What's your daily routine?


Established Member
Aug 20, 2002
Driving the Cobra
I'm a graphic artist, and honestly, I'm really a production artist. When I first started this job it was probably 50/50 creative/production, but I've refined the job so much that it's probably 10/90 now. Production work can be mind numbing, but I've found things that allow me to shake it up enough.

They also allow me to work remote two days a week now. That's been HUGE for me, as it makes the week feel like it's flying by. Would love to do three days a week, but honestly, I leave on Fridays at 130 so I'm not pushing it.

Our dog was recently diagnosed as diabetic, so I'm now up every morning at 530, as he has to have an insulin shot and feed every 12 hours.

Other than that, my routine really isn't that routine. I guess I do enough variance where I keep things interesting. Even with my production work.

I do take a dump every morning at the same time, so I guess that's pretty routine. :-D


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
Retired Navy onto my 2nd boring as hell job at Bosch. Set-Up Mechanic so I build injectors for every major car/truck manufacturer. Usually I test injectors all day when we have the people at work and if not they pull me to run a line building them. Set-Ups are responsible for fixing the lines as well when they go down which is mostly pneumatic. I work 2nd shift so 2pm to 10pm when I'm not working a 12 which is 2-2. I get to bed around 11PM, wake up and see my wife off to work(Paralegal). Then I feed my pups, get some coffee, surf forums, play my PS5 video game Destiny2, go shooting, mess around with Truck or garage or work around the house. Get ready for work around 1PM rinse and repeat.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
I'm up by 7:30 or 8 and carve out an hour to eat, shower, and pack. 12 minutes devoted to a straight razor shave with some music playing for "me" time. This morning my son sat in there with me playing Mario Odyssey which was absolute heaven. From there I head into the office and work at my first company until 4:00 and then drive to my second company and work until 9 or 10. I come home, make dinner, watch a little youtube while I stretch/ice my aching body and go to bed by 11:30. On Saturdays I work from 8-2p. When my son is home I come home by 7:00 and he gets 100% of my attention, no exceptions.

I hate my professional life. My business partner is actively trying to put us out of business so I'm fighting internal battles at one company along with the normal bullshit from unethical business competition. I'm sitting on an untapped gold mine but can't find a team to realize it. My second business is under attack from local competitors, one of which is spreading false rumors to my contracts that I was caught molesting children (I work with kids). This guy has been a nonstop headache for years and cost me $50k this year. I love my second business but the hours cut late into the evening so I'm missing my son grow up.

As a single parent running two businesses and struggling financially I don't have time for myself none the less endless battles and bullshit and I'm looking for a way out professionally.

I'm overwhelmed and tired. I long for the days of violence being an acceptable form of justice against evil to be honest.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I'd say 99% of my posting is while I'm at work. I have some stuff that can take all of my attention, but then I get the stuff that runs automated and I just have to make sure it doesn't fry itself.
Lately, I do most of my posting around 6:30am - 9:00am, intermixed with visits to Amazon.com and checking the news. I have to admit that if I'm caught up for the day with my office work, I'll often spend the rest of the afternoon here.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 3, 2005
5:30AM - Wake up/shower
6:00AM - Make coffee for wife / Make kids lunch and breakfast
6:45AM - Wake up kid
7:30AM - Take kid to school
8:00AM - 5PM - Work
5:30PM - Take kid to extra curriculars
7:00PM - Make Dinner / Walk Dog
8:30PM - Make sure kid showers / gets to bed
9:30/10PM - Sleep


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Jan 18, 2018
Varies. I have a lot of flexibility. Today:

Up at 5.30. Work/eat breakfast until 7.30.
Go for a three hour bike ride.
Have lunch.
Meeting for 90 minutes to discuss selling some positions.
Have a conference call for 30 minutes attempting to extort fees that were overpaid
do some emailing.
have a meeting for an hour to discuss buying a port in Vancouver
have a zoom call with group in Australia to discuss financing LeJeune legal claims
surf internet for a bit
go through emails, prepare for tomorrow
leave office 8pm


. . .
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Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
Civil engineering

6:30-5 m-f and work from home Sunday and some night hours at home during the work week.

Months just blend in. Makes for a better time when we get shit contractors who can’t read plans and want help for their **** ups.

One bright side is my rate has gone up 45 a hour since covid


u even lift bro?
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Jan 8, 2010
Butter factory life for nearly 17 years. I've done pretty much everything there. Run machines, load and unload tankers with cream and milk, run pasteurizers, and a shift lead babysitting 30 people.

Now I'm back on a machine, work 14 days a month and 12 hour shifts. 6am to 6pm for 4 weeks, then 6pm to 6am for 4 weeks.

It's hard to have a routine , but I get plenty of days off and get 21 hours of PTO a month.

Edit: I'm trying to get out of my current work and learn some tax stuff so I can help my wife with our business. She is a franchisee owner of a H&R block. I need to get motivated this fall and start studying again...

