Bad neighbors SMH


Hurter Of Delicate Vaginas
Established Member
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May 20, 2005
Yeah, LL's been gone for a while. Yer all that's left. Now, go to bed!

I was kind enough to save him the trouble of having to edit out ol' Danny boys senior photo. For some reason in the back of my mind I keep hearing "You are in my good graces, but you're not keeping your car"...but substitute username for car in that sentence.


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
Anywho...a copy and paste


I wanted to thank for sending me this. I find it very sad that it has come to this. I owned up that I wasn't being a good neighbor and that needed to fix the problem. I started the process of finding a solution when he first texted me April 22. I met with him last Tuesday to go over some options that I thought would work. When I first met with him on Tuesday I Jeremy tale me what your concern is. He them takes a basketball and throws it straight into his home. He doesn't shoot it he throws a line drive at his own home then glares at me and says that my concern! I told him that he's an idiot for doing that and that he just probably cracked the stucco on his home.
After arguing for ten minutes I said it's my problem so let me fix it! Later that day I brought cookies over and said sorry things got heated between us. Two days later cops pull up saying that he issued a trespass warning on us. So if my 10 and 8 year old or any of us step on his property I will be fined and it will go on my record.
I have brought different options to him multiple times and he has turned them all down. So I guess I'll just have to put something up and hope he's cool with it.

Thanks again

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 9:09 PM *REDACTED* <*******REDACTED*******> wrote:

Please pardon the somewhat strange message that is about to follow. You apparently have a neighbor, one Jeremy Smith that is quite upset that you play basketball next to his home. He is also under the impression, ignorantly so, that your basketball bouncing over the fence and into his yard has somehow caused cracks in his stucco. The reason I know this, and how to contact you is because he created a thread on a forum of which I am a part of. Please be aware, he did this under the pretense that we would garner his YouTube channel views, much like he has done with numerous other videos. This channel was created with a fake username, just like his fake username on Facebook that it is connected to. Unfortunately for him, we have quite a few individuals with the resources and time who proceeded to investigate.

The thread can be found here:

His fake YouTube account with the following video is here :
And his fake FaceBook profile can be found here : Danny Johnson

Please be aware that one of the main reasons we can confirm that you were the person to contact was because he used a portion of a text message between the two of you in which it mentioned your name as well as that of your wife Beth, which helped to confirm our suspicions. We all invite you to join our forum, a jolly crowd of all ages that love cars, to help us quash this saga.



SVTP Forums



That is all.

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u even lift bro?
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 8, 2010
I'm the type of person that will be nice once... usually. Years ago someone was walking their dog past my house. It pooped on the boulevard, he grabbed a baggie and was about to pick it up. Then he decided not to and took off.

I was making breakfast at the time and took everything off the stove, got in my truck and found him a couple blocks away. Wasn't nice about it. He came back and picked it up. Never walked past my house again.

I hate having neighbor's.

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Well-Known Member
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Sep 4, 2007
So this was all about YouTube views? What a weirdo. I’ve seen some of his videos and they seemed informative but way to drawn out.

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