Two Types of People


move along
Established Member
Sep 7, 2004
while we're completely off subject. At work someone took a dump and when wiping, somehow missed the toilet and their used TP was on the ground. Now what kind of POS just leaves that their for someone else to pick up?


Active Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2004
The worst kind of people. Probably think, "oh it's someone's job to clean up the bathroom anyway."

I never DON'T look back into the toilet after I'm done. Do people just pack up and move on without a second thought?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
One of my best friends is like the person you're dealing with. I too am sick of hearing the constant bs. One of their issues is they hate their job & being in retail. Well, then put your resume together & job hunt. Yes, interviewing sucks. I am a terrible in person interview myself, but I do it because I have to. This has been going on for years. He will never help himself so I gave up trying to help him.


I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land

Sounds exactly like a wife to me. Problem is men are so on the surface. They deal in reality and immediately want to solve problems to make them go away.

Women are all about communication, connection, and feelings rather than just fixing problems. She'll be more pissed about THE WAY you respond rather than the issue itself. Crazy, i know.

If not your wife or a woman, then i have a totally different opinion.

My 1 and 2 people types are similar to yours except i would define as:

1. takes ownership (personal responsibility) for 99.99% of everything happening in your life good or bad. Sack up, make an adjustment and try to do better next time type of person. Motto is "I AM ACCOUNTABLE."

2. Blames others for bad luck or overall shit that life deals at times. Motto is "ITS NOT MY FAULT--HERE IS WHY xxxx." Spends more time talking and thinking about WHO ELSE to blame when its most likely their fault to begin with.

All comes back to selfishness (or lack thereof).



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 19, 2010
That's quite a broad brush. Some things are out of our control. Some bad things do happen when they should not.

However, I do agree that, when they do, gotta right the ship yourself & shove it right back up life's ass. Sitting & whining does nothing.


Sounds exactly like a wife to me. Problem is men are so on the surface. They deal in reality and immediately want to solve problems to make them go away.

Women are all about communication, connection, and feelings rather than just fixing problems. She'll be more pissed about THE WAY you respond rather than the issue itself. Crazy, i know.

If not your wife or a woman, then i have a totally different opinion.

My 1 and 2 people types are similar to yours except i would define as:

1. takes ownership (personal responsibility) for 99.99% of everything happening in your life good or bad. Sack up, make an adjustment and try to do better next time type of person. Motto is "I AM ACCOUNTABLE."

2. Blames others for bad luck or overall shit that life deals at times. Motto is "ITS NOT MY FAULT--HERE IS WHY xxxx." Spends more time talking and thinking about WHO ELSE to blame when its most likely their fault to begin with.

All comes back to selfishness (or lack thereof).



I Race Pontiacs
Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 1, 2004
la la land
That's quite a broad brush. Some things are out of our control. Some bad things do happen when they should not.

However, I do agree that, when they do, gotta right the ship yourself & shove it right back up life's ass. Sitting & whining does nothing.

which part? Sure the brushes were broad, but based in truth in my short 39 years of experience lol.

Do you know anyone in your life that has literally done nothing wrong to anyone ever, makes the best financial decisions, makes the best life choices, works the hardest of anyone you know-- YET they just cant seem to get ahead?

I sure dont.

Life and what it brings is WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT---not anyone else, period.



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 7, 2010
I believe I fit into category #1. While I don't believe 99% of thing are controllable by the individual (more like 75%), I do believe you are 100% able to control the way you react the any situation you are presented.

For example, if I am late to work because of traffic I don't whine an bitch about the traffic. I apologize for the incident and learn from it by leaving earlier to prevent the situation from happening.

Personally I don't have time for overly negative people in my life, so I would cut ties if I was in your position.

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