03 Sonic Blue Cobra Show Car FOR SALE!


New Member
Jul 24, 2020
Yuma, Az
Part 5. For anyone who wants to really dig into this here's his basic overview of behavior. He constantly gaslights especially towards the end. I was ready to give up my 1200 I paid at one point I was so tired of waiting after months. But he insisted and insisted again, and eventually even failed to deliver the compromise which was the fake mystichrome leather. At one point he even promised me a slab set and sold it 2 days layer then played dumb like he had no idea I wanted it so bad. Lol. Even after we agreed and I was already waiting an insane near 10 months.

Wow... I hope this thread lives forever. I always had a weird feeling about him on IG/FB and this confirms it all.


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Sep 25, 2014
Richmond, VA
Had this same convo with another Cobra owner today. Like others have said he must have just flipped his way up over time. I'd like to know what the reason was for wanting to sell the SB, he's only stated in some IG comments that people do not know what he has going on. The obvious answer is to sell it to buy more drugs and get into the next flipped car. Funny thing in that whole text string was him saying he was never selling the MC one lol, sure buddy.

Another really off thing is when I did pay him for the gauges and pillar that not using paypal was wired but also when he sent me the info on cash app it was his dads name which is Ted. Didn't think much of it at the time because I always thought he was a weirdo to begin with but the more that's dug up on him it just leaves a trail of more questions
Told me he had another car lined up, a Supra. Told me about how it’s his dream car blah blah. Another sob story. Another lie from a mr Joshua Brandon smigiel.


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Sep 25, 2014
Richmond, VA
well. @Marines691, I am still somehow shocked, even after I thought it cannot get worse, it does. The fact he tried saying “it’s a sin to persecute other Christians”… IS THAT NOT WHAT HES DOING TO YOU?!? Like seriously. @Venom351R I think you said it best, it’s very apparent he has fried his brain cells with these opiates. The constant lying, gaslighting, excuses not making sense but him making them make sense in his brain to then tell you… I need a drink or a smoke or both after reading that. I truly think his son would be better off in a foster program than with that drug using, scamming POS father. I cannot believe what all has ensued, and I hope this continues. This needs to end. Too many people, too much money, too many cars and too many felonies.


Active Member
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Sep 25, 2014
Richmond, VA
I’d also just like to make an honorable note that I cannot stand how he texts. Why the hell is it all spaced out in the longest format ever? Looks like he’s typing on a typewriter. Also the excessive use of exclamation points drives me insane.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Wow, those tell-all posts from Josh SO expose his dirty deeds and flawed character. You were VERY patient and understanding until you had no choice but to call him out. And once you did, the denials and deflection poured out. This guy is a bad character and deserves the shitstorm he generated against himself.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 1, 2016
Alachua, FL.
It would be insane to see the officers body cam footage if/when he gets talked to about the vin swapping, and driving with no insurance on a non registered vehicle.

Excuses and lies in the millions.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I think he had a 93 cobra before that. A 2j Lexus before that. I think he's been buying selling and trading his way around
Reading through his nonsense posts and what others have said, that appears to be what he's been doing. Robbing Peter to pay Paul!


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
It would be insane to see the officers body cam footage if/when he gets talked to about the vin swapping, and driving with no insurance on a non registered vehicle.

Excuses and lies in the millions.
I pray to God that stop shows up on 'On Patrol - Live'!


Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
Jan 18, 2018
Another opinion I will add relates to the idea that forum members should not shit on sellers prices i.e. "if you dont have anything to say, dont say anything at all."

**** that

The sellers forum is a service for forum members. Hopefully it serves as a way for one known forum member to pass off his pride and joy to another forum member.

Forum member seller gets a good but fair price as does forum member buyer. The transaction is done in the spirit of community and appreciation for the underlying car, for which this forum is dedicated.

Invariably some dipshit outsider signs up just to sell his car at the same price as he would on autotrader. He is getting an incredible service for free. The listing is free and he is advertising to a known audience of enthusiasts. It is an amazing deal for him.

Forum members may get a look at a nice car but often it is at a schmuck price, as was the case here.

Clowning the price should be the cost for the nonforum member. It brings transparency to the sales process. It is a signal to a potential buyer that all might be well. It certainly served the purpose here.

