Matt Hughes vs. Royce Gracie !


game artist
Established Member
Aug 16, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Smokin03svt said:
simpman said:
Watch Trigg vs. Hughes two again. Matt got a shot in the webo rancheros, and the ref did not stop the fight for an (adjustment) NOt to the score but to nut protection.

I know he gets hit there, but the ref doesn't intervene at all. Not to give Matt a breather and the fight continued like normal.


Old School ModularMan
Established Member
Mar 3, 2003
I will be open about the record but in saying that no one really knows.
The link you posted is full of incorrect things but with good/bad points.
Honestly some of those guys on that post are actting like they know everything, they are some of the biggest bs'ers i've seen in awhile.
Anyone who says Ruas hasn't fought the Gracies is full of sh*t themself(you can see him fighting on the early tapes they had....i know because i have them and it's 100% Ruas fighting).
Those guys over there are doing nothing but trying to bash Rickson....for what?....being a great fighter?
Rickson was and is out of his prime when the UFC was coming in(and thats a fact).
Rickson in his prime could win against the best we have now "IMO".
Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a dumb ass looking to make himself look like a badass.
People for years have been trying to bash the Gracie name because they opened "our" eyes to "real" fighting and imo it really butt hurt a lot of people/teachers(and put them out of buisness all together).
I agree with the record thing, who knows how Rickson came up with it but to say it's a lie without any "real" proof other then, "i see what he said in this interview and such is just bs.
Remember he's from another country, they do and look at thing different then we do(funny how us Americans always think everyone on this planet does things the sameway we do and if they don't it's wrong or incorrect....American pride i guess).
To me his record just stood for "i'm the best the gracie family has at this time" and nothing more. :beer:
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New Member
Established Member
Aug 19, 2004
bay area
I cant wait for this fight. I hate to say it but i think hughes might get him just because of his overall strengh. I hope it goes to the ground where it will be more of a fair fight.


game artist
Established Member
Aug 16, 2002
Raleigh, NC
yeasure said:
I will be open about the record but in saying that no one really knows.
The link you posted is full of incorrect things but with good/bad points.
Honestly some of those guys on that post are actting like they know everything, they are some of the biggest bs'ers i've seen in awhile.
Anyone who says Ruas hasn't fought the Gracies is full of sh*t themself(you can see him fighting on the early tapes they had....i know because i have them and it's 100% Ruas fighting).
Those guys over there are doing nothing but trying to bash Rickson....for what?....being a great fighter?
Rickson was and is out of his prime when the UFC was coming in(and thats a fact).
Rickson in his prime could win against the best we have now "IMO".
Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a dumb ass looking to make himself look like a badass.
People for years have been trying to bash the Gracie name because they opened "our" eyes to "real" fighting and imo it really butt hurt a lot of people/teachers(and put them out of buisness all together).
I agree with the record thing, who knows how Rickson came up with it but to say it's a lie without any "real" proof other then, "i see what he said in this interview and such is just bs.
Remember he's from another country, they do and look at thing different then we do(funny how us Americans always think everyone on this planet does things the sameway we do and if they don't it's wrong or incorrect....American pride i guess).
To me his record just stood for "i'm the best the gracie family has at this time" and nothing more. :beer:

That link I posted was indeed filled with incorrect facts and thats why I posted it, because thats the list people use to proove his rediculous 400-0 record. I couldn't find the other huge post I was talking about earlier on adcombat.

Please tell me which Gracie, Ruas fights. I've seen his early stuff too. He is on Gracie in Action fighting a top Gracie fighter (i think his name is Pequina or something like that) but it is not a Gracie. I believe they fought to a draw. But he hasn't fought Rickson. That's something Ruas's camp made up to get Ruas into the UFC. Now Carlson Gracie in his prime was possibly the greatest Gracie fighter ever. He was a legit undeafeted. He also beat Sanatana after Santana beat Helio.

