Sugar, Obesity and Diabetes: The Great American Health Epidemic


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
I finally got around to watching the documentary "Fed Up" today. It was recommended by a friend quite some time ago. I was intrigued and horrified at what I saw. My curiosity is definitely piqued. I did think it was pretty good and knowledgeable.

For those of you who have not sen the documentary, you can see the trailer on their website, but since I'd like this to remain a roadside discussion I am not embedding the link to it.

For those that have, please weigh in with your thoughts and views.

To sum it up, basically it was trying to get to the point that America has seen a drastic increase in obesity and Type 2 diabetes over the last 30 years.

Talking points
  • 80% of all high school cafeteria's in the USA have contracts with soft drink manufacturers (Coke or Pepsi).
  • America extorted the WHO (World Health Organization) into not publishing a report based on withholding $460 million to aid in a global effort to fight obesity.
  • The sugar companies intentionally target susceptible children (candy aisles, candy racks at the registers at every store, gas station, movie theatres, even at Office Max, Office Depot, and other such stores. There's always candy and chips and soda available at just about every type of store these days. They also use cartoons, movies and animations (Dora, Tony the Tiger, Captain Crunch, The Flintstones) with in which to target youth audiences.
  • Sugar is slowly poisoning our society
  • Companies hide sugars under different names (dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, glycose and many many other names).
  • Sugar values on the label of each food item do not come with a recommended daily percentage intake value.
  • A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains the equivalent of approximately 17 teaspoons of sugar.
  • In the United States, it is estimated that 93 Million Americans are affected by obesity.
  • One soda a day increases a child’s chance of obesity by 60%
  • Individuals who drink one to two sugar-sweetened beverages per day have a 26 percent higher risk for developing type II diabetes.
  • Kids watch an average of 4000 food-related ads every year (10/day).
  • 98% of food related ads that children view (3920/year) are for products high in fat, sugar, sodium.
  • There is overwhelming evidence of the link between obesity and the consumption of sweetened beverages, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, sweet teas, and sports drinks.
  • More than 9 Million adolescents (children and teens 6-19 years old) are considered overweight.
  • in the 1970's and 1980's 1 in 20 children were obese. Today 1 in 10 children are obese. By 2050, in 1 in 3 children are expected to be obese.
  • Americans consume 130-150 "POUNDS" of sugar on a yearly basis. Compared to just 4-5 pounds in the 1700's.
  • In the 70's and 80's there was a movement to serve "fat-free foods", however, those foods didn't taste very good and so companies resorted to dumping sugars into those foods to make them taste better and to increase popularity and sales.
  • There's over 600,000 different forms of foods in grocery stores nationwide. 80% of those foods...contain sugar in some form or fashion.
  • Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine

These talking points all come from the video or the website and these are just some of them, but not all of them. These will barely even crack the surface.

The past year has been pretty eye opening for me in terms of health and my future. I quit drinking caffeinated soda in March. I do buy a 12 pack of Mugs Up Caffeine free root beer about once every 2 months and it lasts that entire period of time. I drink sprite when I'm sick, but for the most part, I drink water and nothing but water, and a few mike's hard lemonades on my days off. I used to drink gatorade, welch's grape juice and lemonade, but I've cut those out because they were all entirely too sugary or had aspartame in them.

My sugar intake has been drastically reduced. I don't buy snack cakes, cookies, or anything high in sugar content. I still grab a candy bar or two every now and then. But the more I learn about the poison that is sugar, the less I am desiring these things. I check every label for sugar content, if it says sugar free I see if aspartame or other artificial sweeteners are in there, and if they are, I don't buy them. I've even been cutting out my beloved ice cream and snickers ice creams bars little by little. I don't know as much as I'd like to and I'm learning slowly. I try to buy fresh fruits and vegetables weekly. I try to avoid boxed meals (like hamburger helper), shells and cheese, and such and I try to make home cooked meals from scratch. Vegetable soup, romaine salads with fresh cucumbers, homemade chili, meatloaf, spaghetti, cheeseburger casserole, tuna noodle casserole, and I'm sure even some of that isn't good for me either.

With all the things going on in our society, it's amazing this isn't being talked about more than it is. It's amazing this country isn't in an uproar. Somehow this is quietly festering on the back burner.