If you are not prepared to get murdered for your listing, don't try to rip off forum members.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 3, 2007
Finally got around to reading his Instagram whine fest. After the tenth person linked me it. He was trying to make me sound so crazy hahaha. Bc I cuss about my frustration of constantly fixing a "mint perfect strong motor dsg" never directed my anger at him. Also the whole bugging him about flying down. Lolllll. Here's the nail in the coffin. I knew keeping these messages was important for one day. What was that about me being weird and asking him to visit all the time? Lolllll

That text about wanting to flip Terminators absolutely infuriates me after all the shit he talked about Derek Baran selling his " dream car ". I don't watch Derek's channel, never have but his living comes from youtube and the Cobra was just not brining the views he needed so he sold it, I get that. But wanting to flip Terminators after all he's said about wanting one and it's his dream car exc exc...The amount of distain I have for this guy is on another level. One guy I talk with a lot from NY who watch's my videos and I've met him in person ( really good guy who has a nice Redfire coupe ) and I mentioned that it seems like all the vidoes that josh does focus's around how nice the car is, how clean the car is, how awesome the paint is. All of it seems like a huge documented sales pitch for when he decides to unload and flip it.

Did he really say “you can call my parents?”

That's funny because we have this inmate who at anytime we piss him off he runs to the phone and calls his mom lol

Mk4 supra so I've heard

That's what I've read in some of his IG comments as well. Now that he has burned the bridge with the Cobra community I'm sure he will move onto ripping off the Supra owners. We should probably give them fair warning.

Some more stuff he said he made. Him again saying he would call me yet another time. Contrary to his "he was always calling me" lol. Also over promising on more dates etc. Another weird text random from him about his assumptions of my life?

The most hilarious part to me @Venom351R look at the message where he doesn't even know the difference between e brake and shift boot lol. But he was bashing me for my car knowledge earlier haha.

That's so funny because he kept saying how he wished he was closer so he could come down and fix your car for you lol, I was thinking: You dumb fck you had the car before with these same issues and you didn't fix it then, what makes you think it all of a sudden has some new problems? All this shit is from when you had it and you couldn't fix it to begin with. Then in the last msg he sent me on FB before blocking me he gives me shit for not working on my Cobra. I've done a lot of work on the Mustangs I've owned over the years, head swaps, PVC checks, rocker arm install and adjustment, Long tube headers, clutch installs, rebuilding calipers on my Terminator, 2 alternator swaps exc exc.... But despite all that most of the work done on my Terminator is done at a shop for 2 reasons. Its cold as F here in the winter time, last thing I want is to be out in the garage working on the car and when the nice weather finally gets here I want to be driving it not have it torn apart in my garage. Second thing is ( besides not being as young as I used to be ) I still suffer from a rear end accident from over 20 years ago. I can't lay under a car and hold my head up with out supporting it with the back of my hand and anytime I'm bent over the fender doing stuff in the engine bay I get this numbing pain in my lower back. When it gets too bad I have to do spine decompression stretches to ease the pain. The neck and back thing are not something that happens every single time and I don't walk around in pain but its something that comes up enough for me to not do a lot of stuff. I know where my mechanical skills start and stop, I have no issues giving someone the car to do the work on it being I have the financial means to do so. Just so ironic that he claims to know so much and how to fix these car's and all he did was F yours up more

Those messages oddly remind me of that “overly attatched girlfriend”

The more I read I do feel bad for him, it’s a shame he’s in this weird lying phase. If he would own up to his shit and actually do good I would wish him well. I’m just unsure if he’s lonely because he’s pushed all his close family away. From the looks of it he lives in his dads basement. I’m unsure how old he is, however that’s poop for anyone.

I saw somewhere that said he was 37, I have to see if I can find that again now

I’d also just like to make an honorable note that I cannot stand how he texts. Why the hell is it all spaced out in the longest format ever? Looks like he’s typing on a typewriter. Also the excessive use of exclamation points drives me insane.

The usage of !!!!!!! Has always annoyed me from day 1 with him....dude chill

A for sale ad at 37 pages.

Is this car still for sale?

