Why do Americans think America is the greatest country in the world?


Established Member
Feb 5, 2012
You know after thinking about this I have figured this out. You may or you may not agree, its up to you.

Our Forefathers made this place great. Hard work, sacrifice and determination. THIS is what made and makes America great. The hard working people of this country still makes it the greatest place today. Yes you may have more tranquill places. You may have more scenic places. You may have more relaxing places. But the fact is had it not been for the great USofA of lot of these places would not be on the map as they are today. They would be a heck of a lot worse off. American lives, will power and heros sacrificed all to make this country great and protect many, many others.

Enough said. End thread.

I completely agree with this. I however believe that the people that keep getting elected have more monetary gain in mind than what the forefathers did. I believe a lot of things done in the last 100 years would make them turn over in their graves.


Established Member
Feb 5, 2012
You're right, this thread is so blasphemous it doesn't need to be read... But I got sucked into it anyhow

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you believe this is blasphemous then you don't understand the intent of this thread. I never once disagreed that America was the best country. I simply stated that I wanted to know first hand why Americans thought their country is the greatest.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 22, 2009
Los Angeles
Why am I asking you? Because you're an American, I wanted to know why YOU think America is the greatest nation not why a Canadian thinks America is the greatest nation.

Mexicans go to America because they border the US. The opportunity in the US is better than that of the South American Countries and most importantly Mexico. Mexicans aren't going to run across the border and then make their way to Canada. It makes no sense to. Just saying.

While the majority of us just cross the border and stay in the U.S. I see more and more go straight through to Canada. There's better pay and they send the money they make back to their families in Mexico.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 29, 2007
Las Vegas,NV
Being from England and having lived in the states for 8 years now I can say that I like it better here. I have lived in the south for most of that time and just recently moved to Vegas. As far as freedom goes I think England is about on par with America and theres a whole bunch of illegal immigrants trying to get into England. We have a big problem with Eastern Europeans right now. The weather is better here, and for a car guy, its waaaayy better. Try paying $9 a gallon and be into performance cars! lol. Car insurance is a joke as well, another reason why people drive lawnmower like cars, haha.

I do miss some things like the more relaxed culture we have over there (drinking)lol. But everything is mega expensive and the weather makes you depressed most of the time. Just a quick fact some people may not know about the states. It is one of only 5 countries to have a drinking age of over 18 (canada is another one at 19) the other 3 are like Yemen, Pakistan and some other middle east country. Just thought that was interesting.

At the end of the day, whether u live in America or Canada, just be grateful u dont live in China or one of those other shitty countries. lol.


Superfleck Moonbird
Established Member
Malt Liquor Mafia
May 13, 2010
Rockwood Lodge

That's why. Now go play some curling and enjoy being America's hat.

x99blacksnakex - This is the best post I have ever seen on any forum. Thank you.
Moderators - Please close this thread. There is nothing else that can be said.
God Bless America.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
You know what's funny buddy, everything that is going on isn't reported on the news. Gee what a revelation right?
If world news wasn't full of other countries problems with immigration right now your answer would look a lot less stupid :rollseyes
Last edited:


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
This is obviously a broad generalization but all of the Americans at least that I have had the displeasure of meeting have been complete dumbasses. I have only met a few but it seems that, like Alberta, you have a lot of bad apples making you guys look bad!

Explain this phenomenon for me please. I'd also like to state this isn't created as a means to bash Americans. I know that there is good and bad in every group of people. I'd just like to discuss this!

As a further note I will mention there are a lot of Canadians I can't stand and seem to think Canada is the greatest country in the world.

I understand patriotism but blind patriotism I don't.

I'm glad to hear some opinions from both sides about this!! :popcorn:

Why do Canadians think they have the greatest country in the world? Why do Germans think they have the greatest country in the world? Why do the Japanese think they...... see the trend? Is it really that confusing to you? I know you get some pretty cold temps up there - did your brain cells freeze or something?:shrug:


1of72 Hater
Established Member
Mar 1, 2007
Reston, VA / Red Lion, PA
It's not just Americans. It's the entire world.

