Tried to place my order.....


Established Member
Sep 29, 2005
crispy23c said:
Not so much that, I understand that.
I'm pissed because not one dealer was good for their word.
That's bad for business, present & future. If they had not promised this, it would have been different.
And, yeah, I think $200k is just a little high. They can shove that where it counts. :fart:
Amen! You think you have a deal and that a friend is a friend. I will never step foot in my local dealer again! I live is a small town. I see these people on a daily basis. I am not whinning. I am pissed! :burn: They can kiss my ass! :bash: Like I said before...Ford is hurting and the dealers are screwing the loyal Ford drivers. This is going to hurt Ford in the long run.

LR 01 Cobra

Founding Member
Established Member
Nov 13, 2000
I haven’t put down a penny on my car, I called them on the phone and ordered it!
I guess I’ve been lucky, because my dealership has never lied to me or made promises they didn’t keep. I feel bad for you guys that got lied too! That’s the reason I left Chevy and jumped to Ford. I use to be Mr. Chevy guy.



03 Red Fire Cobra
Established Member
Mar 31, 2005
This is exactly why I will not try to buy one this year. I was also on my dealers list with a $14,000.00 deposit and was (at least that's what I thought) promised I would get a car at MSRP. I felt confident that all was well because I bought my Term from them and they did not charge ADM when other dealers were. Well 3 months ago I get a call from them saying that the owner decided that he wants to charge ADM. He considered it an insult that I was only willing to pay MSRP for the car. I told them to cut me a check and send my deposit back. I also told them that I will never purchase another car from them nor will I bring my current car back to them for service. They could probably care less but they just lost a long time customer. Apparently the amount of money they can make from this one car is more important than the long term relationship with a customer. Personally, I'm going to wait and see how things develop and to get some hard performance figures. Cause IMO, if it isn't any faster than a C6 or the 03/04 Terms, then the car isn't even worth the 40 g's it's supposed to cost.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 31, 2005
Oklahoma City
LR 01 Cobra said:
I haven’t put down a penny on my car, I called them on the phone and ordered it!
I guess I’ve been lucky, because my dealership has never lied to me or made promises they didn’t keep. I feel bad for you guys that got lied too! That’s the reason I left Chevy and jumped to Ford. I use to be Mr. Chevy guy.

Let me tell you, you've got a GREAT dealership there, Tim.


Established Member
Sep 29, 2005
Went to another dealer in a small town close by. They said the same thing that my dealer told me. They had one guy on their list. However, the offer was based on MSRP. They think that he is going to back out. They said that they thought the cars would end up selling for $15-20k over MSRP. So they are basically going to screw the poor guy on their list. It was almost like they were waiting for me to offer them $15-20k over MSRP so they could screw the guy! I hope they end up sitting on the cars. Unfortunatly that won't happen.
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Active Member
Established Member
Oct 3, 2004
New England
roadhog said:
Yep We're As Scummy As Are Lawyers, Priests, Doctors, And Just About Every Other Profession - Oh Yea What Do You Do For A Living? I Suppose Your Lilly White And Would Never Try To Make Extra Profit When You Could Would You? Noooooooo
You obviously don't know much about business because if you did you would realize the intial extra profit you make from the gt500 may seem nice at first but those previous and future customers you piss off will cost you much more then what you earn from the few gt500's you sell.
I completely understand your logic but, in actuality you are not benefiting in the long term. :read:


Established Member
Sep 29, 2005
roadhog said:
Yep We're As Scummy As Are Lawyers, Priests, Doctors, And Just About Every Other Profession - Oh Yea What Do You Do For A Living? I Suppose Your Lilly White And Would Never Try To Make Extra Profit When You Could Would You? Noooooooo
Lawyers go to years of law school. Priests go to years of Seminary. Doctors go to Medical School. So where did you go to fine upstanding example of a human? Some people do actually like going to sleep at night with a clear conscience. :beer:


03 Red Fire Cobra
Established Member
Mar 31, 2005
roadhog said:
Yes This Vehicle Is Going On Ebay And They Are Asking For A.d.m. So If That Is What Make Dealers Scummy Then Yep We Are..... Sorry But The Free Trade System Is Still In Effect As Far As I Know...