One on side the government is subsidizing obesity, diabetes as well as the sugar companies, and in their nutrition campaigns, they are encouraging healthier eating and reducing sugar and fat intake. seems contradictory to me.

and since this is somewhat related as artificial sugars are a form of sugar that are just as dangerous, I'll link to an older thread on here about aspartame that I found when running a search to make sure this hadn't already been talked about, because this is just as relevant to this discussion.!!!&highlight=Sugar

For 50 years the tobacco companies lied and hid the deadly effects of smoking cigarettes from the general public, denied there was any health and cancer risks, and then in the end, they were exposed and forked out BILLIONS of dollars in lawsuits, education of the public, and contributing to campaigns to help people to stop smoking and they were forbidden from advertising on billboards, at sports events, on television, in magazines and the like.

I honestly see the same thing happening with sugar/junk food/soda/candy in the next 20-30 years. I know no one wants to the government to interfere with their personal lives and decisions, but at what point does it really become enough? All the sugar supporters come out with the same lines...

Government doesn't need to be in everyone's life
Government doesn't need to control this or that
The sugar/candy/soda companies can police themselves
Parents needs to be more responsible (yes, I agree, but many out there don't know what they need to know to make the right decisions for their children).

Unfortunately, I think the government does need to do something here. What? I don't know, I don't have all the answers. But the sugar companies aren't in business to care about anyone's health. They're in business to make money and they will do it any way they can, i.e. lobbyists, political connections and favors, bribery, extortion and the like, even if it comes at the risk of the health of their consumers.

If one of the talking points I listed above comes true such as 1 in 3 will be obese by 2050,...think of the repercussions that will affect this nation. That would be approximately 1/3rd of the nation's current population (which will no doubt expand greatly by 2050).

who will be eligible to serve in the military? will there be enough people to fulfill the roles that the military requires?
to be first responders to emergency situations?
LEO's, Firefighters, EMT's?

some of these jobs and careers require health standards, fitness standards and we all know our physical, psychological and emotional health are all tied together.

Think of the financial crisis this epidemic will place upon our Health Care programs (ObamaCare, Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance, Employer based Insurance and the like). It used to be 40 and 50 year olds were having surgeries to control their extreme weight we have 12-15 year old children getting these surgeries. :(

Even now, studies continue to come out supporting that sugar, high fructose corn syrups, dextrose and all these other types of sugars are responsible for many of the cancers we are seeing in today's world.

We truly have the Great American Health Pandemic on our hands.

But honestly, what can we do to eat better and take better care of ourselves? To make better eating and health choices? How do we insure we get the RIGHT information when there's so much misinformation out there?

As a side note, are there knowledgeable people on here who can give advice on where to shop for non-processed foods that don't have sugar added? That don't have alternative sugars or different types of sugars dumped into the foods? Tips to eating better and making healthier food choices when shopping and eating out? I'd like to hear them, and maybe so do some others on here that aren't knowledgeable on these subjects.


u even lift bro?
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 8, 2010
It's all personal, government shouldn't have to do anything. There is healthy foods out there. Children can bring a packed lunch. If anything I blame it on parents and in general people being over lazy. People need to start reading the nutritional facts if they actually care. Oh I'm headed to the gym for the second time today. Am I bragging? No. Am I better than others for my doing so? Heck no.

In saying that I'd like to watch the documentary, can I find it on tv?
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 7, 2010
It's all personal, government shouldn't have to do anything. There is healthy foods out there. Children can bring a packed lunch. If anything I blame it on parents and in general people being over lazy. People need to start reading the nutritional facts if they actually care. Oh I'm headed to the gym for the second time today. Am I bragging? No. Am I better than others for my doing so? Heck no.

In saying that I'd like to watch the documentary, can I find it on tv?



Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
It's all personal, government shouldn't have to do anything. There is healthy foods out there. Children can bring a packed lunch. If anything I blame it on parents and in general people being over lazy. People need to start reading the nutritional facts if they actually care. Oh I'm headed to the gym for the second time today. Am I bragging? No. Am I better than others for my doing so? Heck no.

In saying that I'd like to watch the documentary, can I find it on tv?

I thought the same as you before I watched the documentary, but my perspective has changed a little bit since watching it. The poverty classes don't have the resources to get good quality information to make good educated choices. I'm middle class and educated, and I still have trouble sorting through the information and misinformation.

How do these people get quality and correct info, when a lot of what they are being taught, were taught or have been taught is wrong?

It's on Netflix Up?jbv=70299287&jbp=0&jbr=0

Amazon Video

not sure if it's on RedBox. but you can also buy it on amazon.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
guys, it's all on the parents. We need to raise our children to eat healthy. It's not ****ing rocket science. Pack your kid a healthy lunch. No real soda, no cookies, no candy, no sugar. Instead of letting your kids play video games, take them to the park. Promote sports. Promote skateboarding or bicycle riding.