Additional thoughts : Knowing what we now know about him makes a lot of other things in the past make much more sense. The reality is yes he's owned ( or kind of owned ) nice Terminators but that's all he has, he keeps them in a tent, he lives at home in the basement, he has no real job to speak of and claims to be a custom headlight builder but its all a scam to get more drug money. So facing with living with that reality speaks volumes for things he's said in FB posts in the past. He never likes anyone to talk about or show how they are doing better than him. When I bought my 2022 Bronco most of the comments on YT and FB where nice and supportive and congrats stuff like that.....but with his he was very condescending because it was something nice and he knew he did not have the means to get one. He said something along the lines of : Yeah its cool but nothing I would really want....or something to that effect. I don't need validation from others and for everyone to massage my balls but was just another comment to add to the long list of him dogging other people's stuff either in FB or in other YT comments.

He if was trying to live this double life he's done a horrible job at it considering he would willingly show in video's the tent he kept the Cobra's in. I don't have the nicest garage, but its a 2 car garage I park my vehicles in. He portrays this life of running multiple business *Cough* Scams *Cough* and having some of the nicest Terminators we will ever see yet he shows everyone where he actually keeps them. Also I noticed that the vast majority of his videos are done at home in his driveway, he rarely takes the Cobra's anywhere....obvious now because we now know they are not registered. I was going through is IG last night and noticed ( it was late and I was tired ) But I believe the DSG had a different plate than the MC and SB which shared the same plate. I'm going to run that one through carfax and see what comes up, you can do a plate search and it will show info without having to actually run the report. The only one I actually ran was on the SB
Last edited:


Keep'um smiling
Established Member
Oct 1, 2009
White Post, Va
It maybe on sale now.

Sent from my SM-S506DL using the svtperformance.com mobile app


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 3, 2007
Ok I'm not totally crazy. When he first got the DSG it had the plate 2GG477 which now states that it belongs to a GMC 2500HD which I assume is one of the trucks he has that he's doing a VIN swap on. But later on the DSG gets the plate of 1WLZ88 which was also on the MC and the SB, and according to the carfax the SB has never been registered. Would kind of make sense that he had 1WLZ88 actually registered but has since passed that plate along to the MC and the SB w/out actually registering them because if you have plans to flip it and not keep it long what would be the point right??? Or 2GG477 has always been on that truck and he just stuck it on the DSG for the time being until he got it registered with 1WLZ88 but that's still illegal attachment of plates
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Active Member
Established Member
Oct 29, 2017
Berkley ,MA
Well, can't say I'm surprised to see this. I, like many others coming out of the woodwork, haven't been on here in ages. I'm glad he is getting called out on his BS and that people are seeing what I eventually saw after giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to see the best in people. He sells himself as a man of God, recovering addict, devoted father. We now know much differently. I even "felt bad" for him when he told me how Tom Vinal supposedly treated him and his dad so badly when they went to look at his MC(my apologies to Tom for ever believing that BS story). I started talking to Josh when he first sold his 93 cobra and bought the DSG. He has the money he has from a settlement for a work accident that got him hooked on the pills to begin with. I think that money, and the money he scams from folks, is running out. Sad, because I was rooting for him when I didn't know any better. In reality he is looking to fill a void in his life. Drugs, cars, etc whatever he can to get that fill. Then selling that he is "saved" on top of it and using that as a reason to post and say some of the most prejudiced, bigoted, judgemental, ignorant and downright insane shit I've ever seen. I still hope he figures out what is important in life, gets some help, a job, a sense of reality and can in the least be a useful parent to his son. When you're keeping what was a showpiece of a Cobra under a plastic tarp at your Dad's house where you still live in your 30's, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities in life.


Shredder N Cheddar
Established Member
Aug 14, 2011
Another opinion I will add relates to the idea that forum members should not shit on sellers prices i.e. "if you dont have anything to say, dont say anything at all."

**** that

The sellers forum is a service for forum members. Hopefully it serves as a way for one known forum member to pass off his pride and joy to another forum member.

Forum member seller gets a good but fair price as does forum member buyer. The transaction is done in the spirit of community and appreciation for the underlying car, for which this forum is dedicated.

Invariably some dipshit outsider signs up just to sell his car at the same price as he would on autotrader. He is getting an incredible service for free. The listing is free and he is advertising to a known audience of enthusiasts. It is an amazing deal for him.

Forum members may get a look at a nice car but often it is at a schmuck price, as was the case here.

