tough guy


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
these days, on a school campus, you really need to watch what you do. regardless of what your job title is. school police officers have much more authority for hands on situations of course but this excessive. he definitely knew that would not be tolerated and would cost him his job. im positive that has been gone over many times in training. he just lost his cool for whatever reason. and now it will likely cost him his job and the tax payers lots of $$.

its both their fault. his job for losing his cool and using excessive force. and her fault for not complying (if that was the case). these damn kids nowadays just done realize when you see someone with a badge coming, you stop what youre doing and pay attention. or be prepared to get manhandled or worse. my father warned me when i was a young kid. you stop and do as the police say or you may get the crap beat out of you and nobody is going to listen to you cry about it after. (that was before cell phone video cameras lol).

kids in these schools these days are foul mouth little Aholes with zero respect for authority. :nonono: my mom is a dean at a high school and i get to hear these wonderful stories on a weekly basis. luckily shes at a school where there are very very few bad kids. she has it pretty easy. usually its the parents' fault. they raise their kids to think theyre super special and dont have to do what people tell them. my mom tells me about having conferences with a kid and their mother and the kid will talk shit or cuss her out right in front of the mom/dad and they dont really say anything. or the parent blames the teacher/school for whatever happened. its ridiculous and makes being a teacher these days really suck. and they wonder why they cant find enough people. :nonono:

Looks like she has her college tuition paid for by the taxpayers, no thanks to that neanderthal with a badge.

yep :nonono:

Probably another 'no-respect mouthpiece kid' - times have changed for sure and people of fed up with it

agreed. unfortunately cop lost his cool and will pay for it.

How many of you older guys remember this:
No matter what punishment you received at school for getting in trouble,
it was Nothing compared to what was waiting for you when you got home. :cryying:

i do. i wouldnt even want to go home lol

Calling police over kid fights is stupid. Looks like that girl may have bit down on his hand or arm so he threw her? Not sure, thank god she's almost white though.

most middle schools have a full time school police officer on campus full time these days. especially in schools with large populations. with lawsuits running rampant the only people who really can risk getting involved are the school police officer and an administrator. everyone else risks losing their job. its sad :nonono:

big reg

Gets his shit pushed in
Established Member
May 25, 2004
Brunswick NY
I love all the internet bad asses condoning this. Regardless of what she said or did she is a ****ing 12yr old girl. Had it been a grown man, **** him. I wouldn't condone it but I sure wouldn't complain about it. Imagine your daughter or sister on the other end. I don't care what she said or did, she is a ****ing 12yr old girl and he is a full grown man with at least some semblance of training in how to deal with more threatening subjects than her.

Disclaimer, I have friends and family in law enforcement and would tell them the same thing.


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
Maybe you all should try reading the story that goes along with it:

It seems the girl was attempting to meet another girl to have a discussion about some things between them. The cop intervened for whatever reason, and the video is what ensued. There's no mention that she was being placed under arrest, therefore, it can't be assumed she was resisting arrest.

In short, there was no reason for what occurred.

EDIT: Well, unless you're OK with a cop assuming something is going to take place, and then bodyslamming her based on that assumption. :rolleyes:

Yeah, the girl that had been suspended so many times for fighting already that her and her mom were warned that the next time she's going to jail was just meeting up with another girl to "have a discussion" about the other girl talking bad about her. Give me a break. As far as resisting, other kids said she was kicking the cop. The girl taking the video even tells the girl to calm down as the video starts.

Probably just an innocent girl that was strolling along minding her business when the big bad cop jumped her.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
Yeah, the girl that had been suspended so many times for fighting already that her and her mom were warned that the next time she's going to jail was just meeting up with another girl to "have a discussion" about the other girl talking bad about her. Give me a break. As far as resisting, other kids said she was kicking the cop. The girl taking the video even tells the girl to calm down as the video starts.

Probably just an innocent girl that was strolling along minding her business when the big bad cop jumped her.

Think what you want. I'm going off what was written, not assumptions that fit my narrative.

Maybe if a kid in your family gets slammed you'll feel different.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 26, 2005
when the police ask you to do something and you don't do it, I don't feel bad for what happens to you. they have better things to do then deal with your stupid shit.

I've dealt with the police enough to know they don't want things to get ugly. but they will do what it takes to control any situation.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
When the big men of SVTP stoop lower than the denizens of Camaro5.

EXactly! A bunch of ****ing neck beards! How big of a ****ing sociopath do you have to be to think that a grown man slamming a 12 YEAR OLD GIRL face first onto some bricks is ok??? It's not like he didn't have her under control! He had her in a reverse bear hug with her damned feet dangling off the ground, for crying out loud! What POSSIBLE reason could there be to slam a preteen girl face first onto a brick sidewalk???? This cop is a piece of shit, and the people condoning his actions are even bigger pieces of shit.


Established Member
Apr 8, 2009
Northern Cuba
A skinny 12 year old girl is giving a big, bad, male cop such a hard time that he has to exert himself to control her. I couldn't imagine how weak he is. A 12 year old girl can be shrugged off like an insect. Can you imagine how ****ed he would be if he had to deal with an actual adult criminal? He'll more than likely get his ass kicked.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
A skinny 12 year old girl is giving a big, bad, male cop such a hard time that he has to exert himself to control her. I couldn't imagine how weak he is. A 12 year old girl can be shrugged off like an insect. Can you imagine how ****ed he would be if he had to deal with an actual adult criminal? He'll more than likely get his ass kicked.

