Why do Americans think America is the greatest country in the world?


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
I think a lot of you have confused patriotism: love of your country and willingness to stand up for it (what the military does) with nationalism: a superiority complex.

Or we could live in shitty half-ass nations who need us to do their bidding because they are too pussy to do anything half-way manly. So many inferior countries out there and the US is surround by a couple.


Established Member
Feb 5, 2012
Or we could live in shitty half-ass nations who need us to do their bidding because they are too pussy to do anything half-way manly. So many inferior countries out there and the US is surround by a couple.

Have you ever thought maybe its because your country accounts for almost half of the GLOBAL military expenditure. You dedicate more money to war and defence than almost every other country combined. That doesn't make your country bad in anyway but it's certainly affects your children's future educationally...
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 13, 2011
I've never been to another country, but i'm sure we must be better than third world countries. As for "best country", that's just a matter of opinion.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Have you ever thought maybe its because your country accounts for almost half of the GLOBAL military expenditure. You dedicate more money to war and defence than almost every other country combined. That doesn't make your country bad in anyway but it's certainly affects your children's future educationally...
you tell that to the chinese when they pour across you boarder and we sit by and watch. we'll keep our military at home this time. the chinese will be pleased that you left your childrens future in their hands.

I've never been to another country, but i'm sure we must be better than third world countries. As for "best country", that's just a matter of opinion.

I have been to a LOT of countries. The U.S. trumps them all. yeah there are areas where they have the upper edge but taken as a WHOLE there is no question that we are the best available.


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
Ok here are the stats:

Your economy ranks 18/110
Your country ranks 5/110 in entrepreneurship and opportunity
Your country ranks 13/110 in education
Your country ranks 26/110 in safety and security
and as for Freedom your country ranks 12/110

I agree you shouldn't judge the whole pie based one slice of it, however you completely seem to have missed the point of what this thread was about. I wanted to hear directly from the horses mouth why American's think America is the greatest country in the world.

You already admitted you are a left wing loon... WTH did you get those stats? NYTimes?.... BTW- didn't one of your provinces just say they want to be their own country? But you are judging us? When you all get your shit together come back and judge all you want.
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SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
Living in Okinawa Japan, I fully understand that America is 1000% better even if the yen is more valuable than the American dollar. Not to me, because you lack so much freedom here that there is basically no point in doing anything with your money here. I've saved so much money though...LOL. I never thought I'd see so many beggars in my life until I was stationed here.

America has so much more freedom... hardly anyone realizes it until they have actually lived outside the country. America is absolutely the best country in the world.

1 dollar = 77 yen. Did you fail math or something?


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Have you ever thought maybe its because your country accounts for almost half of the GLOBAL military expenditure. You dedicate more money to war and defence than almost every other country combined. That doesn't make your country bad in anyway but it's certainly affects your children's future educationally...

If we can't be smarter, we'll just kill you. Well, except Canadians, they are just Americans without balls and we need all your little boys to satisfy our pedophiles.


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
If you are judging a nation collectively, based on a limited interaction, you are shortsighted and have a limited or warped understanding of what America has been, and is. Why is America the greatest nation? Because despite our seeming inability to mind our business at times, America has collectively set the standards of global industrialization, commerce and inguinuity. America has been a safe haven for individuals of many races and creeds for hundreds or years. America has laid the tools at the feet of millions of immigrants seeking safe harbor, prosperity and a chance at freedom through liberty, and our constitutional principles.

Despite what twisted tales may be told, the blood of Americans has been spilled across vast stretches of the earth, fighting for the freedoms of others. America has never turned her back and has always lent a hand to those in need, whether militarily or monetarily.

Sure we have our defects, sure Americans aren't perfect, sure the system is flawed on may different levels. Yet when push comes to shove, you would be hard pressed to find an American that will not stand up and fight for what is right, whether here or abroad.

Freedom, opportunity, history. The apologist can get bent. If you even have to question it, stay home.

:beer: That made me feel all tingly inside! With three years in the Middle East, 2 years in Sicily and having visited alot of countries during my last 19 years in the Military you gain a different perspective. For all the Americans claiming American is the best country all the French are claiming France is. Hack, all the Muslims are claiming their views are what is right and Christians doing the same. So who is right? Who is wrong? It's very bold and idiotic to sit back and say mine is because it's mine..IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY. It is a rather ignorant statement if you have not actually lived around the world. Many will find statements to back their claim..as would others. I believe our country has been the greatest but fear it is backing down off that thrown. Mostly due to our Politicians in office but that's another story. We are a great country but lets not follow in Egypts footsteps. :bored:


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Ok here are the stats:

Your economy ranks 18/110
Your country ranks 5/110 in entrepreneurship and opportunity
Your country ranks 13/110 in education
Your country ranks 26/110 in safety and security
and as for Freedom your country ranks 12/110

I agree you shouldn't judge the whole pie based one slice of it, however you completely seem to have missed the point of what this thread was about. I wanted to hear directly from the horses mouth why American's think America is the greatest country in the world.
Where is your source?
We, the greatest single nation in the world can still fight for the weak and dominate the world's economy. Hell it takes all of Europe to come close to out on great nation:
Why do you ignore out charity and compassion for others?