You sir get the dumb a..... dealer of the year award!!! Nothing like showing you don't give a dam about your customers on an all SVT board. :loser:


Read It Upside Down
Established Member
May 7, 2005
Skid Row
03Terminator said:
You sir get the dumb a..... dealer of the year award!!! Nothing like showing you don't give a dam about your customers on an all SVT board. :loser:
+1, full moron status right there.


Established Member
Sep 29, 2005
03Terminator said:
You sir get the dumb a..... dealer of the year award!!! Nothing like showing you don't give a dam about your customers on an all SVT board. :loser:
Thank You for saying how I felt! :beer:


Established Member
Feb 16, 2006
Ran the vin#

roadhog said:
Yep Its A Valid Vin#### But Still No Price!!!!!!!!!
I was reading roadhogs post and correct me if Iam wrong but I want to get something straight.I think he said they were getting the shelby at his dealer he works at and boasting about a vin# to prove it.The vin is real but he forgot to tell us that this car and five others are being tested in his area and they are not for sale, there the same test vechicals we use here at are test facility in dearborn so hes is full of :bs:Thats why he dont have a price because he dont even own the car and cant even sell it.,Not starting a war but lets get facts straight. :burn: Roadhog I guess you must be scum because everyone is trashing your dealer.After this stupid post you started you my be out of buniness for all the shit you started and how you treat people on this board.Believe me word on this board will travel fast.And youll be lucky to have any customers :loser: .


New Member
Established Member
Nov 20, 2005
Ffld, CT
03Terminator said:
You sir get the dumb a..... dealer of the year award!!! Nothing like showing you don't give a dam about your customers on an all SVT board. :loser:

This guy is showing the contempt and disrespect that many of these dealers have towards the average joe and he is proud of it.All under the guise of "Free Market". They should all be ashamed! No wonder dealers have such a bad reputation of trying to take advantage of people beacuse at every opportunity they do!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 11, 2005
Eustis, FL
experiment626 said:
I was reading roadhogs post and correct me if Iam wrong but I want to get something straight.I think he said they were getting the shelby at his dealer he works at and boasting about a vin# to prove it.The vin is real but he forgot to tell us that this car and five others are being tested in his area and they are not for sale, there the same test vechicals we use here at are test facility in dearborn so hes is full of :bs:Thats why he dont have a price because he dont even own the car and cant even sell it.,Not starting a war but lets get facts straight. :burn: Roadhog I guess you must be scum because everyone is trashing your dealer.After this stupid post you started you my be out of buniness for all the shit you started and how you treat people on this board.Believe me word on this board will travel fast.And youll be lucky to have any customers :loser: .


You are CORRECT, sir! There are absolutely ZERO cars ordered on the first day (or last Friday as he said his was) that have a VIN. It simply doesn't work that way. The VIN will not be assigned on any unit until it is finalized for production. Oh..and BTW, I read either here or on another board that a dealer had told a member that they were producing all of one color at a time. That, too, is wrong.

There are 89 cars, 45 coupes and 44 verts that have been produced. They were produced to SVTs specs, not an order from a dealer. Most of those cars have the three major options: Interior upgrade, Shaker 1000 and Sirius (remember here kids, that Ford owns a piece of Sirius and there is a financial stake in their getting units in cars). The 89 cars are a mix of colors. THEY have VINs. They will go to (one each) top 89 SVT dealers before actual production begins in June. The dealers obviously don't have to take them, but they likely will.

One other quick note....pricing. As of today, SVT still says it's low 40's for the coupe....45-ish for the 'vert. This does not include the gas guzzler tax. No, they don't know how much that is yet because they haven't received the final EPA numbers. Nor have they made a firm announcement through or to SAE on horsepower or torque values.

This info is (literally) from the horse's mouth as of late this afternoon.

Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't say this; I, too, enjoy and curse the ups and downs of a free enterprise system. Those of you that are bitching about Ford when it comes to price gouging are barking up the wrong tree. Is it your homebuilder's job or authority to keep you from getting the most out of reselling your house? Whether it's a car, house, motorcycle, watch, iPod or whatever.....wouldn't you try to get everything you could out of it, particularly if times had been bad for you? This is not a Ford issue, but one that falls squarely on the dealers. That said, you and I are the ones that have created such a supply/demand scenario...and we don't even know an exact amount on the supply side. Whatever it is, it'll sell out. And, unlike a lot of people on here, I don't believe they'll ever go below MSRP. Social Security is in the crapper for one reason...too many retiring baby boomers. I'm one of them...just not the retired part. This is exactly who this car is targeted to. Trust me, there are a LOT more of us out there than the few that read and post to these boards. The bottom line is this; if you want the car, buy the car at a price YOU feel comfortable with. If you're buying it as an investment, don't. Drive it. Enjoy it. Re-live your youth. You can't come close to this level of performance for the money, even at 10K over MSRP. Now, you're in C6 territory with 75 less horses, and a car that anyone can walk onto a lot and buy. I know. I did that with an '03 "50th" Vette that was going to be soooooo rare. Walked on, bought it at 2k off MSRP. You won't do that with the Shelby.

Sorry this was such a novel, but I hope I've shared a few interesting, if not important points.



The Dude
Established Member
Jan 19, 2004
I think all this crap is hilarious. This is the exact same thing that happend with the terminators. I had a 01 Cobra in Nov. of 02 when I first saw a 03 Cobra on the showroom floor. The MSRP on the car was 34K and they were asking 43K and would not budge. They only had 1 and it sat locked up in the showroom like a super car, I couldn't even sit in it. A year later I traded my 01 for an 03 for 32K out the door. It would have been 30 but I was 2K upsidedown on my 01. Be patient these things will be able to be bought below MSRP within a year. I wanted one but after my last new car buying experiance I will never buy a brand new car again.


Jun 16, 2004
Any sports/muscle/performance vehicle that is priced in the 40s is in direct competition with a C6 Corvette. C6s are really really soft. There are new 05s advertised with 10-12K discounts, 06s have been sold at or close to invoice since the fall. The GT500 will hit the market when the Corvettes will be substantially discounted and even more appealing to upscale buyers. A base model C6 coupe can be purchased for just under 40 grand with the current discounts. Factory incentives are nearly guaranteed this summer/fall further reducing the price of a new Vette.

Ford may be in for an unpleasant surprise if they are truly looking to capture any of the Corvette market with a 4,000 lb., 4 passenger offering that starts life at under 20 grand. Plain and simply, a middle age buyer is not likely to buy a Mustang for the price of a Corvette.

The "boomers" and younger capable buyers alienated by dealer gouging and arrogance will have a very easy, no BS choice in the C6 for less money.

A souped-up Mustang is not likely to be a high line buyers logical choice over a world class sports car with decades of refinement in the same price range.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 25, 2004
drmustang said:
Any sports/muscle/performance vehicle that is priced in the 40s is in direct competition with a C6 Corvette. C6s are really really soft. There are new 05s advertised with 10-12K discounts, 06s have been sold at or close to invoice since the fall. The GT500 will hit the market when the Corvettes will be substantially discounted and even more appealing to upscale buyers. A base model C6 coupe can be purchased for just under 40 grand with the current discounts. Factory incentives are nearly guaranteed this summer/fall further reducing the price of a new Vette.

Ford may be in for an unpleasant surprise if they are truly looking to capture any of the Corvette market with a 4,000 lb., 4 passenger offering that starts life at under 20 grand. Plain and simply, a middle age buyer is not likely to buy a Mustang for the price of a Corvette.

The "boomers" and younger capable buyers alienated by dealer gouging and arrogance will have a very easy, no BS choice in the C6 for less money.