Anyways, Any fans who enjoy Rickson should go rent Choke. It's a good documentary about him. A little outdated but still entertaining.


game artist
Established Member
Aug 16, 2002
Raleigh, NC
CKERR134 said:
gracie is old news

I do believe this is a ratings stunt by Dana White to get viewers. It will get the old school fans who aren't into it anymore to try to enjoy it. Gracie might be old news but without him and his brother Rorion, there would be no UFC, Pride, King of the Cage, etc. People would still be doing karate tournements. So he should be respected no matter how bad he might get beat. But wouldn't it be nice to see him win?


Established Member
Apr 6, 2004
Not that Gracie sucks or anything, I just think that Hughes is a whole new animal. Hughes in the second round.


Mexican NOS kit.
Established Member
Nov 30, 2004
Central Montana
When is it? I thaught it was going to be in the Feb. 3 pay-per-view. I can't make a prediction. It really depends if Gracie has gotten better or old and weak. Its to soon to tell. They both are serious guys with an agenda.


Old School ModularMan
Established Member
Mar 3, 2003
simpman said:
Please tell me which Gracie, Ruas fights. I've seen his early stuff too. He is on Gracie in Action fighting a top Gracie fighter (i think his name is Pequina or something like that) but it is not a Gracie. I believe they fought to a draw. But he hasn't fought Rickson. That's something Ruas's camp made up to get Ruas into the UFC.

Thats a good question who he is fighting in that video.
But you just made my point pretty much.
You statement doesn't hold up for a number of reasons.....
You say Ruas camp made this all up but the Gracies in fact show him fighting on "their" video.
So that is not correct, he is fighting someone from their camp 100%.
My next question to you is, how on gods green earth could you know who is fighting in that video honestly?!?!(i kinda set you up for this).
Please post all the info you have on the Gracies fighting before coming to america(you can't so don't even try but if feel the need go for it).
Until i hear it from the mouth of Rickson himself i'm not sure who Ruas has fought.
Another thing, Ruas is from the same area as them, even fights like them(somewhat, you can see he has an ok ground game).
So all this, he didn't fight so and so because i read it on a forum is just people talking.
Until i see 100% proof this is incorrect i'll stay open on this subject.
Enough of this anyway......
Imo i think Hughes will win unless he gets very wild and tries to end the fight fast.
If he plays it smart should be a pretty easy pound and ground match for him, him pounding Royce until he knocks him out(probley won't happen) or the ref stops it(probley what will happen).
But in the world of fighting anything can happen so it's up in the air.
My pick is Hughes with the Ref stopping the fight(TKO). :beer:


Old School ModularMan
Established Member
Mar 3, 2003
Royce didn't get beat in the UFC, outside of the UFC yes but not in the UFC.
He had a draw with Ken Shamrock thats about it.
His first loss(after the UFC) was a member of Carlson Gracie team, Royce was knocked out with a nice little choke hold that he likes doing himself....hehe :D


Cantankerously Blunt
Established Member
Nov 20, 2000
FuryShift said:
I don't see how you can be behind the times. Fighting is fighting.

You're kidding right? So by your thinking, Bruce Lee, with his complete lack of ground/grappling skills, could be a competitive fighter today? I mean in his time he was phenominal but that was 30 years ago.

Before you think to hard on it, just think back to UFC1 and then think of how the UFC is today. 90% of the fighters you saw in UFC1 would be destroyed by today's competitors.

MMA is just like war, it changes as people learn better things and see what someone else knows.


You are slow.
Established Member
Jan 22, 2004
You apparently got confused by what I said. Bruce Lee was never a MMA fighter. I'm sure Gracie has progressed with the times, it's part of training.


Old School ModularMan
Established Member
Mar 3, 2003
Bruce Lee's grappling teachers were Wally Jay and Gene LeBell.
I'm sure Bruce understood the grappling game more then most in his time and then some.
I think what he means is, royce isn't in the mix/game like say Hughes is.
Royce doesn't really fight much anymore, few fight here and there, were Hughes has been in the game for awhile now.
On paper Hughes should win but in saying that Royce is a very smart fighter and if Hughes plays his(Royce) game( i don't think he will) the old lion could win. :beer:

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