opinion of wurd has very little to do with my faith.

There are two possible answers to his inquiry . One, nothing happens, or we slip into eternal nothingness. Or two, we go to an afterlife of some sort.

How do you know if nothing happens? You don't. How do you know of you go to an afterlife? You don't.

Simple answer.
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Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Is it? He asks questions that don't have a concrete answer, so you give him an opinion and then he asks for proof.....hmmmmm. He's not looking for ideas. He wants to make people look foolish. You can try and bring my faith into this if you like, but my opinion of wurd has very little to do with my faith.

There are two possible answers to his inquiry . One, nothing happens, or we slip into eternal nothingness. Or two, we go to an afterlife of some sort.

How do you know if nothing happens? You don't. How do you know of you go to an afterlife? You don't.

Simple answer.

Simple answer


New Member
Established Member
Dec 1, 2004
Is it? He asks questions that don't have a concrete answer, so you give him an opinion and then he asks for proof.....hmmmmm. He's not looking for ideas. He wants to make people look foolish. You can try and bring my faith into this if you like, but my opinion of wurd has very little to do with my faith.

but your faith does factor into this because it makes the concrete claim that there IS an afterlife. when asked for evidence, with all due respect the only ground the believer has to stand on is faith. this however is not acceptable as evidence. i've never witnessed a believer commenting on the afterlife by putting forward mere opinions, leaving open the possibility that they could be wrong. the faithful believe with absolute certainty that not only do they know there is eternal life but in fact claim to know details of it that human beings could not possibly know. there is a very interesting case that is made for the possibility that our consciousness might survive the death of our physical body but it is in no way related to belief in the divine or any monotheistic god. i can send you a link to it if youre interested but i will say in advance it is definitely "out there" and lacks any evidence (ie its nothing more than an opinion on one possibility)

There are two possible answers to his inquiry . One, nothing happens, or we slip into eternal nothingness. Or two, we go to an afterlife of some sort.

i agree although i think its more accurate to say that instead of nothingness, our bodies return to that which we owe our existence in the first place. the atoms that make up a living thing return to nature and continue the cycle. i would say this gives much more meaning to life than simply nothingness but its not that important of a distinction to worry about in this discussion.

How do you know if nothing happens? You don't. How do you know of you go to an afterlife? You don't.

Simple answer.

you are absolutely correct. no human being could possibly possess the answer to this question. the argument that "nothing happens" is supported by the fact no one has returned from death, or communicated back from the afterlife. there is no support of an afterlife other than what is suggested, and wished for, by organized religion. the existence of this spiritual realm is taken on faith alone. when weighing the two without the influence of wish thinking or bias, the honest person would likely place their bet on "nothing happening".
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Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
but your faith does factor into this because it makes the concrete claim that there IS an afterlife. when asked for evidence, with all due respect the only ground the believer has to stand on is faith. this however is not acceptable as evidence. i've never witnessed a believer commenting on the afterlife by putting forward mere opinions, leaving open the possibility that they could be wrong. the faithful believe with absolute certainty that not only do they know there is eternal life but in fact claim to know details of it that human beings could not possibly know. there is a very interesting case that is made for the possibility that our consciousness might survive the death of our physical body but it is in no way related to belief in the divine or any monotheistic god. i can send you a link to it if youre interested but i will say in advance it is definitely "out there" and lacks any evidence (ie its nothing more than an opinion on one possibility)

i agree although i think its more accurate to say that instead of nothingness, our bodies return to that which we owe our existence in the first place. the atoms that make up a living thing return to nature and continue the cycle. i would say this gives much more meaning to life than simply nothingness but its not that important of a distinction to worry about in this discussion.

you are absolutely correct. no human being could possibly possess the answer to this question. the argument that "nothing happens" is supported by the fact no one has returned from death, or communicated back from the afterlife. there is no support of an afterlife other than what is suggested, and wished for, by organized religion. the existence of this spiritual realm is taken on faith alone. when weighing the two without the influence of wish thinking or bias, the honest person would likely place their bet on "nothing happening".

The only reason I and I assume most Christians entertain your questions and these debates is just for the sake of a debate. It keeps you sharp and always thinking. But that's about it. If you don't want to accept my faith as anything and you declare yourself the winner because no one can refute your evidence then that's just fine.

Our faith and science do not exist on the same level as some sort of contending evidence as so many like to play it. To Christians faith exists on another level from science. Science is all good and dandy and I love hearing about new findings, but it has no bearing on the levels of faith I have in God and it never will. There are elements of God that will never be discovered explained in this life.

Trying to coerce some sort of evidence from faith out of us just sounds uneducated. You probably feel like you proved something from the lack of replies but it's just that you lack any understanding of faith in general. If I cannot do anything to convince you and you do nothing but reject any explanation I give then there is nothing I can do for you, your questions no longer concern me. The answers to your questions lie solely between you and God at this point.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 20, 2009
South Tejas
I've heard of plenty of non-believers brush with death, turn believers.

It's hard to distiguish what someone is seeing is what they are actually seeing or what DMT is making them see, if DMT is released and you hallucinate, you will probably hallucinate whatever thoughts are going on in your brain at the time of death, I am pretty sure 99.9% of the people on their way out, will already begin the doubt process. "Shit, is there about to be an after life?" "shit am I going to hell?" "shit is there a god?" "shit am I going to heaven?" "Shit is this it?". Why? Well most people think before they act. Death is an act that you can not control, however you can begin to process what will begin. Those thoughts could then be converted to a hallucination that the DMT will cause you to have...

