im so tired of these dam iraqis


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
Euphoric One said:
Iraq has transformed into the front line for the way on terror.

Sorry, but that is a silly statement. No, I take that back. That statement is utterly stupid.

Did the 17 just arrested in Canada plan on taking that stuff to Iraq? I think not.

Just because we made it easy for every rag head in the middle east to take pot shots at our soldiers doesn't mean the real terrorists quit planning or trying to hurt us here at home.

If Al Queda has managed to get a terrorist cell into the US, do you really think they are going to bring them back to Iraq to plant IEDs when they have an unlimited supply of insurgents ready and willing to do that already? A terrorist already in the US is far more valuable to them. The fact that we are fighting insurgents and terrorists in Iraq will have absolutely no impact on the activites of any terrorists that were already here or that are trying to come here, except that it diverts resources from securing our borders and our homeland.

The whole "We are fighting terrorists there so we don't have to fight them here." is the biggest load of mind crap the administration has tossed out. Interestingly, it has been so readily gobbled up by the party loyalist and the mentally weak as a justification for continuing a war that started on mistaken pretenses.

Make no mistake about it. The soldiers losing their lives in Iraq may be helping Iraq (I certainly hope their sacrifice is for something good), but they are doing nothing that reduces the risk of terrorist attacks here at home.


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 8, 2004
Olathe KS
kbgt said:
not to be an asshole but there havent been any violations of opsec and im going to go into other than saying this fob has been established for a min and its no secret where we are at.

weve gotten attacked 3 times today.....cant we just shoot them already

fob kalsu 35 miles south of baghdad

guys lets remember OPSEC here, no naming locations our what happens day to day over the internet.

Kinda seems like you've mentioned Day to Day and location. Doesn't matter if it's been around awhile, still gotta keep OPSEC in mind bro. You should know that. I've had the same brief as you.


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
esqeddy said:
but they are doing nothing that reduces the risk of terrorist attacks here at home.
How did you come to such a "sound" conclusion as that? What facts do you have supporting this idea? Or are you waiting for the State Department to announce every plot disrupted in Iraq and abroad? Eddy you have made a complete fool of yourself on this one. Al Zarqawi is known to have plotted several attacks against the US from Iraq and many of his key trainers and finaciers are spending their nights in the hot soil of Iraq.

"Zarqawi is now believed to have returned to the Ansar al-Islam camp in northern Iraq run by his Jund al-Shams lieutenants. Terrorists trained at the camp have plotted chemical attacks with various toxins in Britain, France, Georgia's Pankisi Gorge, and Chechnya.",20867,19259319-2703,00.html


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
DaleM said:
How did you come to such a "sound" conclusion as that? What facts do you have supporting this idea? Or are you waiting for the State Department to announce every plot disrupted in Iraq and abroad? Eddy you have made a complete fool of yourself on this one. Al Zarqawi is known to have plotted several attacks against the US from Iraq and many of his key trainers and finaciers are spending their nights in the hot soil of Iraq.

"Zarqawi is now believed to have returned to the Ansar al-Islam camp in northern Iraq run by his Jund al-Shams lieutenants. Terrorists trained at the camp have plotted chemical attacks with various toxins in Britain, France, Georgia's Pankisi Gorge, and Chechnya.",20867,19259319-2703,00.html

No sir, it is you who just made a fool of yourself. Stop and think about what you just pointed out:

Zarqawi was nothing and no body until we put easy targets in front of him in Iraq. The fact that he is now, AFTER we invaded and occupied Iraq, acuiring the status and resources to plan attacks on the US demonstrates clearly the following:

Not only has the Iraqi campaign failed to reduce the likelihood of terrorist attacks at home, it has increased the likelihood. Thus the war on Iraq is hurting our efforts to protect ourselves here at home.

Simple logic my friend. No matter how you slice it, the war in Iraq does nothing to secure us here at home.


