Here we go...another school shooting: Nashville


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
One government official thinks you should be dead because of it.


Hello Kitty Slayer
Established Member
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Jul 31, 2012
Colorado Springs
If you kept messenger, and therefore their app, they've kept all your personal information and have the right to track just about everything on every device you use messenger on. Just saying
I know. If you have a cell phone you’re tracked 6 ways to Sunday anyway…


Superfleck Moonbird
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
Democrat filth loves dead children because that is the sacrificial lamb to enact their gun control agenda.

They don’t care that kids die and they don’t care about protecting them.


If someone doesn't believe that, think about the planned chyna virus devastation and its aftermath. To literally everything. This is just the continuation.

The Great Reset.

I'm old. The planned destruction of America by bidens regime, the bi-coastal elites, globalists, and msm to achieve their of total control is unprecedented. Pure evil.

Quite simply, they give ZERO ****S about you and me.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
Columbine was the first one I remember. Weren’t those little **** emo or something?

Far from it. Well wait, do you mean like black hair, quiet, no one likes them and trench coats? If so, nope. There's several youtube videos or articles about Columbine facts vs fiction. It's really insane to learn the truth. The two were not really bullied. They didn't hate the jocks. I recall at least one was somewhat popular and in with the jocks, and even had a date for prom. I forget which , but one seems to have been a full on psychopath. Zero emotions, massive mood swings with anger, could lie to your face, etc. The other was rather depressed, showed slight signs of trying to better himself, but was likely brought down via the other. Their plan ended up being an epic failure. They planted bombs and planned to start taking out those who then ran out of the school. They planned for 100+ dead. The bombs failed, so they said screw it and went in shooting. The police arrived, surrounded the school and sort of treated it like a hostage scene. They waited for demands. I mean this was a new thing, so officers had zero training on this matter. But what the police did mess up on, good god! The amount of red flags that was overlooked prior, one of the two legit had a public website with a list of who they wanted dead. They had shown off their guns and maybe even bombs to other people. I'm probably forgetting like 75% of the facts but you get the quick basics. Just seems like the two were mentally ill. It wasn't them being bullied or their music, or video games, just faulty wiring upstairs.


It's to big to move FAST!
Established Member
Sep 4, 2002
Here/there/some other silly place
My feelings about all of this is 1 Need to have armed individuals that actually want to protect kids and faculty on the premises during school hours (Yes I'm looking at you you piece of filth for a resource officer at Parkland). And 2 Automatic death penalty if you go on a school rampage and you live through it, no plea deals or downgrading of punishment it is automatically death if found guilty.

I know even with this you are not going to stop it all, but it would make the copy cats and glory seekers pause and rethink.

98 svt

Well-Known Member
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May 16, 2005
My feelings about all of this is 1 Need to have armed individuals that actually want to protect kids and faculty on the premises during school hours (Yes I'm looking at you you piece of filth for a resource officer at Parkland). And 2 Automatic death penalty if you go on a school rampage and you live through it, no plea deals or downgrading of punishment it is automatically death if found guilty.

I know even with this you are not going to stop it all, but it would make the copy cats and glory seekers pause and rethink.

Something tells me these shooters have no plans on making it out alive in the first place.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
My feelings about all of this is 1 Need to have armed individuals that actually want to protect kids and faculty on the premises during school hours (Yes I'm looking at you you piece of filth for a resource officer at Parkland). And 2 Automatic death penalty if you go on a school rampage and you live through it, no plea deals or downgrading of punishment it is automatically death if found guilty.

I know even with this you are not going to stop it all, but it would make the copy cats and glory seekers pause and rethink.

No cowards of broward, no uvalde’s cobardes!

definitely need seriously trained professionals protecting schools.

Also, do not agree with “automatic death” for perpetrator if caught alive. It should be expedited (within a 10 day period) and televised dismemberment and flaying. person would be hung from meat hooks thru the torso in the town square and televised until passing.

I guarantee you that the school shooting fad would come to an immediate halt.


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
If any game ever made me wanna go ballistic it was duck hunt...**** that dog

I learned 6 months or so ago.. ( WISH I KNEW THIS AS A KID)

If you plugged in the second controller, you could actually control one of the ducks while the other person tried to shoot it

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