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Well-Known Member
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Dec 30, 2005
Albany, NY
Work day:
Up at 0555 hop right into shower
0610 leave for work
7-7 work
720 get home shower
720-930 hang with wife and daughter
930 bed

Work 7 days in a 2 week period. Six 12 hour shifts and one 8 hour shift. Every other fri-sun off.

Off days:
0630 wake up and get kid ready for school
0745 bring kid to school
0800-1140 do whatever while kid at school and wife works from home
1200 pick up kid
12-4 entertain kid while wife works
4-10 hang with wife and kid

phil a

Active Member
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Aug 8, 2006
Toledo, OH
Zero regularity to my work schedule makes it hard to get into any routine
I'm an ER doc, shift work starting and ending at any hour of the day (or night)
Days nights swings holidays weekends - work it all
Exhausting but I've cut back my hours a lot to try and find some sanity
Wife works high stress job, we got three young kids, and I'm not sure which of the above is hardest but just know there's not a lot of 'me' time, or as much as I'd liek

It's hard for me to farm stuff out, but I should probably start paying people to do the shit I spend my days off building or fixing so I can ride my bike more or actually do something with a buddy or teo

Some of you guys, holy shit, can't imagine the 7-5/8-5 sitting behind a desk five days out of each week
Don't know how long I'll be doing this but pay is OK and I got a few years left on my loans


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Mar 6, 2008
M-F up at 5am exercise/ work out 1 hr or so before leaving for work.( 15 min drive- never been this close to the house)
I’m a Construction Superintendent waiting for permits to clear and selecting subcontractors so my co. can finish an interior office space in a warehouse we built. Boring AF right now but in about two weeks it’ll be back to organized chaos.

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Well-Known Member
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Jan 20, 2006
Conway, Wa
As the years go on it seems like everyday just blends into each other. I usually get into work at 5:30AM and I don't leave my office until at least 4:30/5. I do paperwork almost all day. It's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results. The small free time I have at the end of the day gets devoted to my family. I get maybe an hour or two of free time before I pass out at night.

My business is my family inheritance so changing my situation is out of the cards.

You guys living the office life, do you ever get seriously sick of it?
What are some things you do to numb the monotony?

I want to hear from you retired guys too

I work nights so my routine is anything but

I was a night shift aviation mechanic but moved to management recently. I'm at work at 930 and leave around seven. The crew only works 6.5 hours though, so that puts my hours into perspective.

If I have my kids I'm in bed by 8 and up at 2.
If I don't I'm in bed my 10-11 and up around 4.

Weekends I return to a day shift schedule.

So I get off work Friday am, take a nap till 10 or 11 and stay up the rest of the day. Saturday and Sunday are normal days. Except I go to work Sunday night and stay up till after work.

I have a desk. I do a lot of paperwork but I am also frequently on the shop floor checking on things and handling problems. So every day is different.


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Mar 11, 2017
Houston, TX
My routine..



Professional S***poster
Established Member
Dec 12, 2008
Lehigh Valley, PA
I work night shift as a cybersecurity analyst, partly so I don't have to commute into the office anymore and partly so I'm largely left alone by my boss and day time people. I'm a shift lead for a small nsoc at a major telecom/isp. Night shift is only me and two other guys so it's not like I'm leading a team of 30 analysts.

My work schedule is 11pm to 9:30am Tues-Fri, unless I'm on weekend shift which is once every 3 months, so that'd be Thurs-Sun.

Honestly when I'm on my working schedule, my routine can go one of two ways

Bed after 9:30am, wake up sometime between 2:30pm - 5:30pm
eat, sit at computer, exist, think about doing things around the house or outside but probably don't.

11PM already, time for work for the next 10 hours, then sleep.

Alternatively, sometimes my schedule will have me sleep right up to 11pm, work 10 hours, then stay awake til around 2pm, fall asleep, rinse and repeat.

Thats about as routine as it gets, any time I'm not at my work computer, my activities vary, recently been trying to clean up the garage, sell some BMW parts from a e46 I'm parting out, and working on the pool / pool area for having company over on July 4th.

Side note: Yes I'm posting this while currently on shift.


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
Up at 6, at work by 7. I design and sell stuff via CAD/3D CAD. Usually have appointments a few times a week, but this year has been slow. I'm not worried, as there's enough work until I retire next year. Leave around 4:30. I could leave (100% commision ) whenever, but my wife is the office manager, so she has to stay. Been here 24 years.


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May 31, 2010
Empire State
I don't want to bore anyone with my daily routine but I will add that I have followed the site below for a few years about the daily routines of successful business professionals, athletes and those in entertainment. Always found it pretty interesting.


Relaxed Chaos

Just another Gen X Hero
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Oct 10, 2007
Up at 5:30AM ready to kick ass.
Breakfast, coffee, workout, SSS, etc.
At work by either 7 or 8.
Engineering and new product development challenges all day.
Lunch is usually a salad and a walk, but it is whatever I feel like.
Home by 5:30 or 6PM.
Chores/projects/dinner/wife stuff in the evenings.
1-3 evenings a week I have work meetings with China/India for ~90 minutes.
Bed at 10PM.
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