2003 Cobra & 1990 Notch
Established Member
Jan 30, 2003
Iraq is a guagmire and we are stuck. I say declare victory, as in mission accomplished and get out in 2007. Let someone else get shot and blamed. They want a civil war, let them have it without us! Some idiots blame liberals for the mess of Iraq. All Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld get the credit. They disbanded the Iraq army, went in with too few troops, and did not have a sufficient force to police the country. And meanwhile Iran get stronger and better able to defy the overstretched US! Iran has done more to support terrorists than Sadam ever did.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
red03cobra said:
Iraq is a guagmire and we are stuck. I say declare victory, as in mission accomplished and get out in 2007. Let someone else get shot and blamed. They want a civil war, let them have it without us! Some idiots blame liberals for the mess of Iraq. All Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld get the credit. They disbanded the Iraq army, went in with too few troops, and did not have a sufficient force to police the country. And meanwhile Iran get stronger and better able to defy the overstretched US! Iran has done more to support terrorists than Sadam ever did.

Amen brother.


Suck it!
Established Member
Aug 17, 2005
Solana Beach
First off, guys be safe over there, fight like you are saving your mom from being raped and please do not give away any of your locations over the internet.

Eddy, you are an asshat. Duh.

Everyone else: Get your facts straight. Strategically, Iraq is the perfect launching pad for Iran, if any military action will be taken against them. Iran is weak, always has been. They were masters of PR just like the U.S.S.R. They are nothing and are a youth movement away from revolution, which is good.

All you people drive me ****ing nuts. There is a reason why we are there and we need to stay the course. War is not a day trading matter. You have to be in it for the long haul. If you aren't, then you are gonna get scared with every soldier wounded or killed and **** over future generations.

Soldiers, you are pawns in this game, but you are our fearless front line. Please remain strong and let us pray and actively elect leaders who will give you the tools to fight and strip down the Geneva Handcuffs. No one else plays by the rules, why should we? Particularly when it is life and death. Its like saying that that we can own guns to protect ourselves, but we can't use them because it is an unfair advantage against the criminal who is attacking you.

Wake up people and please look beyond the distance of your eyes to your nose.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
CobraGuy99 said:
First off, guys be safe over there, fight like you are saving your mom from being raped and please do not give away any of your locations over the internet.

Eddy, you are an asshat. Duh.

Everyone else: Get your facts straight. Strategically, Iraq is the perfect launching pad for Iran, if any military action will be taken against them. Iran is weak, always has been. They were masters of PR just like the U.S.S.R. They are nothing and are a youth movement away from revolution, which is good.

All you people drive me ****ing nuts. There is a reason why we are there and we need to stay the course. War is not a day trading matter. You have to be in it for the long haul. If you aren't, then you are gonna get scared with every soldier wounded or killed and **** over future generations.

Soldiers, you are pawns in this game, but you are our fearless front line. Please remain strong and let us pray and actively elect leaders who will give you the tools to fight and strip down the Geneva Handcuffs. No one else plays by the rules, why should we? Particularly when it is life and death. Its like saying that that we can own guns to protect ourselves, but we can't use them because it is an unfair advantage against the criminal who is attacking you.

Wake up people and please look beyond the distance of your eyes to your nose.

First off, guys be safe over there, fight like you are saving your mom from being raped and please do not give away any of your locations over the internet.

Second off, if I'm an asshat, you are the asshole I'm sitting on. What a stupid post. How ignorant. You proclaim me an idiot yet you don't disprove or dislodge not even a single statement I made. you don't even try. I'm just an asshat because you don't like my opinion?! How childish. Cuss what you don't like without considering if maybe, just maybe it might be right. Its obvious that you didn't consider it, otherwise instead of childish crude posting, you'd be telling me how I'm wrong.

You are nothing but a big mouth of NOTHING. All hot air and not substance.