Clowning the price should be the cost for the nonforum member. It brings transparency to the sales process. It is a signal to a potential buyer that all might be well. It certainly served the purpose here.

If you are not prepared to get murdered for your listing, don't try to rip off forum members.
SVT doesn’t let SVT get Schhmigiel with it


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 12, 2007
Northeast CT
Well, can't say I'm surprised to see this. I, like many others coming out of the woodwork, haven't been on here in ages. I'm glad he is getting called out on his BS and that people are seeing what I eventually saw after giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to see the best in people. He sells himself as a man of God, recovering addict, devoted father. We now know much differently. I even "felt bad" for him when he told me how Tom Vinal supposedly treated him and his dad so badly when they went to look at his MC(my apologies to Tom for ever believing that BS story). I started talking to Josh when he first sold his 93 cobra and bought the DSG. He has the money he has from a settlement for a work accident that got him hooked on the pills to begin with. I think that money, and the money he scams from folks, is running out. Sad, because I was rooting for him when I didn't know any better. In reality he is looking to fill a void in his life. Drugs, cars, etc whatever he can to get that fill. Then selling that he is "saved" on top of it and using that as a reason to post and say some of the most prejudiced, bigoted, judgemental, ignorant and downright insane shit I've ever seen. I still hope he figures out what is important in life, gets some help, a job, a sense of reality and can in the least be a useful parent to his son. When you're keeping what was a showpiece of a Cobra under a plastic tarp at your Dad's house where you still live in your 30's, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities in life.
Apology accepted hahahaah

In all seriousness, I had been telling people for basically a year now what a scam artist/pos he is/was, at least now all the cards are on the table and people can see his true colors


Established Member
Feb 13, 2012
Hampstead, NH
The MC looked very clean, and I don’t think he had it long enough to screw it up, or at least that’s all we can hope for. I also noticed that on the DSG car, he never really took many pictures / posted many pictures of the car

he posted Derek’s info as well. Didn’t even know the guy existed til I did the gt350 video with Derek. He told me all about this fool and how he made a video about Derek. I’m sorry, but I don’t have enough time during the day to care about what others, especially YouTubers do in their personal lives, or with their money. Guy needs to get a life, quit using and be a better dad to his son. Maybe sell the cobra off and buying a house for them to live in of his own could be a start.

Wonder how this fool even amassed the $27k to buy @CobraBob DSG. Probably scamming others… such a shame we have to deal with people like this.
Holy hell I haven't been on in 10 years or so but had to for this one. He had a 93 cobra for a short time before the dsg car. I actually met him due to my other hobby, bmx. I gave him a deposit for the black anniversary wheels that were on the DSG car but he lied about the finish on them so I backed out but took me months of excuses to get my money back.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 3, 2007
Well, can't say I'm surprised to see this. I, like many others coming out of the woodwork, haven't been on here in ages. I'm glad he is getting called out on his BS and that people are seeing what I eventually saw after giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to see the best in people. He sells himself as a man of God, recovering addict, devoted father. We now know much differently. I even "felt bad" for him when he told me how Tom Vinal supposedly treated him and his dad so badly when they went to look at his MC(my apologies to Tom for ever believing that BS story). I started talking to Josh when he first sold his 93 cobra and bought the DSG. He has the money he has from a settlement for a work accident that got him hooked on the pills to begin with. I think that money, and the money he scams from folks, is running out. Sad, because I was rooting for him when I didn't know any better. In reality he is looking to fill a void in his life. Drugs, cars, etc whatever he can to get that fill. Then selling that he is "saved" on top of it and using that as a reason to post and say some of the most prejudiced, bigoted, judgemental, ignorant and downright insane shit I've ever seen. I still hope he figures out what is important in life, gets some help, a job, a sense of reality and can in the least be a useful parent to his son. When you're keeping what was a showpiece of a Cobra under a plastic tarp at your Dad's house where you still live in your 30's, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities in life.

Wow that explains a lot thanks for sharing that. If the settlement got him into the DSG Cobra that would explain why he keeps flipping them as a way to get money back into that dwindling fund from the settlement. I don't mean to tell other people what they do with their money but seems like he would have been better suited to not get the DSG Cobra and tried to get his life on the right track. Most people who need or are short on money don't go and blow it on a car purchase to the caliber of a Cobra.

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