Nah. He'd just start shooting and say he feared for his life.


Posting from The Shadow's
Established Member
Mar 23, 2011
Lot's of assumptions in this thread as well. Well maybe she did this, or maybe she did that, well she did this back then....The evidence here is that a FULL GROWN MAN WITH POLICE TRAINING is slamming a 12 YEAR OLD FACE FIRST INTO THE CONCRETE>>>PERIOD. Whats next ? Hey that 6 year old stuck his tongue out at me. I'll grab em by their head and choke slam em to the ground. That'll teach him. Heck the child could have spit on me ! I mean if I let them get away with sticking a tongue out, who knows what they will do next !!!


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Yeah, the girl that had been suspended so many times for fighting already that her and her mom were warned that the next time she's going to jail was just meeting up with another girl to "have a discussion" about the other girl talking bad about her. Give me a break. As far as resisting, other kids said she was kicking the cop. The girl taking the video even tells the girl to calm down as the video starts.

Probably just an innocent girl that was strolling along minding her business when the big bad cop jumped her.

Sinister this is a lot of assumptions in your post. Where did it say she was suspended "so many times" There was one other incident where she was suspended for apparently defending herself. They also didn't specify that it was the little girl in question that kicked the officer, just that he "was kicked while getting between the girls". Now if their talking about him being kicked while he had her in the full ****ing nelson be flailed around, well that's just silly.


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
Think what you want. I'm going off what was written, not assumptions that fit my narrative.

Maybe if a kid in your family gets slammed you'll feel different.

That's what was reported. Whether or not it's true, who knows?

Sinister this is a lot of assumptions in your post. Where did it say she was suspended "so many times" There was one other incident where she was suspended for apparently defending herself. They also didn't specify that it was the little girl in question that kicked the officer, just that he "was kicked while getting between the girls". Now if their talking about him being kicked while he had her in the full ****ing nelson be flailed around, well that's just silly.

I read in one of the articles where they asked the mother if she "had been in fights before" and she said "yes." If she was only suspended for 1 fight, ok. From one of the articles: "KSAT reported that a group of students claimed that Valdez kicked the officer several times before he grabbed her."


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
My pet chihuaha, spilled water outside his food bowl. Im gonna punt kick / field goal him, over the backyard fence. That will teach that litfle ****er!


100% full natty brah
Established Member
Jul 12, 2005
completely justified.. the officer was just trying to get home to his family. After all, we didnt see what happened before the the vid started. The girl could have been carrying a dangerous assualt weapon in her hello kitty backpack.


Established Member
Jun 21, 2003
sinister it's not a question of whether she is in the wrong or not, im sure she is. I am sure she is a trouble-making, back-talking, snotty-ass kid who defies all authority and instigated the whole thing. I’m sure she deserves all the punishment that’s coming to her.

to me the issue is WHAT the cop did. how many of us over 18 on this board couldn't subdue a 12 yo without having to resort to knocking them out? sure, they might be spitting at me, trying to kick me in the shins or whatever, but am I really gonna lose my cool over that? its a matter of size/strength differential. that cop had to have 75 lbs on her, yet he body-slams her to the cement head-first.

It’s just a kid, for chrissakes


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
sinister it's not a question of whether she is in the wrong or not, im sure she is. I am sure she is a trouble-making, back-talking, snotty-ass kid who defies all authority and instigated the whole thing. I’m sure she deserves all the punishment that’s coming to her.

to me the issue is WHAT the cop did. how many of us over 18 on this board couldn't subdue a 12 yo without having to resort to knocking them out? sure, they might be spitting at me, trying to kick me in the shins or whatever, but am I really gonna lose my cool over that? its a matter of size/strength differential. that cop had to have 75 lbs on her, yet he body-slams her to the cement head-first.

It’s just a kid, for chrissakes

I agree completely, on all counts. Just playing devil's advocate. :) :beer:
Feb 15, 2004
lol...cop is a dummy and out of control and here is why:

He lost control...didn't have any situational awareness. If he did he would of known all those little ****ing brats have cell phones. Walk her out calmly. Get her in the car drive a block away...then chop that little bitch in the throat a few times.

See...problem solved.

Everything you posted is true. Some of these jokers are programmed to respond almost robotically to every situation and also operate with the presumption that the 'Law' will defend their unnecessary actions every time. And some have ZERO ability to critically think and assess what their response to the situation should be.

And everyone is so presumptuous about the upbringing of some of these 'outlaw kids' like the ones in the video. Some of the kids today are growing up with some serious emotional problems for many different reasons.

That cop shouldn't be fired, but he certainly doesn't belong among juveniles in a government school. That one in particular doesn't understand why police are supposed to exist in the first place. And maybe that dude should start pumping iron if he's too weak to control a child like that and has to resort to dangerous take down moves.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2007
Lot's of assumptions in this thread as well. Well maybe she did this, or maybe she did that, well she did this back then....The evidence here is that a FULL GROWN MAN WITH POLICE TRAINING is slamming a 12 YEAR OLD FACE FIRST INTO THE CONCRETE>>>PERIOD. Whats next ? Hey that 6 year old stuck his tongue out at me. I'll grab em by their head and choke slam em to the ground. That'll teach him. Heck the child could have spit on me ! I mean if I let them get away with sticking a tongue out, who knows what they will do next !!!

Welcome to the world I grew up in. Everyone knew the rules, those who acted in a disrespectful manner were corrected and put back on the path. There were fewer self righteous idiots back then.

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