You wanna debate with me... BOY. Start with logic and facts. The rest of your chest thumping is nothing but gorilla ignorance. And gorilla's don't wipe their asses. Maybe that's why your opinions stinks.

Edit: PS: DUH


Authorized Vendor
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Premium Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
BetterthanU said:

however, the "war on terror" is an undefined ideology...the war in a iraq is a concrete thing....and the "reason" we went into Iraq turned out to be unfounded and incorrect....not that there weren't multiple reasons, just some feel we should have worried mroe about Iran.

Stay safe guys, and come home soon. :thumbsup:
I tend to agree with you. I guess the bottom line is that these Muslim extremists will always be a thread to democracy anywhere in the world. So if it wasn't Iraq, it would be Iran, or another country that harbors/trains/supports these Muslim terrorists. Like it or not, unless every one of these extremist groups are totally destroyed, and the roots of extremist Muslim believes destroyed, the battle with terrorists does not have any end in sight. It would be a mistaken belief if we thought that we'd be a safer country/world if we had not invaded Iraq. JMO.

To those in Iraq defending democracy and the "good" Iraqi people, BE SAFE! And God bless you and protect you!


Suck it!
Established Member
Aug 17, 2005
Solana Beach
esqeddy said:
First off, guys be safe over there, fight like you are saving your mom from being raped and please do not give away any of your locations over the internet.

Second off, if I'm an asshat, you are the asshole I'm sitting on. What a stupid post. How ignorant. You proclaim me an idiot yet you don't disprove or dislodge not even a single statement I made. you don't even try. I'm just an asshat because you don't like my opinion?! How childish. Cuss what you don't like without considering if maybe, just maybe it might be right. Its obvious that you didn't consider it, otherwise instead of childish crude posting, you'd be telling me how I'm wrong.

You are nothing but a big mouth of NOTHING. All hot air and not substance.

You wanna debate with me... BOY. Start with logic and facts. The rest of your chest thumping is nothing but gorilla ignorance. And gorilla's don't wipe their asses. Maybe that's why your opinions stinks.

Edit: PS: DUH

Pot, meet kettle.

I don't want to argue with you, so I didn't start an arguement. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a moron. I am perfectly entitled to merely stating my opinion that you are borderline retarded without refuting any of your comments. I have argued with you in the past and frankly I find you annoying. Typical litigator. All you use the internet for is honing your skill of being a thorn in the side of this website and bait everyone into an arguement. Why would I have to explain how you are wrong EVERY TIME YOU TYPE ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET? Do you realize how tiring that is? Good lord! Have you ever considered that you have not said anything new in about 3 years? If you read one esqeddy post, you have read them all!!!

My post IS full of logic and reasonable comments. It involves STRATEGY, something that lawyers have no concept of. Scortch and burn is your sole tactic. If the kitchen gets hot, get out! My strategy is to tough it out, yes I will bear as much of the financial burden as is required of me and then some (civilian's contribution). I will always thank our service men and women every time I see them, and I do.

All I ask of anyone is to support our troops, support our LONG TERM STRATEGY OF PEACE, and elect individuals who will uncuff our soldiers. BTW, Zarqawi (spelling?) is dead. Amen.


May 20, 2006
harry gilbert said:
Really? An how many THOUSANDS of people need to be killed by IEDs and rocket grenade attacks before the dim-wits out there realize that 8 million pounds of explosives amassed by Sadam and hidden throughout Iraq constitutes WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION? What do YOU think a 2 thousand pound roadside bomb is -- the same as a single 9mm gunshot?

A "weapon of mass destruction" is a chemical, biological, or nuclear type weapon, by definition.......not that all sorts of weapons can't inflict horrible casualties......ammonia nitrate can do a whooole bunch of damage, but is not a WMD.


