American Cops Killed More People in March than UK During Entire 20th Century


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Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
There are more shitty criminals in US that need to get shot than UK.

Maybe if America didnt have a generation that feels they can disrespect authority and raised with shitty parenting, this wouldnt be an issue.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
Most police shootings occur with witnesses or other officers around to attest that shootings are justified or not. Nearly ALL of them are justified. Let me say that again, nearly ALL are justified. But like i said before, you will always have bad apples out there too who will account for those unjustified ones.

Justified by who? Oh, the department that polices its own self? As long as there isn't video to dispute what the investigation says you best believe they're going to come up with a great narrative as to why it was "justified".


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
Its seems to be tactics are reversed from what they should be.

Traffic stops, none violent offenses, misdemeanors = if in doubt, shoot first ask questions later

Mass shootings = apprehend the suspect with the highest regard for his safety

Terrorist attacks = deadly force is a last resort, capture the suspect alive for questioning

James Holmes killed 12 people in a suburban movie theatre for no reason, arrested without the use of deadly force. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bombed the boston marathon injuring 260+ innocents in addition to 3 deaths, a short manhunt resulted in his arrest without incident. Brain Nichols escaped his trial, murdered a judge, a reporter and a federal agent before being arrested without incident.

Walter Scott - 50yr old man pulled over for busted taillight, shot to death in broad daylight :nonono:

I agree with this. I think it's a huge injustice that those POSs are still breathing.

It usually happens that way because those bigger incidents are public and get media coverage. When you have big events like that, it draws the attention of the public and media, so they tread lightly and do everything by the book. God forbid if a cop shot that scumbag Boston bomber hiding in a boat and it was caught on camera. You'd have a huge uproar from every liberal in this country on how he had rights and didn't deserve to die...


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2010
I've never been to the UK but I have heard their crime stats as vastly unreported. I'd imagine thats the best way to make people feel safe, politically control the stats released to the public, limit media coverage telling them the scumbags in their neighborhood just committed violent crimes. Unlike the U.S. were the media wants to make people feel like black children are being gunned down during recess with police using full auto assault rifles during recess.


100% full natty brah
Established Member
Jul 12, 2005
I agree with this. I think it's a huge injustice that those POSs are still breathing.

It usually happens that way because those bigger incidents are public and get media coverage. When you have big events like that, it draws the attention of the public and media, so they tread lightly and do everything by the book. God forbid if a cop shot that scumbag Boston bomber hiding in a boat and it was caught on camera. You'd have a huge uproar from every liberal in this country on how he had rights and didn't deserve to die...

So what that says is you should fear cops when pulled over for speeding cause you might scratch your balls and get shot since the cop "feared for his life when you made sudden movement." But if you decide to use citizens as target practices in a shopping mall you have nothing to worry about cause the cops will tread lightly and the justice system guarantees you have the right to a fair trial.

theres definitely something wrong with this :nonono:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 26, 2004
beaumont texas
Screw england !
You can have your house broken into your wife being raped but if you dare shoot the perp... Your going to jail for owning a gun and not having it at the local armory... Possibly murder charges as well.
Plus we have a different sense of entitlement here thus different class of stupid when it comes to cops and criminals alike.


Active Member
Established Member
May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
Screw england !
You can have your house broken into your wife being raped but if you dare shoot the perp... Your going to jail for owning a gun and not having it at the local armory... Possibly murder charges as well.
Plus we have a different sense of entitlement here thus different class of stupid when it comes to cops and criminals alike.

UK people not counting those crazy soccer hooligans are classier and have more common sense than Americans overall.


2V Warrior
Established Member
Jan 24, 2005
Police have become militarized because that's the response that's needed due to some recent incidents. How do you expect police to respond to terrorists, mass shootings, or mob scenes? Place one or two officers on scene and pray things happen for the best? No, you respond in kind, by overwhelming the problem with police action. Send dozens of them out, send them heavily armed.

That's how you control a situation and retain order.

I dont want to sound arrogant but isn't that is what "SWAT" is for special weapons and tactics.....


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls
Huh? It was caught on camera... Their own department fired the guy immediately and brought him up on charges. Try again.

Yes, he was a bad apple. He will be going to prison for a long time.

That's the point.

This one incident wouldn't even be a blip and Walter Scott's family would be wondering why he decided to fight the cops if it hadn't been videotaped. It calls into question EVERY other time that a police shoot happens where we only have the word of the officer to go on. So your "nearly ALL" statement on its face is almost wholly based on single-sided reporting, and therefore unreliable and likely untrue.

I'm utterly shocked that a serial killer hasn't yet ensconced his way into a police dept., where all you have to do is say "I feared for my life" to get away with murder.

Unless one (or more) already has. :eek:


And I'm on my way!
Established Member
Apr 29, 2013
Charleston, SC.
Ok, the UK is a bunch of pussies anyway. Put a bunch of un armed cop on the street in America and it will be a free for all. Stupid article is stupid. There are way too many killings period, who cares what's going on in the UK.

Its seems to be tactics are reversed from what they should be.

Traffic stops, none violent offenses, misdemeanors = if in doubt, shoot first ask questions later

Mass shootings = apprehend the suspect with the highest regard for his safety

Terrorist attacks = deadly force is a last resort, capture the suspect alive for questioning

James Holmes killed 12 people in a suburban movie theatre for no reason, arrested without the use of deadly force. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bombed the boston marathon injuring 260+ innocents in addition to 3 deaths, a short manhunt resulted in his arrest without incident. Brain Nichols escaped his trial, murdered a judge, a reporter and a federal agent before being arrested without incident.

