For those of us who live in California......why don't we leave?


I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Not there now but lived there over 30 years, 1963-1994. Back then it was a nice place with a lot going for it. Close to the beach, close to the mountains, close to the desert to go out and shoot up the place. Now there is no way in heck I could live there if for no other reason my guns would make me a felon. It is too bad that it went down the toilet like it has but I see no way it will change in my lifetime.

This is a big part of it. I live exactly one hour from the beach, 30 min from the mountains, 45 min from the desert (shooting, off roading, dirt bikes), and about 2.5 hours from the world's best sand dunes.

The simple answer is because it is not feasible to quit a job, sell a house and completely uproot one's life.

Bingo. Mix in small children and it makes no sense. At this point i stay because my kids have built life long friends and its not fair to yank them out because of liberal politics.

Truth is, aside from the politics, if you can afford to live in an upper-middle class neighborhood, you have nothing to worry about. Most of the bitching is "louder" on the internet. Ca is still a great place to live overall.

All that said, i'll move when i retire to either New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, or Texas. You can bet on that.


Bike or Cobra?
Established Member
Apr 3, 2004
Mountain View, CA
There should be another thread:
If you dont live in Cali, why do you care so much about all things california?

Some of you guys live on the other side of the country and bitch about this place all the time. Why does california hurt your feelings so much, did California steal your girlfriend? :(


it's soo-tack
Established Member
Nov 10, 2003
Fairmont, WV
I've only had to travel to cali for work, but every time I think of this song. Beautiful, but also my first introduction to smog.
I'm also locked into my state for the moment due to family. WV's economy is getting worse all the time. I figure once both kids are in college we'll leave the state so they don't feel tied to it.



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 3, 2005
Born and raised. I love it here. 1hr from sf and 1hr from Lake Tahoe. Can go snowboarding and see the ocean in one day.

Have a great paying job with the state and a pension. I can't complain.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Born and raised. I love it here. 1hr from sf and 1hr from Lake Tahoe. Can go snowboarding and see the ocean in one day.

Have a great paying job with the state and a pension. I can't complain.
we also pay ridiculous taxes, deal with the worse gun laws, and the most retarded democrats.


Established Member
Jun 21, 2003
For those with close family in southern CA, move to AZ. A visit is only a 6 hour drive or 1 hour flight from Phoenix. Cost of living here is good, city is growing, housing is affordable and we are among the most gun friendly states. Don't even have to have a permit to CC! But if you want to come here and slowly turn this state into CA kindly **** off. We have too many CA liberal transplants that are trying to ruin this place by demanding policy that turned CA to shit.

can i put a vmp tvs blower on my cobra and not worry about registration? if so, it's tempting!

on the other hand, maybe not...

because here is the single answer to the op's question: THE WEATHER.

i have lived in many places in this country (born and raised on long island, ny, have lived in nj, philly, florida, and other places along the east coast) but i will probably never leave here - regardless of all the bullshit - because it is just too damn nice outside, almost every single day of the year.

at least, that's the case for southern california.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 24, 2006
For me I don't leave because I love the fact that during the winter I can for the beach one day then go snowboarding the next..yeah we have dip shits running the state but dang there's just so much more to do here then other states


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
For me I don't leave because I love the fact that during the winter I can for the beach one day then go snowboarding the next..yeah we have dip shits running the state but dang there's just so much more to do here then other states
I say the same thing about my state, there's toms to do. I lived in San Diego for 2 years when I was stationed there as well. I had a good time of course because of the beaches but there are other places I loved more, mostly Washington and Virginia. The lack of rain and overall dryness wore on me in California, I absolutely hated it, but it was during the height of the drought. I'll take the rain in Washington for the year round lushness and perfect Summers when they eventually get here. Unfortunately, we give you guys a run for the money when it comes to incompetent state governments except for one thing which is gun rights.

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Brutal Metal

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2009
Largo Florida
Thank god I live in the south. It's all big tires, low cars, no cats, and guns for as far as you can ride.

Just watch out for the cottonmouths and water moccasins. They will chase your ass down (hence the guns).
No Cats as in converters or the feline animals? Probably both haha..


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
That is the problem with the border states. You can what has happened in Washington and Oregon with the transplants from the PRK. Only a matter of time till they get into Arizona and Nevada. I think Idaho would be to cold for them.