A souped-up Mustang is not likely to be a high line buyers logical choice over a world class sports car with decades of refinement in the same price range.
Have you driven a new Vette? They are nice and perform well, but, I wouldn't call it World Class. WAy too much plastic for that.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 11, 2005
Eustis, FL
drmustang said:
Any sports/muscle/performance vehicle that is priced in the 40s is in direct competition with a C6 Corvette. C6s are really really soft. There are new 05s advertised with 10-12K discounts, 06s have been sold at or close to invoice since the fall. The GT500 will hit the market when the Corvettes will be substantially discounted and even more appealing to upscale buyers. A base model C6 coupe can be purchased for just under 40 grand with the current discounts. Factory incentives are nearly guaranteed this summer/fall further reducing the price of a new Vette.

Ford may be in for an unpleasant surprise if they are truly looking to capture any of the Corvette market with a 4,000 lb., 4 passenger offering that starts life at under 20 grand. Plain and simply, a middle age buyer is not likely to buy a Mustang for the price of a Corvette.

The "boomers" and younger capable buyers alienated by dealer gouging and arrogance will have a very easy, no BS choice in the C6 for less money.

A souped-up Mustang is not likely to be a high line buyers logical choice over a world class sports car with decades of refinement in the same price range.

Doctor, Doctor,

You're missing the point when you state that "boomers and younger capable buyers alienated by dealer gouging and arrogance will have a very easy, no BS choice in the C6 for less money".

First of all, "boomers" that are truly interested in the Shelby have little to no interest in a Vette. Two completely different animals....and I'm not talking about the literal, physical differences in the cars. I'm talking about the emotional reason(s) for the purchase. For anyone under 45, the visceral appeal of 475 horsepower is a thrill and you're correct, to some degree, that the bang for the buck can be equalled by a C6. But, that's NOT why the 45+ demo finds the Shelby so appealing. If you attended any major auto shows in the past 3 years, it was the Ford GT that drew crowds as though it was the only car in the hall. Why? Emotion. It looked exactly like the target market remembered it. Its exotic nature and pricetag put it out of reach for the normal, "walkin around" guy. The GT500, on the other hand, is dead-bang on target for the same customer.

Why do you think Ford introduced the "retro" look in the Mustangs (and subsequently sold the living crap out of them)? Emotion! It just so happened that it was a pretty good value and had no competition in the "pony car" arena. Do you think Chrysler and GM had the Challenger or the Camaro at the show as a potential alternative for a C6? Hardly. They're jumping on the bandwagon that Ford introduced and found a market for. Go to a show, observe the people around these cars. Listen to them. Then, and only then will you understand the difference in this customer. Anyone below 45 that buys a Shelby is most certainly a possible convert to a C6. Anyone older than that (you know, those with greater disposible incomes...the largest and fastest growing demo in the country...the lifegroup that controls not billions but trillions of dollars for the economy in the next 10 years) isn't going to even consider a C6 or anything else if their Shelby "jones" is based on emotion. And, yes, I am a marketing exec and not for Ford.



Interested Party
Established Member
Apr 12, 2002
Middle of no where Iowa
crazyhorse06 said:
Have you driven a new Vette? They are nice and perform well, but, I wouldn't call it World Class. WAy too much plastic for that.

If we are talking about handling and driving performance (I thought he was) then plastic has nothing to do with it....does it???? You have to spend 80-100K or more to get both performance and high quality interior trim. 40-50K will only get you so much.

It is hard for me to argue that the Vette is not a very sophisticated sports car with lots of power with chassis and suspension package to match. They also kept the weight down to a little over 3000lbs that is a huge engineering feat for the cost of this car.

In the end, I think we buy Mustangs over Corvettes because we just like the look, style and attitude it offers.

I hope we all can get one for a reasonable cost since we have been true blue the whole time. I think this is only fair since Fords intent was to keep the cost in reach of loyal SVT fans hence the 40K price point.

So who are these dopes who will spend stupid money on this car that puts it out of reach of the true blue. I promise that even though I can afford it, I won't feed the beast. I want one, but not for a penny over sticker......Steve
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