AMC The Walking Dead


Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
The lost viewers probably aren't so much from the violence as they are the pace of the story. There's far too many episodes that contain essentially no "can't miss" scenes.

GT Premi

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Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
Instead of toning down the violence, which is basically the show's calling card, how about picking up the damned pace of the plots? They're tending to drag a lot of things on way longer than they need to be, especially stuff involving secondary characters.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 9, 2007
Instead of toning down the violence, which is basically the show's calling card, how about picking up the damned pace of the plots? They're tending to drag a lot of things on way longer than they need to be, especially stuff involving secondary characters.
This exactly why I quit watching since last yr. The show began to bore me and I found myself fastfowarding through episodes.


Who's Pick'n The Banjo Here?
Established Member
Feb 3, 2010
The wife and I are very disappointed with the first two episodes this season.

It feels like things are just thrown together.

A new group of people (that magically appeared) are suddenly willing to fight with them after Rick kills one walker?

Rick gets serious injuries on his hand and leg and nobody, including Rick, seems to worry about it?
I guess there is no way those wounds would be completely infected.

Carol and Daryl's reunion just about put us to sleep and we could not understand half the crap they were mumbling about.

I hope it it picks up soon, starting to really lose interest.


Established Member
Oct 17, 2015
NE Ohio
The wife and I are very disappointed with the first two episodes this season.

It feels like things are just thrown together.

A new group of people (that magically appeared) are suddenly willing to fight with them after Rick kills one walker?

Rick gets serious injuries on his hand and leg and nobody, including Rick, seems to worry about it?
I guess there is no way those wounds would be completely infected.

Carol and Daryl's reunion just about put us to sleep and we could not understand half the crap they were mumbling about.

I hope it it picks up soon, starting to really lose interest.
Our thoughts, exactly. We are tired of the Neegan storyline also.

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GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
Well, Rick already knows that everybody is already infected with the virus and that it doesn't take over until you die or your skin is broken by a walker. But yeah, this whole season has been lame sauce. I've pretty much resolved that after this season, I'm not even going to bother trying to stay up to date with the latest episodes. I'll wait until the entire season has been recorded then binge watch it to get it over with. It has gotten to the point where it's almost better to just watch Talking Dead than TWD. They cover all the relevant stuff that happened in the episode without having to suffer through all the boring filler.


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Oct 23, 2010
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
I stopped watching too. It had nothing to do with the violence, it was, as numerous have said, the pacing. I just got bored as the plot slowed and the stories dragged. And I got tired of the general sense of hopelessness.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
I also stopped watching after the "Easy Street" episode. I get it, but I mean, damn. Come on.

And I don't know how much more of Rick's exasperated "awwww come on man" look I can stand. Dude always looks like he's about to cry, mumbles some barely-inspiring one-liner, then pansies out until someone else does something.


Who's Pick'n The Banjo Here?
Established Member
Feb 3, 2010
***Spoiler Alert***

Could you please show Sasha one more time in the coffin, listening to the music, because 8 times just is not enough.

Hey, why not fully trust the "landfill people" and give them a sh*t load of our weapons, even though we know Nothing about them?

Hey "landfill people", the cast from "Escape From New York" called and they want their outfits and bad acting back.

When the cavalry arrives, All of them some how ninja'd their way in the back door of the compound, bringing with them a very large Tiger, who by the way, seems to go untouched as the bullets fly everywhere.

Hey Rick, could you get shot point blank, thrown off a 20 ft. platform and then act like nothing happened the next day while sitting next to Michonne as she recovers?

Just to name a few real disappointments...............

Worst season finale EVER.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 24, 2004
When the cavalry arrives, All of them some how ninja'd their way in the back door of the compound, bringing with them a very large Tiger, who by the way, seems to go untouched as the bullets fly everywhere.

Hey Rick, could you get shot point blank, thrown off a 20 ft. platform and then act like nothing happened the next day while sitting next to Michonne as she recovers?

Just to name a few real disappointments...............

Worst season finale EVER.

Agreed. It was real bad IMO. A fairy tale story became just unbelievable fairy tale story.


. . .
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Premium Member
Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
First time I didn't watch any of a half season. Did I miss much?
Any recorded episodes I should just delete and not bother watching?
Feel like I can just watch the finale and feel content.


move along
Established Member
Sep 7, 2004
***Spoiler Alert***

Could you please show Sasha one more time in the coffin, listening to the music, because 8 times just is not enough.

Hey, why not fully trust the "landfill people" and give them a sh*t load of our weapons, even though we know Nothing about them?

Hey "landfill people", the cast from "Escape From New York" called and they want their outfits and bad acting back.

When the cavalry arrives, All of them some how ninja'd their way in the back door of the compound, bringing with them a very large Tiger, who by the way, seems to go untouched as the bullets fly everywhere.

Hey Rick, could you get shot point blank, thrown off a 20 ft. platform and then act like nothing happened the next day while sitting next to Michonne as she recovers?

Just to name a few real disappointments...............

Worst season finale EVER.

Your forgot why is it Ricks hair always looks like he just got out the shower in any bad or action situation? Wish Lucille would butt **** him and get it over with.


Established Member
Jan 8, 2009
I thought it was a good episode, but there were definitely a few things that made me roll my eyes. Some of it was already mentioned before, but here's my thoughts on the 'bad' parts:

- The Sasha flashbacks were cool for a bit, but dang. They really overused that and spent a lot of time on them.

-When Sasha came out of the coffin as a walker, I could see how it could give some of Ricks group a chance to do something during all of the chaos, but for EVERY SINGLE ONE of them to get away when they ALL had guns pointed at their heads? A little ridiculous.

-Rick got shot. He survives, thats cool and all, but at least show him dealing with the wound somehow! At the end, when they showed Rosita in the bed recovering, then panned over and showed Michonne recovering, they stopped there and showed Rick at Michonnes side, seemingly fine. Why not pan over to yet another bed and show Rick recovering? That would have made up for the fact that he fought as if nothing happened when chaos broke out.

- The kingdom has a Tiger. A tiger! How'd they sneak in to Alexandria unnoticed? Even if they just took 20 seconds and showed them sneaking in somehow, that would have made me believe it more than just seeing them come out of nowhere. (instead of all the sasha flashback crap, they should've taken time to show how the kingdom and hilltop managed to sneak in)

-I get that Negan is a huge character in the storyline so I didnt expect him to die, but come on, at least make him get shot or bit by the tiger or something and live. Its getting annyoing seeing him get away unscathed all the time.

- Negan needs to take someone out with lucille again. I dont think he's done it since the season opener. Jeffery Dean Morgan is a great actor and does an awesome job making Negan intimidating and unpredictable, but the character is starting to lose his fear factor. I really wish he would have brutally taken someone out with Lucille this episode.

Some of the good:

-Tiger FINALLY took people out. Been waiting for that all season

-When Rick re-iterated his threat to Negan at the end. That was badass and awesome acting. Can't wait for the inevitable showdown between the two

-Seeing the 3 groups together at the end with Maggie's speech was a good way to finish off the episode/season

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