With the combination of fast food and no physical activity, no wonder American's are so ****ing fat.

el jefe 302

Making all kinds of gainz
Established Member
Nov 30, 2012
United States
The poverty classes don't have the resources to get good quality information to make good educated choices.
How do these people get quality and correct info, when a lot of what they are being taught, were taught or have been taught is wrong?

It's a damn shame.. locked into a class and can't improve their situation. How do we help these people planter? We need to give them access to quality resources before it's too late!

Come on man, there are resources if your resourceful. It's personal accountability if you're an adult and parental accountability for kids. Targeting children is not a new marketing tactic, I remember buying candy cigarettes from the ice cream truck. Did that make me grow up to be a smoker? Umm nope. Parents control what their kids eat and do on their freetime. Kids sitting in front of a electronic device all day is more of an epidemic. Well that and societal degradation, look at how many dudes are chopping parts off now adays.*jab*

The human body runs off of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Now there are good fats and bad fats but generally if you do research you know the difference and maintain exercise (this is key!) you will be healthy.

Moderation for most is a thing of the past, everything is way too accessible. My kid knows that candy is bad for him, does he eat candy everyday? Nope. Does he want to? Nope. If he does something above and beyond in school I.E. aces a test. He gets rewarded... in moderation. Many kids today are spoiled and don't understand hard work or if you screw up there are real world consequences. Oh and if the weather is good, he's outside running around, like what kids are supposed to be doing.

I'm trying to keep it on topic, however what we are seeing in most of todays society (rainbow parties, kids doing drugs) is from *IMO a lack of parents who PARENT not be their kids best friend. So with this mindset sugar is just another piece in a much bigger puzzle. Lack of stand up parents... that's the real epidemic.

But hey i'm just a humble guy who plays the fool. :thumbsup: :beer:

*EDIT* nxhappy beat me to it! :-D
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
It's a damn shame.. locked into a class and can't improve their situation. How do we help these people planter? We need to give them access to quality resources before it's too late!

Come on man, there are resources if your resourceful. It's personal accountability if you're an adult and parental accountability for kids. Targeting children is not a new marketing tactic, I remember buying candy cigarettes from the ice cream truck. Did that make me grow up to be a smoker? Umm nope. Parents control what their kids eat and do on their freetime. Kids sitting in front of a electronic device all day is more of an epidemic. Well that and societal degradation, look at how many dudes are chopping parts off now adays.*jab*

The human body runs off of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Now there are good fats and bad fats but generally if you do research you know the difference and maintain exercise (this is key!) you will be healthy.

Moderation is a thing of the past, everything is way too accessible. My kid knows that candy is bad for him, does he eat candy everyday? Nope. Does he want to? Nope. If he does something above and beyond in school I.E. aces a test. He gets rewarded... in moderation. Many kids today are spoiled and don't understand hard work or if you screw up there are real world consequences.

I'm trying to keep it on topic however what we are seeing in most of todays society (rainbow parties, kids doing drugs) is from IMO, a lack of parents who PARENT not be their kids best friend. So with this mindset sugar is just another piece in a much bigger puzzle. Lack of stand up parents... that's the real epidemic.

But hey i'm just a humble guy who plays the fool. :thumbsup: :beer:

*EDIT* nxhappy beat me to it! :-D

Well said sir. Very nice way to put it.

Here's my take: about your freaking brain. I dont give a S where in this country your are born, you have it made.

Knowledge/information...use your Obama phone to google something worth knowing.

EVERYBODY knows what foods make you fat or are unhealthy.

I love it when people say obesity is a disease.

Ive got a cure for you. Lettuce and water.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 28, 2012
Charlotte, NC
guys, it's all on the parents. We need to raise our children to eat healthy. It's not ****ing rocket science. Pack your kid a healthy lunch. No real soda, no cookies, no candy, no sugar. Instead of letting your kids play video games, take them to the park. Promote sports. Promote skateboarding or bicycle riding.

With the combination of fast food and no physical activity, no wonder American's are so ****ing fat.

I 100% agree its all on the parents and that is what determines if kids will be overweight or not. I disagree with the bolded part about the no sugar, candy, cookies, etc. Everything is ok in moderation. I ate plenty of that stuff as a kid but I was very active, played sports and was outside every day. The difference is now kids have all these electronics, videos games, cellphones and parents prefer to give them those because its easier to keep them occupied. Its a lot more work dropping kids off at practice every day. Its all about how you are raised.


Who's your Daddy!
Established Member
Mar 18, 2003
Motor City
I look at sugar content more than anything when I shop. Sugar is in just about everything, take a look at the bread you eat. I was buying Greek Yogurt for the protein content, not looking at the 19g of Sugar in it, almost 5 cubes of sugar. I switch to another brand of Greek yogurt that had the same protein and only 6 grams.

