On This Day.......


All set
Established Member
Jun 21, 2004
Stoughton Ma.
19 years ago, (September 10th, 2001) ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift. None of them saw past 10:00am Sept 11, 2001. In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.



Well-Known Member
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Aug 12, 2004
It was a real sad day for me. The Saturday before 9/11 I had my annual shore BBQ party on LBI in NJ. My friends wife and his 10 year old daughter attended the party but he had to work at Cantor Fitzgerald that Saturday and was gone on 9/11 along with another mutual group friend. Its one of those few events in your life where that time frame the morning of 9/11 will never be forgotten. I know that event is etched in my mind forever. I know so many people friends and relatives who worked in and around the WTC towers and they all made it out safely except the two.

I was absolutely pissed when the commission said they would not hold the memorial and name call outs. I have listened to the name calls since 9/11.
Thank god that Stephen Siller and the Tunnel2Towers will take over the event. ****ing douches that run NYC and NY State.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
That photo stirs emotions. I remember going to Stop & Shop early morning and hears gasps from people who just heard that a plane crashed into one of the towers. We were all thinking what a horrible accident. There were maybe a dozen of us watching the news at the front of the store when there was the report of a second crash. And then the sinking feeling realizing it was an attack. I’ll never forget that day.

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Superfleck Moonbird
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Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge
Right after 9/11, my MIL went to NYC with the Red Cross. She made dinners in her spare time.
One of the places she frequently visited was the Firehouse of Engine 7, Ladder 1, Battalion 1.

She picked-up some 11x14 paper prints of NYC Fireman raising the flag from a street vendor.
During one of of the visits, they were kind enough to sign three.

One is at the Fire Hall in the city where I live, second is with my son who served in the Army, third is proudly displayed at my home.

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Several years ago, I watched a video, "9/11". It's about Firemen at a NYC Firehouse.
IMHO, best documentary to capture this horrific American tragedy.

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Discovered its about Firehouse Engine 7, Ladder 1, Battalion 1.
Same Firehouse my MIL was at.

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Sadly, the dvd's are insanely expensive. Only other place I can find it is on amazon prime video.


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Apr 30, 2009
North Carolina
I remember being at school and heard on the radio about an accident at the twin towers. I went home and saw the second plane hit and figured we were being attacked. I didn’t know anyone involved but it really hit me hard and kind of went into a state of depression. Earlier that year Dale Earnhardt was killed and I saw that live and he was pretty much my hero and then had a high school friend that died in a car accident in the summer of 01. When I went back to my childhood home in Jersey I stopped by the beach and they had a memorial for all the people that were killed in my area. Apparently they had boats coming from NY and dropping them off at the marina. I will always remember those hero’s who ran into harms way trying to help others when they didn’t even know if they would make it out.


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Aug 27, 2009
United States
God Bless those souls that suffered, and continue to suffer.

I was at MEPS in Knoxville TN set to ship to Benning. After my final physical review I walked into the cafeteria. A crowd was around the TV as the first plane had hit, I then witnessed the second, then the Pentagon, and then Flight 93. The cafeteria was packed with many young men and women who were in the process of signing up for the military, on that day, it was surreal. Needless to say we didn’t ship as the FAA grounded all flights. Came back a week later to get bussed down to Benning.

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*Turbo Not to Scale
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Feb 6, 2007
The Air Capitol
I've got the same flag that flew 19 years ago out (with its own light).
I was in my first semester in college, I had Tuesdays off watched and recorded the whole event on the VCR.
When the 2nd plane hit, I knew we were at war.. and friends I just graduated High school with were going to have to fight this war. Then in the slow mo replays I saw it was a 767 (and later 757 at the pentagon, and United 93), and felt sick thinking that several important parts of those planes were built here, and were now responsible for Americans dying.
But the first time seeing what looked like debris falling, that as they zoomed in took the shape of a human in 480i, that chose to jump rather than burn to death was chilling.

My house was right under the flight path for 19R at ICT and when they grounded all air travel they were stacking aircraft in tighter then I've ever remembered. You'd see the replays of the aircraft hitting the building and at the same time for 45mins - hour the house was getting buzzed by all the aircraft getting grounded. Right above my old house was where they'd go full on the landing flaps and throttle up on final, less than 1k ft above my head. The next week or so of silence, with no aircraft made it hard to sleep.

I just wish people remembered how much liberty we gave up afterwards, between the patriot act and Homeland security. We gained the TSA and a much bigger government, and 2 wars we are still stuck in.
So many good people lost that wouldn't recognize this country now.

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Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Feels like this was just yesterday....

As horrible of a day as it was, some good actually came of it. The country was as unified as ever, and everyone was helping each other out. People were caring and productive. Big difference from today when everyone is at each others throats, looting and rioting all over the country, and basically at the point of a civil war. A lot can change in 19 years.


Hell Yes!
Established Member
Nov 23, 2012
Southern Mo.
Ever since then masturbating on a plane has been frowned upon. Thanks a lot Bin Laden.

Seriously though, it's a day forever etched in one's memory. May something so tragic never happen again.
From the entire internet you find time to make a cheap joke in this thread?
Classy. GTFO.


Seriously? No, never.
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May 28, 2012
Seems like only yesterday, and a million years ago. I remember when President Bush said this would be a war for generations, turns out he was right. Amazing how much of the fight has gone out of them since we flooded the market with oil.


What's a "Termi"???
Established Member
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Sep 20, 2015
What a day that many of us still talk about often. Such a terrible day.

A co worker of mine talked about how scared and inconsolable his young son was when he came home from school on that day. He was so scared a plane was going to fly down and kill him. He talked about how he finally took his son outside and told him to look around (they live in a very rural farm area) and look in the sky and asked him ‘what do you see?’ His son didn’t say much. He says to his son, ‘You’re surrounded by corn fields and there isn’t a plane in the sky.’ His son finally calmed down after that.

It just amazes me how this terrible affected all people of all ages in all places on 9/11/2001.

I will never freakin’ forget how many brave people died on that day and I will always be grateful to every good first responder, Police, Fire, EMT, Patamedic that I come across because when this type of thing happens again, they will do the same thing done on 9/11, run into hell on earth on a clear sunny day knowing they might die.

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