
Feb 15, 2004
This fallen world is spellbound. That really is the best way to describe it. And the enemy has done this by design.

As long as Satan can keep the world focused on anything BUT Jesus, then he wins in the end.

Let me ask you this.

Let's say you see a blind man crossing a street, and their are vehicles coming at him at a high rate of speed.

You knew if you didn't do anything - it would be certain death for him, and this man is blind - and he doesn't know any better.

However you run out there to save him, but he tells you to leave him alone. You try desperately to get him to the side of the road, but he just curses at you and calls you a fool.

To make the matter worse, you have people on the side of the road yelling at YOU to leave him alone, and that you should mind your own business.

Now let's apply this to Christianity. Whether you think Christians are crazy or not, we truly do believe with all of our hearts and soul that if you do not know Jesus at the time of your death, you are destined for an eternity in Hell. We didn't make the rules, this is the message we are trying to get across.

So it is much, much more than just trying to "push our religion" onto you. Regardless, I am not affiliated with any Religion. I just have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In fact, I despise religion.

We are trying to save you, even if we don't know you...because NOBODY, not even our worst enemies, deserve Hell. It really is that bad. We don't get anything out of getting you saved, we do it for YOU.

God doesn't want anybody to go to Hell, but he can't just make himself visible to the world and warn them to turn to Him. If He did that, people would worship Him out of fear. He wants to love you, and he wants us to love Him. He wants a relationship with us. That is why He created us in the first place. This can only happen if we first come to Him on our own accord.

If you just take that first step into seeking Him, he WILL show himself to you. Once our eyes are opened and we see HIM, then we finally become these 'crazy Christians' who believe in fairy tales, lol.

I'm not crazy, and most consider me a very intelligent person. I can tell you that years ago, I took that first step. I thought it was all a joke but I wanted to know for sure. At that moment, God opened my eyes and my life was changed in an instant, and I have never been the same (thankfully). I can tell you without a glimpse of doubt in my mind, that God is VERY real. His name is Jesus.

Words just can't describe it, you really need to have a relationship with Jesus to understand.

The best part, is not only does God give you an incredible life on earth, but you know where you are going when you die - and you know where you are NOT going as well.

The worst part - I now understand that so many people are where I was years ago before I met God. A majority of the population are standing is the edge of a massive inferno, and they don't even see it - and they laugh when you tell them the truth.

A simple prayer can not only change your life, but your eternity.

If you read this and you are all of the sudden interested in this stuff, it's no coincidence...God is trying to speak to your heart right now. Don't ignore it, you may not ever get another chance. Please PM if anybody has questions.

Nice post brother. :beer:

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