Well, you certainly cant be a pussy and move to AZ. The summer heat keeps most of the whiney liberals out of AZ. There is enough red here that ANY absurd blue policies or initiatives are shot down real quick. Phoenix doesnt **** around like that. Lmao, Tucson tried to pass a local gun ordinance for something and Phoenix state government proposed, voted, and got the bill SIGNED overturning and barring any local gun laws that are more restrictive than state law.

I left California as a single guy, no kids. Yes, I had the freedom to make a big life decision and act on it. I no doubt miss aspects of San Diego. The rest of CA can sink into the ocean for all I care, San Diego > rest of California. Even still the absurd state gun laws, beyond restrictive smog laws, all the goddamned taxes that get stolen from your paycheck... it was too much and I was knocking down $50k a year gross. Might not be much to many of you but it was enough. And then one year it wasnt.

I then realized the few beautiful things about San Diego did not outweigh the total shittiness of California for me. My dad and I were able to build a good relationship that we didnt have before I moved to CA and Ill always be thankful for that.

I missed RAIN, monsoons, thunder, lighting, non mag locked pistol gripped ARs and AKs, no 10 day wait on guns, normal gas pumps, standard capacity magazines, drum magazines for shotguns, free commerce without "CA compliant" items that literally are piles of shit compared to the 49 state version. Reasonable utilities, reasonable gas prices, good roads... Hell I make MORE per hour than I did in CA and i didnt even have to ask for it.

My time in CA was good for what it was, but it was always a finite length. Took me a while to realize that. I hope those that want to leave are able to do so. Life in the free states is as good as you think it is. Sure, there might not be the concentration of stuck up hot chicks, or be able to surf and snowboard in the same day. But if those are your only important aspects you want in a place to live.... hell maybe CA is the place for you.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 24, 2016
Helena MT
My daughter left to go to school in Montana and likely isn't coming back. By son quit his job, sold his house packed up his family and also moved to Montana. I'm currently looking for property up there. I can't stay in a state that I pay more in tax than I do to the feds.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 23, 2009
Sparks, NV
Leaving Billings MT next year for Reno NV to be closer to my wife's family. They live in CA and there was no way I could handle living there. NV was the best compromise we could come up with.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Well, you certainly cant be a pussy and move to AZ. The summer heat keeps most of the whiney liberals out of AZ. There is enough red here that ANY absurd blue policies or initiatives are shot down real quick. Phoenix doesnt **** around like that. Lmao, Tucson tried to pass a local gun ordinance for something and Phoenix state government proposed, voted, and got the bill SIGNED overturning and barring any local gun laws that are more restrictive than state law.

I left California as a single guy, no kids. Yes, I had the freedom to make a big life decision and act on it. I no doubt miss aspects of San Diego. The rest of CA can sink into the ocean for all I care, San Diego > rest of California. Even still the absurd state gun laws, beyond restrictive smog laws, all the goddamned taxes that get stolen from your paycheck... it was too much and I was knocking down $50k a year gross. Might not be much to many of you but it was enough. And then one year it wasnt.

I then realized the few beautiful things about San Diego did not outweigh the total shittiness of California for me. My dad and I were able to build a good relationship that we didnt have before I moved to CA and Ill always be thankful for that.

I missed RAIN, monsoons, thunder, lighting, non mag locked pistol gripped ARs and AKs, no 10 day wait on guns, normal gas pumps, standard capacity magazines, drum magazines for shotguns, free commerce without "CA compliant" items that literally are piles of shit compared to the 49 state version. Reasonable utilities, reasonable gas prices, good roads... Hell I make MORE per hour than I did in CA and i didnt even have to ask for it.

My time in CA was good for what it was, but it was always a finite length. Took me a while to realize that. I hope those that want to leave are able to do so. Life in the free states is as good as you think it is. Sure, there might not be the concentration of stuck up hot chicks, or be able to surf and snowboard in the same day. But if those are your only important aspects you want in a place to live.... hell maybe CA is the place for you.
san diego is ****ing titties, no doubt about it. There is no way in hell I could live up north or down south, WAY too expensive for housing and general living. One day if I'm lucky I'll retire and move to AZ or TX.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 24, 2012
And why do people move to California?
Because it's beautiful and doesn't have freezing winters (atleast in southern Cali, why would anyone move to northern Cali?).
Many Swedish people move to the southern parts of the US, mainly Cali or Florida only to escape the freezing winters. No sane Swede would move to Michigan for example. Like trading a green apple for another green apple, it's the same.

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