For the Anti-gun crew..... CCW SAVED MY LIFE


New Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
See, more ofthen than not these days, they are not content with JUST your stuff, they want to have your life as well. It proves their "badassery" no less.:rollseyes

Yeah, but who's to say what type of criminal you;'re dealing with.

It's hard to say, but I see where you're coming from.


Active Member
Established Member
May 16, 2007
Princeton, NJ
Where are all the liberal democratic Nobama ****** lesbian ****s crying about how you said the assailants were black? You're just stereotyping, of course they were black and of course they were guilty.

Glad it worked out well for you. Also concealed carry and also had to draw it. And like you said, a lot of people on super tough SVTP claim if they draw they're going to shoot, it's a lot different when you have a split second to make a life or death decision. Mine was defense or not, as soon as I pulled the guy ran (in my case he was white, OMFG!!!), and I can't claim defense with rear entry wounds. In retrospect, I wish he would have come at me so I had an excuse.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 20, 2006
Conway, Wa
I'm normally for the right to bear arms and everything and don't get me wrong i'm happy it worked so well.. but this thread just got me thinking, what if those 3 black guys also had their CCW's? You would have been in an even worse position than you started..
they wouldnt have had them, i highly doubt this is a first offense. You are not allowed a CCW if you are a criminal. Now, if mean what if they had weapons, they would have had them out from the start...

I didn't feel like reading the whole thread. But to the OP...what would you have done if all 4 of them pulled a gun out?

You might get one but then after that you're pretty much done for. So in effect the gun could have just as easily taken your life if they had some on them.
If the 4 of them had pulled a gun, after his? Thats a great what if, what if they had just jumped him from behind, without his knowledge, what if his tire didnt go flat, what if your mother swallowed instead of birthing you?


aka jamz
Established Member
Jun 10, 2005
buford ga


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
Yeah, but who's to say what type of criminal you;'re dealing with.

It's hard to say, but I see where you're coming from.

There is a lot at stake, your life is depending on your asumption of what type of criminal you might run into. If you have a CCW, and carry all the time, wouldn't it suck that you get robbed that ONE night you don't carry because you assumed too much? or maybe get shot or even killed?


New Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
If the 4 of them had pulled a gun, after his? Thats a great what if, what if they had just jumped him from behind, without his knowledge, what if his tire didnt go flat, what if your mother swallowed instead of birthing you?

Pretty funny...but all of these what-ifs could lead to them killing you if they feel threatened in return when you pull a gun.....but i guess when you die because you pulled your gun I can sit back and say what-if.....


Proud Dad of Twin Marines
Established Member
Oct 29, 2007
Central IL
Glad all is OK, Here in Illinois we cant carry anything. The legislature stops all forms of Conceal Carry bills before they even make it out of committee. The Chicago legislators wont stand for it.
During one discussion on the floor debate. The topic was mentioned that, Why put more gun laws on the books when it only harms citizens that are law abiding. a criminal isn't going to look at a gun and a huge knife and say hmm better take a knife with me tonight cause i cant conceal carry to car jack. The question was asked how many gun homicides were committed in Chicago last year (where the is a gun ban) there were 442 then he asked how many were committed by law abiding owners of FOID cards? (firearm owners id card) (required by law in IL for gun owners ) The Answer was ZERO
We are one of only 2 states that wont allow it.
Funny how in a city were there is a gun ban they rank top 3 on most homicides.
Just goes to show you most Gun laws don't work.
(not knocking Chi town, just the politicians)


aka jamz
Established Member
Jun 10, 2005
buford ga
I would not take the chance of playing "Russian Roulette" with my life with any criminal.

If I get killed when I draw my gun, then so be it. If I didnt see a good chance to pull my gun if he pulled his first, then he better hope he gets the hell outta there fast because If I had the slightest chance, then I would enact Darwinian's Law of "Survival of the Fittest" and run the SOB over 3 times o make sure he ceases to exist.


New Member
Established Member
Nov 3, 2005
St. Louis
I didn't feel like reading the whole thread. But to the OP...what would you have done if all 4 of them pulled a gun out?

You might get one but then after that you're pretty much done for. So in effect the gun could have just as easily taken your life if they had some on them.

what would i have done? went down blasting or given up my car.

They were trying to rob me and steal a car that had a ****in flat tire. Not exactly einsteins here

Who is to say they didnt have weapons, maybe I just got the draw on them?

What would have happened if they had weapons and I didnt?

I refuse to be a victim. some POS isnt taking shit from me without a fight thats for sure


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
That's a pretty racist comment to make. :shrug:

But I would say if 4 guys with guns approached me I would feel better giving them the money or watch or whatever they wanted and would have a better chance of them letting me go after they got what they wanted. But if I pulled a gun I could pretty much kiss my ass goodbye because they will make them all shoot as soon as they see it.

Your talking out of your ass. Please cite the racism in my comment. You are really reaching. You see racism, because that is what you wanna see. I can see by your responses in this post and others that your not a very rational individual, or maybe your just one that likes to stir up shit for the entertainment factor.


