Why are women attracted to you?


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
They aren't. i have to trick them in to liking me. im only ever accidentally funny, im avg looking at best, and the only time i have any kind of money is the 3 hours after i get my income tax return deposited in to my account.

Me too...only I funny more often then not


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
Is this some sort of trick question? One of those ironic things I never get? Why are women attracted to me? Just in case you are serious:

Women are attracted to me because I _am_ Jim Snover. The brain, the shoulders, the xray-repair gig during the day, the Cobra in the garage, writing gig on the side, the amp building side-biz ... the only real question would be why any woman is not attracted to me. Seriously, I've had lesbians offer to switch sides for me.

If I have learned one thing as a Nurse...it is all the hot chicks work in radiology


Infinity Poster
Established Member
Dec 8, 2017
When I'm single, no women are attracted to me.

When I'm in a relationship? Totally different story. I cannot never figure that one out.
Put on a wedding ring and you become a challenge.

After playing an acoustic show one night I had a young lady come to my table, sit down, and order drinks. I reached over with my left hand to grab my water bottle, and to display my wedding ring. I was working, hot, and tired. My only words to her were, "I'm married". She grinned and replied with, "So".

I work with a lot of female artists. From time to time I sit in and play bass or guitar. We all generally stick together (the female vocalists use me as a deterrent to keep guys from hitting on them). Even with a woman at the table, and my ring on, I have had women walk up and ask me to dance.

I will admit, it's flattering. However, it wasn't so flattering when a blonde walked up behind me during a break one night while I was standing with my wife. This woman walked up, said great show, and when I turned my head to say thank you, she kissed me on the cheek. My wife was not as amused as I was.

Maybe it's the boots? Maybe it's the hair, or the Stetson hat? Then again, it could just be BEARD POWER.

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Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
How so? You realize not everyone lives in a bustling metropolis with 100K women to choose from, right?

Where I live there is one Walmart for 70 miles and one mall 100 miles away..

What’s your point? I’m in the middle of nowhere desert New Mexico

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