Here we go...another school shooting: Nashville


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Honestly, I think a lot of it is the Cancer we call social media. It infects the minds of the weak. It helps these people find each other, join forces and communicate. Helps them recruit, get their messages out to the masses.

You can say the exact same thing about organized religion.

Given the choice, Ill take religion and the values it teaches over social media any day of the week and 5x on Sunday. This all goes back to good vs evil, right vs wrong, truth vs relativism.

At some point everyone will be forced to pick a side. It can be argued that if you don't pick religion, you are picking social media and the leftist ideology. Good luck in your choice.


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
@Deceptive ya man’s in here running wild again hahahahahaha

And puhlease spare me the ‘it’s cuz them damn vidja games!’ Schtick. Grand theft auto has been around 30 years. Most ‘violent’ game. I’ve been beating hookers with baseball bats on GTA for 20+ years to get my ****ing money back lololol . I’ve never shot up a school.

I think as stated it’s a mental health issue, exacerbated by social media, and absentee parenting

People forget

Mortal Kombat
Duke Nukem



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
This. Social media has completely mind ****ed the youth. IMO, social media (MS, FB, twitter, instagram etc) is easily one of the worst things to happen to modern society.

Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app

It doesn’t help. The break down of the civic structure and the family unit is the bigger issue and has been happening for decades.


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Sep 14, 2008
There is clearly a massive decay of morals happening in society that seems to do nothing but get exponentially worse by the day. Not sure I'd pin it all on the exitance of video games or social media. The history scholars 200 years from now will figure out where we went wrong when they are studying the fall of America though.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
@Deceptive ya man’s in here running wild again hahahahahaha

He is the type that would commit some ungodly crime and spout off that he did it to expose the lizard people.

I don’t understand how people like him are able to exist in society. Too many safety nets in society.

For that WAP, Tyre was willing to change his pronouns to was/were.


Established Member
Premium Member
Aug 31, 2005
It doesn’t help. The break down of the civic structure and the family unit is the bigger issue and has been happening for decades.

Definitely. In reality these are all large slices of the “America is ****ed” pie.

However the media would tell you its actually straight white males, toxic masculinity, republicans and christianity.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
If you hate your life and everyone so much you just want to hurt people, fine. But kids?
These people crave attention. That's really the extent of their motivation to shoot kids. It's the easiest way to martyr themselves. Liberals absolutely love standing on a soap box so everyone can see them being righteous, conservatives love dressing up in tacti-cool so everyone knows how bad ass they are, we spend all day refreshing social media and websites like these seeing if someone liked our post or pictures. Everyone is pretending. It makes us feel good. Then you get some sick piece of shit that isn't getting the attention, they're lost, they hurt, and they blame society....and what better way to get back at society than to be seen making society suffer. It gives them a sense of power and they eyeballs they crave.

To your point about video's not video games per se but society's glorification of the power violence brings the oppressed. Society made it cool to be a service member with PTSD, a bullied kid that snaps, a broken and tortured soul redeeming themselves with power.....society glorified the feeling of power that comes with snapping and taking control. Falling Down, Primal Fear, American Beauty, etc, etc. Bad-ass and mean people are glorified, not nice people. Nice, good people are jokes.

The athletes, music, and media stars we look up to are all degenerates. Violent rioters are virtuous heroes. Sexual deviants that murder the unborn are brave. Black people that embrace a culture of crime, rape, drugs, violence, and murder are oppressed victims. Trans people are mentally sane, they're brave, virtuous, wonderful people. We've successfully convinced an entire generation that nothing is their fault, they're winners even when they lose, and that they're oppressed and victimized by everyone more successful than them. It's not their fault that they're sad, someone is doing it to them. It's cool to have anxiety, embrace it, you are a hero for being unable to cope with every day life. Then they watch videos of these shooters going out on their shield and in their sick minds it's their path to power, fame, and redemption. They think they are oppressed and virtuous warriors instead of the weak, disgusting pieces of shit that they really are.

I don't think people realize just how far gone society is right now.

The TLDR of it is this....look at the state of society right now. How are you not surprised that this type of behavior is happening? The modern world is disease ridden and sick.
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Established Member
Premium Member
Aug 31, 2005
These people crave attention. That's really the extent of their motivation to shoot kids. It's the easiest way to martyr themselves. Liberals absolutely love standing on a soap box so everyone can see them being righteous, conservatives love dressing up in tacti-cool so everyone knows how bad ass they are, we spend all day refreshing social media and websites like these seeing if someone liked our post or pictures. Everyone is pretending. It makes us feel good. Then you get some sick piece of shit that isn't getting the attention, they're lost, they hurt, and they blame society....and what better way to get back at society than to be seen making society suffer. It gives them a sense of power and they eyeballs they crave.

To your point about video's not video games per se but society's glorification of the power violence brings the oppressed. Society made it cool to be a service member with PTSD, a bullied kid that snaps, a broken and tortured soul redeeming themselves with power.....society glorified the feeling of power that comes with snapping and taking control. Falling Down, Primal Fear, American Beauty, etc, etc. Bad-ass and mean people are glorified, not nice people. Nice, good people are jokes.