Walter Scott - 50yr old man pulled over for busted taillight, shot to death in broad daylight :nonono:
I agree with you, just want to correct about Tsarnaev. That dude was shot, and the boat he was hiding in looked like swiss cheese. There was probably some fear he had another bomb in a residential neighborhood as to why they were going to just let him bleed out.

Tell me what this is from -

Jeffrey Dahmer enter the room without cuffs
How the hell do we set stuffed
In da back of a cell on an isle, ain't it wild?
What's a criminal?


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
To say " It is also fair to ask why America's police are filled with scumbags in a position of authority who aren't trained properly." is a completely ignorant question. So because police shoot criminals all the time, they are scumbags now? They are doing their job.

Would you not agree a profession where you quite possibly hold one's life in your hands is full of responsibility and importance? I laugh at how little it takes to enter this field. IMO, I'd say six months or even a year or so is hardly enough training to work in a field where lives are at stake.

People are not looking at cops and calling them scumbags because they have killed many people a few months into this year. It also stems from how they seem to disregards Constitutional rights, act as if they are above those they work for, etc..,


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2014
Its seems to be tactics are reversed from what they should be.

Traffic stops, none violent offenses, misdemeanors = if in doubt, shoot first ask questions later

Mass shootings = apprehend the suspect with the highest regard for his safety

Terrorist attacks = deadly force is a last resort, capture the suspect alive for questioning

James Holmes killed 12 people in a suburban movie theatre for no reason, arrested without the use of deadly force. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bombed the boston marathon injuring 260+ innocents in addition to 3 deaths, a short manhunt resulted in his arrest without incident. Brain Nichols escaped his trial, murdered a judge, a reporter and a federal agent before being arrested without incident.

Walter Scott - 50yr old man pulled over for busted taillight, shot to death in broad daylight :nonono:

Whaaaaaa? Two people died, one of them his brother, during the manhunt after the bombing. Don't limit the manhunt to just the short period of time after they realized he might be hiding in the boat.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 12, 2011
Know what else the UK doesn't have? A huge youth/middle age population who are taught from birth to distrust/lie to/attack police. A population that idolizes the "thug life", has a insane ratio of fatherless family's, etc etc etc.

Put the same population of in the UK, they would burn it down in a month.


100% full natty brah
Established Member
Jul 12, 2005
Whaaaaaa? Two people died, one of them his brother, during the manhunt after the bombing. Don't limit the manhunt to just the short period of time after they realized he might be hiding in the boat.

regardless he is alive today and was given due process and a fair trial.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 12, 2011
That's the point.

This one incident wouldn't even be a blip and Walter Scott's family would be wondering why he decided to fight the cops if it hadn't been videotaped. It calls into question EVERY other time that a police shoot happens where we only have the word of the officer to go on. So your "nearly ALL" statement on its face is almost wholly based on single-sided reporting, and therefore unreliable and likely untrue.

I'm utterly shocked that a serial killer hasn't yet ensconced his way into a police dept., where all you have to do is say "I feared for my life" to get away with murder.

Unless one (or more) already has. :eek:

Are you honestly going to make the statement that any significant percentage of police actually want to go to work today and shoot someone? Are actively looking for a excuse to execute another human being?

One of my best friends, and his wife, are in law enforcement. Is there a tendency to develop distrust of scumbags after being exposed to them day in, day out? Sure. Are they looking forward to having to shoot someone? Hell no.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 12, 2011
Would you not agree a profession where you quite possibly hold one's life in your hands is full of responsibility and importance? I laugh at how little it takes to enter this field. IMO, I'd say six months or even a year or so is hardly enough training to work in a field where lives are at stake.

People are not looking at cops and calling them scumbags because they have killed many people a few months into this year. It also stems from how they seem to disregards Constitutional rights, act as if they are above those they work for, etc..,

What department are you seeing hiring street cops without a degree and/or experience?

Maybe we could cut back on a few social programs for thugs and pay the police more. If its like you make it out to be, sounds like we need more educated people. Lots of master degree holders looking to get a job starting at 40k a year...


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, sun, hotter girls
Are you honestly going to make the statement that any significant percentage of police actually want to go to work today and shoot someone? Are actively looking for a excuse to execute another human being?

One of my best friends, and his wife, are in law enforcement. Is there a tendency to develop distrust of scumbags after being exposed to them day in, day out? Sure. Are they looking forward to having to shoot someone? Hell no.

I was in law enforcement. I still know people that are.

Where the **** did you get that out of my statement? I'm just saying that in its current form, it is EASY to get away with bad acts. Doesn't it make you wonder why a lot of officers and/or depts. still oppose body cameras?


100% full natty brah
Established Member
Jul 12, 2005
Jared Loughner shot 19 people and was subdued by ordinary untrained citizens.

While at the same time trained law enforcement shoot to kill at kids with water pistols, senior citizens armed with a cane, mentally handicapped people and people unarmed with their backs turned. :rolleyes:


Bike or Cobra?
Established Member
Apr 3, 2004
Mountain View, CA
China also has an awesome justice system where they execute murders, rapists, repeat violent offender, which deters people from becoming scumbags. This country's justice system and leaders are full of pussies who coddle criminals and treat them better than their victims.

Most of the people that were killed by the cops are just too stupid to comply. There should be a study on how many of those killed were on welfare or unemployed, maybe how many finished high school too. :nonono:
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Active Member
Established Member
Mar 19, 2014
Let's not forget what all these case's have in common. They all start with a bad decision being made toward the officer. Then in only a small amount of case's these actions are followed with bad decisions by the officer. But all the attention is aimed toward the officer. Why? Because the officer is supposed to be the better person. But not a babysitter. When a dumb action toward a officer leads to a chain of events it all starts with the first link.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You can't take the effect, and make it the cause. (As sang by Jack White)

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