You don't hear about people wanting to immigrate to Cambodia do you? Hell even Canada for that matter.

Of course America gets a lot of hate, but that's mostly jealously, which sounds arrogant but it's the absolute truth.

People don't like being told they aren't the best, it's how humans work. But, someone has to be the best and right now, we're it.

And before you ask, I've traveled to 3 other first world countries: Canada, Norway, and Australia. All of the countries usually "beat" the US for livability or whatever else people from other countries make up to try and make themselves feel better about where they were born (which really makes no sense at all if you think about it). All of the countries were very nice and the people were very nice. But in all 3 everything was a lot more expensive, the taxes were higher, and all 3 have shit gun laws (which I admit is only a problem to a small portion of the population, but I'm one of them). I couldn't live long term in any one of those countries.


Horsepower over Willpower
Established Member
Mar 17, 2010
this should fire up the discussion

Sorry buddy, but there are still some of us with a sack in this country. When everyone else fails, true Patriots will step up and carry the load.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2011
Columbus, IN
I can buy all of the aforementioned cars, guns and whiskey I want.
Unmatched military might.

So go cry in your gravy fries you bought with your monopoly money, hoser! :banana:

I kid.

I grew up a stones throw away from Canada in Buffalo and spent quite a bit of time in Ontario. In that time I saw scores of Canadians cross the bridges, usually for shopping (due to our lower taxes/prices) and believe it or not, health care. Granted some of us Americans did cross the border for the casinos up in the falls and the drinking age being 19, but that was about it.

We actually had a few friends up in Fort Erie. They were certainly more enamored with the US than we were with Canada. After all, you could buy a 30 pack of Labatt blue that was made in Canada for half the price in the US that it cost in Canada, and you could get it anywhere, not just the one beer store in a 10 mile radius. Not to mention they freely admitted the "free" healthcare wasn't all it was cracked up to be. This was when they shut down one hospital in the area, leaving a single hospital to cover a massive region. Not only that but they had massive taxes they paid to fund it, and there was extensive waits. Many of them actually went across the border to Buffalo, which had 4-5 hospitals, all sorts of specialized facilities, and top notch care. And just an odd note, but I found it difficult to get good food in Canada. There was always something off about things like your milk and meat.

On the positive side I will say Canada is substantially cleaner and more polite than the US.

But I will say **** the Leafs. That I won't apologize for.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Think? You have it wrong. Why does the whole world know the USA is the greatest nation on the face of the earth? Eh?


Established Member
Feb 5, 2012
I can buy all of the aforementioned cars, guns and whiskey I want.
Unmatched military might.

So go cry in your gravy fries you bought with your monopoly money, hoser! :banana:

I kid.

I grew up a stones throw away from Canada in Buffalo and spent quite a bit of time in Ontario. In that time I saw scores of Canadians cross the bridges, usually for shopping (due to our lower taxes/prices) and believe it or not, health care. Granted some of us Americans did cross the border for the casinos up in the falls and the drinking age being 19, but that was about it.

We actually had a few friends up in Fort Erie. They were certainly more enamored with the US than we were with Canada. After all, you could buy a 30 pack of Labatt blue that was made in Canada for half the price in the US that it cost in Canada, and you could get it anywhere, not just the one beer store in a 10 mile radius. Not to mention they freely admitted the "free" healthcare wasn't all it was cracked up to be. This was when they shut down one hospital in the area, leaving a single hospital to cover a massive region. Not only that but they had massive taxes they paid to fund it, and there was extensive waits. Many of them actually went across the border to Buffalo, which had 4-5 hospitals, all sorts of specialized facilities, and top notch care. And just an odd note, but I found it difficult to get good food in Canada. There was always something off about things like your milk and meat.

On the positive side I will say Canada is substantially cleaner and more polite than the US.

But I will say **** the Leafs. That I won't apologize for.

Good I ****ing hate the Leafs and the Oilers for that matter.


Established Member
Feb 5, 2012
I think a lot of you have confused patriotism: love of your country and willingness to stand up for it (what the military does) with nationalism: a superiority complex.

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