Cops kill Tosh.0 Production Assistant


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA

He also has a doughnut in his mouth.

What people are forgetting is how Joe Civilian would be tared, feathered, sued, etc.., if he accidentally shot someone whom he originally viewed as a threat. It would be page one news and be discussed on every news channel (HLN, CNN, etc..,) and if he was acquitted it would be forgotten unless of course you constantly did things to stay in the news.

This situation is something I've barely heard about besides on here. The crippled guy from South Africa charged with killing his gf is all over the news. That flight out in the Indian Ocean is still in the news. Hell, the kid in PA who stabbed 20 classmates seems to be falling out of the news.

03 DSG Snake

Unknown Cyborg
Established Member
Nov 3, 2002
No mention of this incident on last night's show. It was fairly current as he mentioned Ultimate Warrior dying and Colbert getting Letterman's spot.

My guess is legally they don't want to touch it.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Cool story bro, but you aren't addressing the topic at all. So disregard all the people in this thread you think are idiots. Do you disagree with everyone else making valid points that this was a completely botched 'rescure attempt' and the cops should be held accountable?
I have yet to see any valid points made in this thread. all I see are a bunch of cop hating monday morning quarterbacks who weren't there, ignoring factual information that turns this from murder/manslaughter to a tragic mistake.

the description the cops had was a (from memory and paraphrased) skinny white male wearing black pants and a black shirt and was slashing people with a knife. one of the victims ran out of the apartment followed by a skinny white male wearing black pants and a black shirt who then tackled the first guy out of the apartment. seeing as how there was no time for them to say "excuse me, are you a hero or the perp? could we see your hands please? we would like to be sure we have the right guy before we put a cap in your ass." there was no TIME to do any "fact checking" had he been the perp the other guy would be dead, and these guys would STILL be calling for the cops heads because they didn't shoot the perp before he killed someone.

is it right what happened ? no it wasn't. was it a "botched" rescue attempt? no it wasn't. was it a tragedy that an innocent guy got killed by the cops trying to do their job? yes it was. was it murder ? no it wasn't. Was it manslaughter? I don't think so. Do I think the cops should get off? yes I do. because given the totality of the circumstances any reasonable person would likely make the same decisions.

these monday morning quarterbacks will of course say "oh NO I wouldn't do that, I would have checked first" are clueless of what it takes to do the job. all they want to do is cop hate and be judgmental. That is what is so cool about 65, he knows his bible inside and out, and he gets to judge people on behalf of that thing he calls god. hypocritical at best is what he is.
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Super Trooper
Established Member
Nov 9, 2003
Sacramento, California
Always makes me think of this meme...



Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
He was not threatening the cops, he looked to be threatening the guy with the blood gashing from his neck. Of course if the cops did nothing, and the guy with the neck wound died, everyone would still be saying damn those cops they let that man die. No win situation!
so, if the cops didn't shoot and kill the innocent man helping the victim, and the victim died from the "blood gashing" neck wound, the cops would be tarred and feathered for NOT shooting the innocent guy? are you serious??? that's gotta be the most retarded strawman i've ever heard. you are RATIONALIZING the death of an innocent person!!!
this isn't a black & white scenario like you're trying to present it, there are a multitude of options that they could've chosen that didn't involve LETHAL use of their weapons. even ANY use of their weapons for that matter. shit, tase the mother****er if you really think he's a threat! "but, but, but, what if he was jacked up on meth, PCP, and ketamine and the taser didn't effect him, then what, then what, then what???" THEN you use a ****ing gun to stop him! all it takes is ONE officer to fire a taser at the suspect while he's being covered by the numerous other cops around him with guns. that's merely one example.
if cops instinctually go for their gun - the must lethal tool they posses - in all scenarios like this when they have numerous other tools - many of which are NON-lethal - to defuse the situation, then we have a serious, serious problem. and, frankly, they are a threat to the public, as proven here, if their first instinct is lethal force.