The athletes, music, and media stars we look up to are all degenerates. Violent rioters are virtuous heroes. Sexual deviants that murder the unborn are brave. Black people that embrace a culture of crime, rape, drugs, violence, and murder are oppressed victims. Trans people are mentally sane, they're brave, virtuous, wonderful people. We've successfully convinced an entire generation that nothing is their fault, they're winners even when they lose, and that they're oppressed and victimized by everyone more successful than them. It's not their fault that they're sad, someone is doing it to them. It's cool to have anxiety, embrace it, you are a hero for being unable to cope with every day life. Then they watch videos of these shooters going out on their shield and in their sick minds it's their path to power, fame, and redemption. They think they are oppressed and virtuous warriors instead of the weak, disgusting pieces of shit that they really are.

I don't think people realize just how far gone society is right now.

The TLDR of it is this....look at the state of society right now. How are you not surprised that this type of behavior is happening? The modern world is disease ridden and sick.

Nicely put. I would also like to add when its all said and done (in regards to mass shootings themselves) then the media parades it around for days and days which basically “enshrines” the shooter. Everything they always wanted.

I bet anyone who half pays attention can name quite a few mass shooters. But can they name 1-2 victims by name. I’m going to bet that the percentage is fairly low.

Sent from my iPhone using the mobile app

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
I bet anyone who half pays attention can name quite a few mass shooters. But can they name 1-2 victims by name. I’m going to bet that the percentage is fairly low.
That's a safe bet. My childhood friend's son was in the second 1st grade classroom Adam Lanza walked into. Her son survived but I can't name a single victim.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 11, 2003
Joliet, IL
These people crave attention. That's really the extent of their motivation to shoot kids. It's the easiest way to martyr themselves. Liberals absolutely love standing on a soap box so everyone can see them being righteous, conservatives love dressing up in tacti-cool so everyone knows how bad ass they are, we spend all day refreshing social media and websites like these seeing if someone liked our post or pictures. Everyone is pretending. It makes us feel good. Then you get some sick piece of shit that isn't getting the attention, they're lost, they hurt, and they blame society....and what better way to get back at society than to be seen making society suffer. It gives them a sense of power and they eyeballs they crave.

To your point about video's not video games per se but society's glorification of the power violence brings the oppressed. Society made it cool to be a service member with PTSD, a bullied kid that snaps, a broken and tortured soul redeeming themselves with power.....society glorified the feeling of power that comes with snapping and taking control. Falling Down, Primal Fear, American Beauty, etc, etc. Bad-ass and mean people are glorified, not nice people. Nice, good people are jokes.

The athletes, music, and media stars we look up to are all degenerates. Violent rioters are virtuous heroes. Sexual deviants that murder the unborn are brave. Black people that embrace a culture of crime, rape, drugs, violence, and murder are oppressed victims. Trans people are mentally sane, they're brave, virtuous, wonderful people. We've successfully convinced an entire generation that nothing is their fault, they're winners even when they lose, and that they're oppressed and victimized by everyone more successful than them. It's not their fault that they're sad, someone is doing it to them. It's cool to have anxiety, embrace it, you are a hero for being unable to cope with every day life. Then they watch videos of these shooters going out on their shield and in their sick minds it's their path to power, fame, and redemption. They think they are oppressed and virtuous warriors instead of the weak, disgusting pieces of shit that they really are.

I don't think people realize just how far gone society is right now.

The TLDR of it is this....look at the state of society right now. How are you not surprised that this type of behavior is happening? The modern world is disease ridden and sick.

Wow. Well written sir.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Little Elm, TX
I have a cousin who is 24, graduated OU, grew up in a very well off family, never had a real job (to this day), lives like an influencer off daddy’s money. Her dad (my uncle) is one of the nicest guys, super hard working, has like 9 different businesses he owns and operates, and hundreds of people rely on him. His wife (and youngest daughter in this post here) are raging alcoholic liberals who throw tantrums about the slightest little thing. I put up with their dumb asses to be able to hang out with my uncle who is a fantastic human being, but in his late 60’s won’t hit the reset button and divorce her, which also mean daughter would never speak to him again. Anyway, she posted this dumb shit on Facebook today, and her dad’s cousin (in her 60’s) is who she calls “sweetie”, and in a total bitch way if you knew her.



Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
I have a cousin who is 24, graduated OU, grew up in a very well off family, never had a real job (to this day), lives like an influencer off daddy’s money. Her dad (my uncle) is one of the nicest guys, super hard working, has like 9 different businesses he owns and operates, and hundreds of people rely on him. His wife (and youngest daughter in this post here) are raging alcoholic liberals who throw tantrums about the slightest little thing. I put up with their dumb asses to be able to hang out with my uncle who is a fantastic human being, but in his late 60’s won’t hit the reset button and divorce her, which also mean daughter would never speak to him again. Anyway, she posted this dumb shit on Facebook today, and her dad’s cousin (in her 60’s) is who she calls “sweetie”, and in a total bitch way if you knew her.


Geez, what a twat. Everything you said sounds spot on based off those posts.


Logic and Reason
Established Member
Feb 10, 2005
Under the bed
Me either. I only kept Messenger to send memes to my buddies Who aren’t smart enough to get off of FB.
If you kept messenger, and therefore their app, they've kept all your personal information and have the right to track just about everything on every device you use messenger on. Just saying

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