CARPE DIEM: USA: Ranks #1 Most Charitable Nation in the World

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We look pretty stable. GDP Gross Domestic Product Projections 2000, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040, geographic.org Courty Profiles - Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System, Flags, Ma

The other numbers look decent seeing how much ass kicking we have to do for others. How much we give to support the poor nations of the world.


Established Member
Dec 26, 2005
you tell that to the chinese when they pour across you boarder and we sit by and watch. we'll keep our military at home this time. the chinese will be pleased that you left your childrens future in their hands.

You're a fool to think we would sit idle if Canada was invaded by ANY country.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
You're a fool to think we would sit idle if Canada was invaded by ANY country.
. And you're a bigger fool to think I don't know that. Now go out and buy a new sarcasm meter yours is apparently a shit cheap Walmart brand.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2004
El Paso, TX
this should fire up the discussion

That is actually pretty awesome. I think America is still the greatest country in the world for many reason's already stated. Freedom, Education, Opportunity ect. The problem I see is that many people in America don't take advantage of what available and simply want more and more for nothing. I feel like we are on shaky ground and in the next few years it can go south or rebound. I look back at the times of our grand parents and great grand parents. They was no welfare, no social security, no unemployment, no union's ect. They all made it work through hard times doing anything to survive. I don't see that drive anymore and is what bothers me.

America FTW!


Established Member
Dec 26, 2005
. And you're a bigger fool to think I don't know that. Now go out and buy a new sarcasm meter yours is apparently a shit cheap Walmart brand.

Oh forgive me, i forgot that you are a military expert. How could i ever have been so ignorant and maybe arrogant to think otherwise. RDJ for pres.


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2004
this should fire up the discussion

I'll preface this with I believe Jeff Daniels personal beliefs follow those in that speech.

More pass the buck bullshit. HIS generation is the one in control. Life was so great when he was a little kid, but now that he and his peers have grown up, the US is so horrible. And then he says the current crop of teenagers is what's doing it. Take some responsibility and fix shit, but nooooo let's blame someone else.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Oh forgive me, i forgot that you are a military expert. How could i ever have been so ignorant and maybe arrogant to think otherwise. RDJ for pres.
I never claimed to be a "military expert". just because you can't detect obvious sarcasm don't blame me. I will agree that you are ignorant (YOU said it not me) but you're too dumb to be arrogant.
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Active Member
Established Member
May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
:beer: That made me feel all tingly inside! With three years in the Middle East, 2 years in Sicily and having visited alot of countries during my last 19 years in the Military you gain a different perspective. For all the Americans claiming American is the best country all the French are claiming France is. Hack, all the Muslims are claiming their views are what is right and Christians doing the same. So who is right? Who is wrong? It's very bold and idiotic to sit back and say mine is because it's mine..IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY. It is a rather ignorant statement if you have not actually lived around the world. Many will find statements to back their claim..as would others. I believe our country has been the greatest but fear it is backing down off that thrown. Mostly due to our Politicians in office but that's another story. We are a great country but lets not follow in Egypts footsteps. :bored:

Spoken like a true, educated and experienced well traveled level headed American!:beer:


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 14, 2010
Lafayette, Indiana
I'm not sure how to take the true patriots will step up comment after my video as i'm not completely sure how you meant it but here are my thoughts. I love this country as much as every other american on this site but true patriots cannot fix all the problems in this country. We need all americans to come together and agree on stuff like welfare, social security, taxes, and all the other political bullshit or else we are just going to keep digging deeper and deeper into debt. I went to college to make something of myself and now have to repay my student loans to the govt (sallie mae), while so many lazy asses just sit around and draw 2k-3k a month in welfare checks and unemployment checks. If you are an unemployed american GO GET A GOD DAMN JOB. there are thousands and thousands of jobs out there as i see "now hiring " signs all over. It probably will NOT be a 100k a year job but at least you are being a productive part of society instead of a leach.If you cant find a job start brainstorming and invent something, buy a lawnmower and start mowing lawns, do something other than sit around and bitch about not having a job and always being broke. If americans start doing these couple of things THEN we will be back on track to being the best country in the world. It will take more than just the true patriots to carry this country.

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