May 20, 2006
red03cobra said:
Iraq is a guagmire and we are stuck. I say declare victory, as in mission accomplished and get out in 2007. Let someone else get shot and blamed. They want a civil war, let them have it without us! Some idiots blame liberals for the mess of Iraq. All Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld get the credit. They disbanded the Iraq army, went in with too few troops, and did not have a sufficient force to police the country. And meanwhile Iran get stronger and better able to defy the overstretched US! Iran has done more to support terrorists than Sadam ever did.


However, stability in Iraq is key to stability in the middle east......we can't pull out and just let it turn into afghanistan.....quite a situation we've got ourselves into.

and we're not going to be 100% out of Iraq for a long, long time.....hell, we've still got a bunch of bases in Germany.
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custom user title here
Established Member
May 26, 2006
houston(iraq right now)
203Cree said:
Kinda seems like you've mentioned Day to Day and location. Doesn't matter if it's been around awhile, still gotta keep OPSEC in mind bro. You should know that. I've had the same brief as you.
you show me what reg or opsec brief where it says we cant talk about locations of fobs.(pm of course) if this was a firebase i could understand but me being in commo i know what is perfectly safe to say and what is not. i did not discuss specifics that arent already known by every freaking iraqi out here.


Established Member
Apr 7, 2006
It does not matter if your commo or not or if you’re at a fob or fire base what you said was sensitive material. PMing stuff back and forth does not make it any safer than posting it on the forum, because this is not a secure line.
You might think im being anal but ive seen many people get in trouble for this exact same stuff and a whole lot less.
I’m sure you mean well, so lets just leave it at that and drive on.
Again stay safe.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 31, 2005
Daytona Beach, Florida
It does not matter if we agree or disagree on this war. We are there and we have to finish it. I was in during Nam and it made me sick to see the Viet Cong running us off


May 20, 2006
frankin said:
It does not matter if we agree or disagree on this war. We are there and we have to finish it. I was in during Nam and it made me sick to see the Viet Cong running us off

we definitely had less at stake in nam as we do now in Iraq....but in both cases, it's hard and frustrating for our troops to fight when we have military blunders by their higher-ups and when they're fighting for a people who don't seem to want to stand up and fight themselves.
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custom user title here
Established Member
May 26, 2006
houston(iraq right now)
rangerob said:
It does not matter if your commo or not or if you’re at a fob or fire base what you said was sensitive material. PMing stuff back and forth does not make it any safer than posting it on the forum, because this is not a secure line.
You might think im being anal but ive seen many people get in trouble for this exact same stuff and a whole lot less.
I’m sure you mean well, so lets just leave it at that and drive on.
Again stay safe.
ill agree to disagree but i dont consider anything any john dick or sally can find, read, hear, or see on the news to be anywhere sensitive.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
CobraGuy99 said:
Pot, meet kettle.

I don't want to argue with you, so I didn't start an arguement. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a moron. I am perfectly entitled to merely stating my opinion that you are borderline retarded without refuting any of your comments. I have argued with you in the past and frankly I find you annoying. Typical litigator. All you use the internet for is honing your skill of being a thorn in the side of this website and bait everyone into an arguement. Why would I have to explain how you are wrong EVERY TIME YOU TYPE ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET? Do you realize how tiring that is? Good lord! Have you ever considered that you have not said anything new in about 3 years? If you read one esqeddy post, you have read them all!!!

You are right. You don't have to argue with me at all. A good decision on your part because your arguments at usually weak and shallow. And you don't have to explain anything to me. But if you are going to say someone is wrong, that is a meaningless statement unless you say why.

The whole idea of debating public policy and government actions, is to EXAMINE both sides of the coin. How do you do that when you don't show your sides? Or do you just not have one?

And yes, I think you too are a moron. The only difference was that I stated why right up front. You did not.... until now.

And let's get those reasons straight:

1) I haven't said anything new in 3 years. Is this opposed to you, who's opinion changes like the weather in Minnesota? Sorry, as to this administration and this "war" my opinion has been consistent. I'm not changing my mind just to entertain you.

