TRT discussion


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Awesome and yeah after trying other telmeds and straight up buying UGL gear from gym rats. I have found my way back to Defy medical as well. You can’t beat them, have tried and everyone else has come up short.

Once I cut out booze, my estradiol/estrogen is fine and no longer elevated with no AI/anastrazole. I would say for the guys starting, to maybe have some on hand in the event you need to use it should you experience estrogenic effects like sensitive breast tissue and water weight. That is not uncommon when you first start TRT, but will go away once you have been on it for awhile and have stable blood levels.

I did bloodwork at the end of september. No AI on about 200mg of testosterone Enanthate a week.

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For many Estradiol levels for men are often TOO LOW as well as too high. That results from to too much Arimidex to combat the conversion.

Its REALLY important that ppl check their Estradiol levels every month for the first 4-6 months of using AAS to gauge how much if any Arimidex they might need.

My buddy was prescribed Arimidex every day after seeing his family doctor against my advice.

It destroyed his estrogen levels and put him so low he was simple negative meaning below -1 smh. I told him to get blood work monthly to check but he said his doctor knows what hes doing and said I dont need monthly blood work so I said "Ok".

After about 6 months and feeling like total shit I told him to check his Estradiol and he did and found out he was NEGATIVE he was like "My doctor is a fuking idiot". I said yea pretty much which is why u need to see a TRT doctor like I told u and NOT ur FAMILY doctor.

He know takes ZERO Arimidex but thats just him. Everyone is different.

(30298) is the "Ultrasensitive Edradial test" code for Quest labs in case anyone was interested.

I cant stress how important it is to ensure this is done to determine how much if any Arimidex is needed. Please make an appointment with a TRT doctor NOT ur family physician smfh.
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Tweeker by trade
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Jul 25, 2010
North East OH
Please make an appointment with a TRT doctor NOT ur family physician smfh.
I dont know shit about **** when it comes to TRT but thanks to this thread I at least know this much now. 100% just gonna ask for the referral to see a specialist of the bat and not even bother starting with labs with my PCP.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
For many Estradiol levels for men are often TOO LOW as well as too high. That results to too much Arimidex to combat the conversion.

Its REALLY important that ppl check their Estradiol levels every month for the first 4-6 months of using AAS to gauge how much if any Arimidex they might need.

My buddy was prescribed Arimidex every day after seeing his family doctor against my advice.

It destroyed his estrogen levels and put him so low he was simple negative meaning below -1 smh. I told him to get blood work monthly to check but he said his doctor knows what hes doing and said I dont need monthly blood work so I said "Ok".

After about 6 months and feeling like total shit I told him to check his Estradiol and he did and found out he was NEGATIVE he was like "My doctor is a fuking idiot". I said yea pretty much which is why u need to see a TRT doctor like I told u and NOT ur FAMILY doctor.

He know takes ZERO Arimidex but thats just him. Everyone is different.

(30298) is the "Ultrasensitive Edradial test" code for Quest labs in case anyone was interested.

I cant stress how important it is to ensure this is done to determine how much if any Arimidex is needed. Please make an appointment with a TRT doctor NOT ur family physician smfh.
Basically what I have found is you do not need arimidex or anastrozole on therapeutic doses of TRT.. these are breast cancer drugs for women, their use in men is off label from their intended purpose. Further more you cannot accurately measure blood serum levels of estrogen, because blood is not the mode of transport for estradiol in the body. In men a certain amount testosterone is aromatized into estradiol, this is needed and this occurs in the tissues, not in blood.. any estradiol in the blood has been secreted from tissue, period… that’s like seeing a puddle of water at my curb and trying to guess how many gallons of water are in my f’ng pool. You simply cannot accurately measure estradiol in a man. There is also lots of cross hormone reactivity with the assays that test estrogen, this will cause erroneous numbers. AI’s are simply not needed at TRT doses. You would only deploy them if you are taking super physiological doses i.e. bodybuilder doses of testosterone, like a gram a week. The amount aromatized in men on TRT is also NEEDED. Estradiol believe it or not, is ctitical for neurological health, the joints and it’s also cardio/heart protective for the endothelial linings of the major arteries. DO NOT TAKE AIs to suppress estrogen. You can really cause neurological disturbances in men, **** up your vision, yes there even receptors in the eyes for estradiol and crushing/blocking estrogen can seriously cause vision disturbances and even permanent vision loss. You will also **** up your joints.

On TRT doses, the amount aromatized is needed by the body. This is why testosterone is always taken as a base by body builders when they are taking multiple anabolic compounds. Other anabolic steriods do not convert into estradiol and can even compete for it at the receptor. Furthermore if you do not carry excess adipose tissue, you won’t aromatize as much estrogen.
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 9, 2012
Probably should just make a new thread for questions but I'll start here. Probably going about it all wrong.

I've been lifting for about a year in my basement and I can't tell I've put on any size.

I'm 5'7" and weigh 165lbs.
I bench *your mom*, 3 sets. Typically 8, 6 and 6
I curl 35 pound dumbbells, 3 sets. Usually 10 reps each set.
I have a curl bar that's around 90 pounds that I curl about 6 times for one set.
I alternate days on pushups and pull ups. Usually do 3 sets of 25 pushups and 3 sets of 12-15 pull ups.

I tried eating more and all I did was get a gut.

I have thick skin so let me have it. What do I need to do differently?

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When it comes to the training plan there are many ways to skin the cat but you have to find out what works for you. Some of the 5 day a week splits with 12-16 sets per body part might work great for some but not for others. I respond best to 3 days a week with the sole intent of getting stronger. Zero chasing the pump. My only concern is either adding a rep per week to my main compound exercises until I can do 8 reps then add a little weight to get it back to 5 reps. Add weight once at 8 reps. Repeat.

Big body parts get 7-9 sets to failure a week and smaller parts gets 3-5. The most difficult part is having the discipline to NOT DO TOO MUCH

I’m 6’2” and without training and food my body wants to be a lean 180 lb. After 6 months of 3800-4200 calories a day I’m sitting around 212 with very minor body fat increase. Same 32 pant size but shirts went from loose larges to neutral fitting xl .

For real progress you need to get to a proper gym so all the tools are available for progressive overload.

With all the information and opinions out there it’s easy to get lost on what to do but ultimately you are going to have to learn your body but Mark rippetoe’s “starting strength” program will without a doubt make you stronger and if you sleep and eat enough you will get bigger.

O yea and take some test that helps


Well-Known Member
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Sep 29, 2012
Omaha, Nebraska
Since this is the closest thing to a gym thread, I figured I'll ask this here.

I'm in Houston, TX for 2 weeks seeing family for the holidays. What's a good bodybuilding style gym to go to in Houston? I was thinking about Iron City?


Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
Since this is the closest thing to a gym thread, I figured I'll ask this here.

I'm in Houston, TX for 2 weeks seeing family for the holidays. What's a good bodybuilding style gym to go to in Houston? I was thinking about Iron City?

Honestly… any gym will do. I do a lot of traveling, so I just have a planet fitness membership. lol.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
Since this is the closest thing to a gym thread, I figured I'll ask this here.

I'm in Houston, TX for 2 weeks seeing family for the holidays. What's a good bodybuilding style gym to go to in Houston? I was thinking about Iron City?
There are gazillion gyms in Houston.. just pick one close to your hotel etc.. believe me its not worth it getting stuck in 45 mins of traffic to go out of your way for an OG gym downtown etc…


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
I need to up my dose ;) I’m way behind 800.

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