Always makes me think of this meme...

please, tell me more about this special training that the LAPD recieves when they can't properly identify the target AND 3 of them unload their ****in guns and get ONE hit in total. we're not talking about the SWAT team, and we're sure as hell not talking about soldiers. if this is an example of LEO training being utilized in a real world situation, maybe it's time we completely rethink that specialized training.

maybe we can throw in some physical fitness standards while we're at it...


Bro do you even Boost?
Established Member
Jan 24, 2013
This is why most people don't like to help anyone in distress anymore
The Bystander Effect is just going to have to remain exactly what it is.
It is murder.

Murder is killing someone that doesnt deserve to be killed on purpose.
Manslaughter is accidentally killing someone that doesnt deserve to be killed.
Killing is killing someone that deserves the punishment.

This wasnt an accident. Guns drawn, pointed and triggers pulled is no accident. The purposely shot the target to kill it. Turns out, the target didnt deserve to be killed. Thats murder every which way.

For the naysayers look at it this way^. If that was one of us with no badge and we shot an innocent man i know my ass would be looking at murder. Bring race into and It could be ****ing 2014 and they would still give me the chair! WAKE UP


Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County
so, if the cops didn't shoot and kill the innocent man helping the victim, and the victim died from the "blood gashing" neck wound, the cops would be tarred and feathered for NOT shooting the innocent guy? are you serious???

They did not know he was innocent. All they knew was the man matched the description and clothing of the perp and was tackling/attacking the man that was bleeding. It looked to them as is the man bleeding was running for his life and the man behind him was trying to attack him and finish the job that was started.
The choices the officers had at the time of the occurance was stop the man from attacking the man that was wounded or let it the attack continue to take place. What would you have done?


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
They did not know he was innocent. All they knew was the man matched the description and clothing of the perp and was tackling/attacking the man that was bleeding. It looked to them as is the man bleeding was running for his life and the man behind him was trying to attack him and finish the job that was started.
The choices the officers had at the time of the occurance was stop the man from attacking the man that was wounded or let it the attack continue to take place. What would you have done?
he would have politely asked the guy to cease and desist and show his hands, probably would have apologized for the interruption as well


Established Member
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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
Apparently it didn't dawn on the producer to perhaps keep his hands in the air, identify himself so the cops knew he wasn't an aggressor, etc.., Hell, remember Columbine? The kids were running with their hands clearly up towards their heads as to separate themselves from the shooters.


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Party Liquor Posse
Feb 22, 2009
Cottage Grove, WI

The family of John Winkler is filing a lawsuit against the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, after deputies mistakenly shot and killed the aspiring TV producer during a knife attack April 7.

Also read: ‘Tosh.0' Production Assistant Mistakenly Shot and Killed by LA Sheriff Deputy

Winkler, 30, was one of three men who was being held hostage at knifepoint at an apartment in West Hollywood by suspect Alexander McDonald, 27. Deputies who responded to the situation believed Winkler was the attacker when he pursued another victim out the front door of the apartment; both were bloodied from the knife attack.

The family will also speak publicly for the first time about the incident at a press conference Tuesday in Seattle — not far from Winkler's hometown of Puyallup, Wash. Winkler's aunt told TheWrap shortly after his death that the aspiring producer was a kind man who loved his family.

Also read: Daniel Tosh Sends Heartfelt Condolences to John Winkler, Production Assistant Who Was Killed

“He was a bright kid and he was really funny and enthusiastic and he went down there to make his way in that industry,” Anne-Marie Vanwart, said at the time. “I've known him since he was about 9-10 months old. He was really good to his grandparents, particularly good to his grandparents, and he had a lot of good friends here, friends that were good kids like he was.”

It's a shame that the lawsuit payout will come straight from taxpayers. I'm doubtful, but hopefully the officers who pulled the triggers will be removed from their jobs.
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Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County

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