And please please PLEASE tell me this: If all my posts are the same, why do you bother reading them? Why did you read and quote my post in this thread? And why is it you STILL have not addressed the substance of my post?

2) I'm a typical litigator and I use this forum to sharpen my skills. Is your beef really that you just hate all lawyers? I bet one kicked your ass in court one day and made you look like the fool you are. You obviously hve no real idea about the skills required to be a trial lawyer, like the rules of evidence, and criminal and civil procedure, which have nothing to do with the post I make here.

3) I bait everyone into an argument. Are my opinions just so juicy and tantelizing that you and others cannot resist taking a swipe at them? Besides not agreeing with the republican majority here, and having a different opinion than you and them, what is it about my opinions that constitutes such an irrestible bait to you? Are you a mouse and my opinions the cheese? If my opinions are poisoned bait as you imply, then I would hope you, the mouse, would have enough intelligence to leave them alone.

Yet here you are.

CobraGuy99 said:
My post IS full of logic and reasonable comments. It involves STRATEGY, something that lawyers have no concept of. Scortch and burn is your sole tactic. If the kitchen gets hot, get out! My strategy is to tough it out, yes I will bear as much of the financial burden as is required of me and then some (civilian's contribution). I will always thank our service men and women every time I see them, and I do.

As I suspected, some lawyer left his shoe in your ass and you haven't yet had it removed.

Strategy. In case you didn't know this, toughing it out is a strategy, but it isn't always the best strategy. If I start to take a pee and realize I'm missing the toilet, I DON'T STICK IT OUT. You toss around the idea of "sticking it out" like its a religious concept.

I too thank our service men when I see them. I also tell them I'll be glad when the all come home and quit loosing their lives in a country and for a people who don't give a damm about us. I tell them I'm heart broken every time I hear another one of their lives has been wasted.

I guess you are right. This is my position, I've said it over and over, and it doesn't change. And my strategy is to stick it out until people like you quit pissing away the lives of the fathers, brothers, and sons of people like me.

CobraGuy99 said:
All I ask of anyone is to support our troops, support our LONG TERM STRATEGY OF PEACE, and elect individuals who will uncuff our soldiers. BTW, Zarqawi (spelling?) is dead. Amen.

Here we mostly agree. I support our troops. Believe that when its time to kick ass, its no holds barred. And am going to celebrate the death of Al Zarquawi tonight. Frankly, I think he should be buried in pig gutts.

As for the "LONG TERM STRATEGY OF PEACE". Come one! Putting us in Iraq has nothing to do with making or getting us peace. That is no more reality than Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2003
Vidalia, Georgia
frankin said:
It does not matter if we agree or disagree on this war. We are there and we have to finish it. I was in during Nam and it made me sick to see the Viet Cong running us off

That is total non-sense.

It doesn't matter if the war is just or not? Whether we are in the right or the wrong? Whether we are the good guys or the bad guys?

According to you, it only matters that we win. Sorry, but that isn't what I was taught, believed, or defended when I was a soldier. That is not my idea of justice or the American way.

I believed that "might doesn't make right". That we were the good guys when we fought in WWI & WWII. That we are the good guys when we go to some foreign country and start killing people.

Yes, we are in Iraq. But if we are there unjustly, then we are NOT the good guys and we need to leave. Not because we won, or because we lost. We need to leave because that is the right thing to do.

We invaded a country. Killed many of its people. Toppled its government. All without UN approval. (Hey, isn't this EXACTLY what Saddam did in Kuwait? And for which we kicked his ass in Desert Storm?) What makes us different from Saddam?

Because we don't round up people and imprison them without charges, a lawyer, or a hearing? No.

Because we don't torture prisoners? No.

Because we don't round up unarmed local civilians and murder them? No.

Because we don't use chemical weapons? No.

Because we have bigger and better guns? That seems to be about it.

I want to win. Not because I can kick your ass. But I want to win because I'm right.

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