Then again, someone who is 100% commited to athiest views, why would they convert to believing when they already know the background of DMT, and the death process? Is there something that occurs, that really changes someones views?

We should hold a massive expierement, with 20 people, that will legally kill them, and then attempt to resuscitate then document the views. What they saw, and see how close they relate... The problem brings it back to the previous questions. Will the thoughts in their heads effect the outcome of their DMT expierence? They are rats in a expeirment strictly dedicated to finding what's on the other side.

Then the next question, which will be spiritually. Did "someone" keep them from seeing what the expeirment was trying to gather data from in the first place?

Man **** this shit

Pisses me off


New Member
Established Member
Jun 20, 2010
San Diego
The only reason I and I assume most Christians entertain your questions and these debates is just for the sake of a debate. It keeps you sharp and always thinking. But that's about it. If you don't want to accept my faith as anything and you declare yourself the winner because no one can refute your evidence then that's just fine.

Our faith and science do not exist on the same level as some sort of contending evidence as so many like to play it. To Christians faith exists on another level from science. Science is all good and dandy and I love hearing about new findings, but it has no bearing on the levels of faith I have in God and it never will. There are elements of God that will never be discovered explained in this life.

Trying to coerce some sort of evidence from faith out of us just sounds uneducated. You probably feel like you proved something from the lack of replies but it's just that you lack any understanding of faith in general. If I cannot do anything to convince you and you do nothing but reject any explanation I give then there is nothing I can do for you, your questions no longer concern me. The answers to your questions lie solely between you and God at this point.

+1. Well Said.


Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
svtfocus2cobra said:
You cannot legitimately answer neither so why bother trying to make the point like you know what youre talking about?

suaveflooder said:
There are two possible answers to his inquiry . One, nothing happens, or we slip into eternal nothingness. Or two, we go to an afterlife of some sort. How do you know if nothing happens? You don't. How do you know of you go to an afterlife? You don't. Simple answer.

I did not inquire of anyone as to whether there is an afterlife or not.

Nor have I drawn a conclusion on this matter other than to say what I think the best answer is.

As I clearly stated in my original post, I am disputing the claim that we, personally, will know whether there is an afterlife when we, personally, die. My point is that we may never know, even after we die. In other words, I am arguing that we cannot know or detect or foresee nonexistence, regardless if it awaits us or not.

I created this thread because I want to see if anyone can produce a counterargument that forces me to rethink the possibility of knowing or detecting nonexistence.

So rather than complain about my character, perhaps you two can actually read what I am saying and participate.



Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
suaveflooder said:
[wurd2] asks questions that don't have a concrete answer, so you give him an opinion and then he asks for proof...

Can you provide ONE example?



Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
I've heard of plenty of non-believers brush with death, turn believers.

I do not doubt there are countless cases of this phenomenon, but what I find curious, and rather odd, is that such non-believers always seem to turn to the god or gods that are most prominent among their respective cultures at the time.



ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
I believe there is life after death. and there are going to be a LOT of people surprised when they wake up dead.


Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
svtfocus2cobra said:
The only reason I...entertain your questions and these debates is just for the sake of a debate. It keeps you sharp and always thinking...Trying to coerce some sort of evidence from faith out of us just sounds uneducated.

How is it that a debate keeps you "sharp and thinking" when you demand of the opposing side reason and evidence for its views and claims while you yourself mock the very notion that you should have to do the same?




# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
I've heard of plenty of non-believers brush with death, turn believers.

It's hard to distiguish what someone is seeing is what they are actually seeing or what DMT is making them see, if DMT is released and you hallucinate, you will probably hallucinate whatever thoughts are going on in your brain at the time of death, I am pretty sure 99.9% of the people on their way out, will already begin the doubt process. "Shit, is there about to be an after life?" "shit am I going to hell?" "shit is there a god?" "shit am I going to heaven?" "Shit is this it?". Why? Well most people think before they act. Death is an act that you can not control, however you can begin to process what will begin. Those thoughts could then be converted to a hallucination that the DMT will cause you to have...

Then again, someone who is 100% commited to athiest views, why would they convert to believing when they already know the background of DMT, and the death process? Is there something that occurs, that really changes someones views?

We should hold a massive expierement, with 20 people, that will legally kill them, and then attempt to resuscitate then document the views. What they saw, and see how close they relate... The problem brings it back to the previous questions. Will the thoughts in their heads effect the outcome of their DMT expierence? They are rats in a expeirment strictly dedicated to finding what's on the other side.

Then the next question, which will be spiritually. Did "someone" keep them from seeing what the expeirment was trying to gather data from in the first place?

Man **** this shit

Pisses me off

Most people dont know the brain releases dmt upon imminent death, so no wonder why many people (believrrs or not) would confuse their near death dmt trip as a religious experience and not a psychadelic one.


Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
suaveflooder said:
[wurd2] refuses to even consider an opinion other than his own.

I believe you are confusing this with my refusal to accept information from unqualified sources, or perhaps my refusal to accept claims with no support at all.


03 DSG Snake

Unknown Cyborg
Established Member
Nov 3, 2002
can anyone explain deja vu?

Your brain is scratched and the track is skipping.

I hear people having Deja Vu of walking through WalMart. You never hear them talking about being in the 1800 or 1900s. :read:


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 20, 2009
South Tejas
I do not doubt there are countless cases of this phenomenon, but what I find curious, and rather odd, is that such non-believers always seem to turn to the god or gods that are most prominent among their respective cultures at the time.


You say cultures, i dont have a fact sheet, but I'm not sure there are really any for middle eastern countries, and other third world...

We need to get this kind of data from China, N. Korea and other countries where "God" is non-existent

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