2V guy
Established Member
Jan 1, 2008
See, more ofthen than not these days, they are not content with JUST your stuff, they want to have your life as well. It proves their "badassery" no less.:rollseyes

I have heard the same thing,

Note to self GET A GUN NOW
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aka jamz
Established Member
Jun 10, 2005
buford ga
You guys win....and you convinced me I'm going to get a gun tomorrow so I can feel safe.

some of us "choose" to enact with our instinct to kill or be killed in self defense.

Too bad you lost your instinct at whatever certain time in your life.

I hope to God you & yours don't become a victim, but the reasoning words of common sense may ring at some point in your life. You may have to change your whole way of thinking.

Too many times innocent & unarmed people get killed for no reason after willingly giving up what the POS was after.


New Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
Do you think these guys would leave a white boy breathing if they had a means to quickly dispatch him, highly unlikely.

Why would it matter if the guy was white?

I see no relevance to that point because I feel a criminal is a criminal and whether the criminal is black or white or the victim is black or white, they will do the same thing they were going to do.

Could you explain why you think it makes a difference that the criminals were black and the victim was white?


New Member
Established Member
Nov 3, 2005
St. Louis
Hell yeah brother.....way to go.....guns FTW!!!!

**** the gubberment....dey can't be takin' mah guns from me. Das mah right to have mah gun, 'case summ crazy summbishes be tryin to jack me up yo......or maybe I might feel like huntin' after I'm done leavin the store or sumthin' yah neva kno.

wow, you guys are not gonna believe this! Same thing happened to me last week :smmon:....

Only it was 8 black dudes, No way was I gonna let those scumbags jack my shit so I pulled by S&W magnum 500 and was like "well do you feel lucky?" I made them all strip down nekkid and bite the curb. I curb stomped 3 of them and shot the others (.50cal only holds 5). CCW FTMFW!! :rockon:

Hell yeah brother.....way to go.....guns FTW!!!!

**** the gubberment....dey can't be takin' mah guns from me. Das mah right to have mah gun, 'case summ crazy summbishes be tryin to jack me up yo......or maybe I might feel like huntin' after I'm done leavin the store or sumthin' yah neva kno.

I can honestly say with no remorse whatsoever....


I hope something similar happens to you and some lowlife crackhead mother****er tries to rob you late one night when youre broke down on the side of the road. I wanna see how funny it is and what the look on your smartass face when the shit hits the fan. Hopefully your familes arent with you when your day comes.

I had no intention of stopping in the hood... just taking the interstate home. But shit happens. I was prepared and I MADE IT HOME THAT NIGHT. What wouldve happened if i wasnt packing? Just give up everything ive got? What if thats not enough and the beat me down or kill me anyway?

**** that and **** you. have a nice day
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New Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
I can honestly say with no remorse whatsoever....


I hope something similar happens to you and some lowlife crackhead mother****er tries to rob you late one night when youre broke down on the side of the road.

I had no intention of stopping in the hood... just taking the interstate home. But shit happens. I was prepared and I MADE IT HOME THAT NIGHT. What wouldve happened if i wasnt packing? Just give up everything ive got? What if thats not enough and the beat me down or kill me anyway?

**** that and **** you. have a nice day

No response except....








New Member
Established Member
Nov 3, 2005
St. Louis
If the 4 of them had pulled a gun, after his? Thats a great what if, what if they had just jumped him from behind, without his knowledge, what if his tire didnt go flat, what if your mother swallowed instead of birthing you?




aka jamz
Established Member
Jun 10, 2005
buford ga
wow, you guys are not gonna believe this! Same thing happened to me last week :smmon:....

Only it was 8 black dudes, No way was I gonna let those scumbags jack my shit so I pulled by S&W magnum 500 and was like "well do you feel lucky?" I made them all strip down nekkid and bite the curb. I curb stomped 3 of them and shot the others (.50cal only holds 5). CCW FTMFW!! :rockon:

very low class of you.

If you had posted a similiar experience & you mentioned that the guys were white, I highly doubt if one single white dude at SVTP would think that you were insinuating that all white guys are that way. But you for whatever reason seem to think that the OP was hinting that all blacks are that way.

Let me explain something to you, when whites who mainly associate with & live by a majority white area, anyone of a different color they mention the skin color.
The exact same thing goes with blacks. If a black who lives in an all black area mentions something that happened with a white guy, to his black friends, more than likely he mentiones the guy was white.

This is simply a fact for both blacks & whites. I lived & worked in a 80-90% black area of Atlanta for years. I know this to be a fact, experience taught me this.

Your post is simply disgusting!


I'm Your Huckleberry
Established Member
Aug 14, 2004
South Alabama
OP. Good job. I know that was a scary situation, one I hope I never find myself in. But it is comforting to know that if I ever am in that situation I'll have my gun on me and will be able to protect myself.

Ignorant people will remain ignorant unfortunately. It's their world, we're just living in it.

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