Look at the labels in all the food you buy, crazy where sugar is.

My kids never buy lunch at school, I make it for them which they prefer.


Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
#NSNG - do that and eat real food and you'll be fine. It's more expensive and takes more work, but is worth it IMO.

It's all personal, government shouldn't have to do anything. There is healthy foods out there. Children can bring a packed lunch. If anything I blame it on parents and in general people being over lazy. People need to start reading the nutritional facts if they actually care. Oh I'm headed to the gym for the second time today. Am I bragging? No. Am I better than others for my doing so? Heck no.

In saying that I'd like to watch the documentary, can I find it on tv?

It would be nice if the gov didn't subsidize sugars and grains.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
We don't need government to tell us how to eat, we just need people do take accountability for what they choose to eat. If you eat McDonalds 3 meals a day, and never exercise, you're going to get fat. Uncle Sam doesn't need to step in to prevent you from doing so.

Everything in moderation is ok, IMHO. Are sugars bad for you? yes. So are a lot of other things, but a little bit here and there won't kill you. Hell, white bread is bad for people too, yet I bet most here eat quite a bit of it. Choosing what foods/beverages you eat/drink purely off of sugar content isn't the answer.

I don't eat any candy really. I have the occasional dark chocolate, and frozen yogurt. I drink lots of tea. In the summer, there isn't anything better than a nice cold sweet tea, and in the winter I like a hot tea with a small amount of sugar. I drink lots of water as well though. I drink sodas when I have to eat out for lunch or something if they don't have an iced tea I like. I consider myself to be pretty healthy despite all that sugar. I am not diabetic, nor am I obese. My weight was actually on the LOW side of healthy due to all the exercise I had. I was always active. I am less active in sports and things now, but still a healthy normal weight.


because racecar....crash
Established Member
Mar 30, 2009
Follow the money. That's all you ever have to do.

I watched 'Fed Up' and they made note of how the big craze in the 80's was to remove fat from products being sold to make them appear healthier. However, once you take away the fat, foods don't taste so good. So they added sugar.

Guess what your body also treats as sugar, starch once broken down.

Starches and Sugar are far worse than any fatty steak a person could eat. Which has lead to our current diabetic epidemic.

I try to limit sugar intake in our household. Nothing extreme, but i make damn sure to be mindful of how much sugar me and my family eat.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 26, 2005
houston area
I think many people on this site don't have a true understanding of what it is like to be poor.
Since all of us have toy cars we spend disposable incomes on it is hard to relate to the struggles of the poor.

Should there be personal accountability, sure. 100%
Should there also be responsibility on our government as well, absolutely. The poor are a target rich environment for capitalism and making the best decision can be difficult when you don't know who to trust. Lobbyists fight for their companies so that they can not be regulated, misinform the public, and use sub-par ingredients for profits. This is where the government should play a role, keeping companies honest.
Local governments should play a larger role in quality nutrition in schools and our tax dollars should not be used to support an obesity epidemic that jsut drains our local resources even more.


because racecar....crash
Established Member
Mar 30, 2009
I think many people on this site don't have a true understanding of what it is like to be poor.
Since all of us have toy cars we spend disposable incomes on it is hard to relate to the struggles of the poor.

Should there be personal accountability, sure. 100%
Should there also be responsibility on our government as well, absolutely. The poor are a target rich environment for capitalism and making the best decision can be difficult when you don't know who to trust. Lobbyists fight for their companies so that they can not be regulated, misinform the public, and use sub-par ingredients for profits. This is where the government should play a role, keeping companies honest.
Local governments should play a larger role in quality nutrition in schools and our tax dollars should not be used to support an obesity epidemic that jsut drains our local resources even more.

being poor isn't an excuse not to have knowledge. and don't use the excuse that poor people don't have access to the internet. I see food stamp paying ebt card using mf'ers with iphones and what not. nothing is stopping them from learning how to eat healthy.

healthy foods are not more expensive than processed or fast food, just takes a bit more effort.


Unofficial Glass Tech
Established Member
Jul 20, 2015
Gray, LA
being poor isn't an excuse not to have knowledge. and don't use the excuse that poor people don't have access to the internet. I see food stamp paying ebt card using mf'ers with iphones and what not. nothing is stopping them from learning how to eat healthy.

healthy foods are not more expensive than processed or fast food, just takes a bit more effort.

in the culture of which you described, intelligence is looked down upon.. that is why, in that culture, the only valid way to become rich is to sell drugs or play ball..

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