Hertz and Enterprise cut ties with NRA


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Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
So Hertz and Enterprise joined a couple of other companies pandering to the people demanding boycotts of anyone doing business with the NRA.

As a Hertz President's Circle member, I just informed them that I will be taking the roughly $40k per year that I spend in renting vehicles from them and use other rental services.

They want to pander to people who most likely don't even rent cars? Fine.

I'll also be speaking with my colleagues at my firm who use Hertz and Enterprise about using different rental vehicle services. Many of my colleagues are NRA members and/or concealed carry holders.

I will also be speaking with the CEO of my firm of 1600 engineers about other options. I don't think it will be too hard to convince him of choosing a different rental vehicle partner for our firm since he is a NRA member also.


Premium Member
Sep 6, 2005
I wonder what other businesses will jump on the wagon.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
So Hertz and Enterprise joined a couple of other companies pandering to the people demanding boycotts of anyone doing business with the NRA.

As a Hertz President's Circle member, I just informed them that I will be taking the roughly $40k per year that I spend in renting vehicles from them and use other rental services.

They want to pander to people who most likely don't even rent cars? Fine.

I'll also be speaking with my colleagues at my firm who use Hertz and Enterprise about using different rental vehicle services. Many of my colleagues are NRA members and/or concealed carry holders.

I will also be speaking with the CEO of my firm of 1600 engineers about other options. I don't think it will be too hard to convince him of choosing a different rental vehicle partner for our firm since he is a NRA member also.

Smart move Dan, after all the only thing more important to them than their newly found morale high ground is their bottom line.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I wonder what other businesses will jump on the wagon.
Likely more to come. The power of social media is huge, and the momentum is strong with gun control advocates. It's ALL over the news. Can't watch even my local news without hearing about what our Dem Governor is demanding, town meetings, school walkouts, etc. With the MSM pushing this publicly, corporations are afraid of social backlash leading to revenue losses due to boycott threats. This is all going to get worse real soon. Funny that with all of what is being demanded relative to gun control, I'm hearing little or nothing about addressing violence in general, mental health care reform, etc. I would bet even the NRA is a bit nervous about the political and social climate is right now.

Hell, I have to fight the feeling of being a "target" whenever I go out carrying my 9mm. God forbid someone happens to catch a glimpse of my holster if I lean over too far. I've never seen the climate this bad. At least here in Connecticut. I will NOT, though, stop carrying. It's my right to own and carry my gun, and I will continue to take my carry responsibilities seriously. Let's hope and pray that sanity and common sense prevails as far as any gun law changes. And that we will address mental health, drug (illegal and prescription) and violence issues. They're all interlocked. Gun control changes alone will not be the sole answer.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
You know what is ironic? A good number of crimes, including recent terrorist acts have been committed in Enterprise vehicles. I believe the San Bernadino shooting was in an Enterprise Expedition or Tahoe. They have blood on their hands too!

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 1, 2004
This is a clear agenda and I don't trust the official story as I don't trust most official stories. We might as well live in the Matrix everything you thought was real could be fake.

First there are interviews with three students that were witnesses that claimed there were multiple shooters. Many of the students interviewed appeared to be acting btw and it seemed strange to me and many others.

Now it comes out the police officers were standing down outside, which could very well be they were following orders.

The Sheriff in charge Mr. Israel has a political agenda and trying to lay the blame on the volume of weapons in the US.

Now this campaign coming out full speed about gun control. How convenient.

Guys, if it sounds to good to be true then in probably is.

I don't buy what the fake news is selling for one second and I hope a lot of people are awake and not falling for all this BS.


Premium Member
Sep 6, 2005
Likely more to come. The power of social media is huge, and the momentum is strong with gun control advocates. It's ALL over the news. Can't watch even my local news without hearing about what our Dem Governor is demanding, town meetings, school walkouts, etc. With the MSM pushing this publicly, corporations are afraid of social backlash leading to revenue losses due to boycott threats. This is all going to get worse real soon. Funny that with all of what is being demanded relative to gun control, I'm hearing little or nothing about addressing violence in general, mental health care reform, etc. I would bet even the NRA is a bit nervous about the political and social climate is right now.

Hell, I have to fight the feeling of being a "target" whenever I go out carrying my 9mm. God forbid someone happens to catch a glimpse of my holster if I lean over too far. I've never seen the climate this bad. At least here in Connecticut. I will NOT, though, stop carrying. It's my right to own and carry my gun, and I will continue to take my carry responsibilities seriously. Let's hope and pray that sanity and common sense prevails as far as any gun law changes. And that we will address mental health, drug (illegal and prescription) and violence issues. They're all interlocked. Gun control changes alone will not be the sole answer.

Very well put. One of the biggest issues is neither side wants to address mental health. But they sure are using this as an excuse to get there agenda accrss and there doing a good job at it currently. I would hope the right would focus more on trying to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. Because at the rate things are going the left are going to get there way with there version of gun control.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
Very well put. One of the biggest issues is neither side wants to address mental health. But they sure are using this as an excuse to get there agenda accrss and there doing a good job at it currently. I would hope the right would focus more on trying to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. Because at the rate things are going the left are going to get there way with there version of gun control.

I don't know anyone, left or right, that doesn't agree with keeping guns away from the mentally ill. The problem is, that's a VERY broad spectrum, and VERY difficult to define. Also, what do you do with people who may have been ill at one time, but are later declared cured, for example, those who may have gone through a depression?

It's a thorny issue that involves people private medical information.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 6, 2014
Saratoga, NY
I just find the heat that the NRA is taking both misplaced and obviously politically motivated.

The fault here lies with the law enforcement agencies (both local and federal) that did nothing prior to or during this incident.

But instead the talking heads blame the NRA? I only wish those kids were lucky enough to have some NRA members nearby then maybe the outcome would've been different. After all, it was an NRA member that engaged the church shooter in Texas.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 16, 2012
Delta and United both cut ties as well

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Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
So how about everyone cut ties with the liberal propaganda machines- Twitter and Facebook? Leave those places to be cesspools. Don't give them their ad money.

Sadly, I'm hitting a point where I honestly just want to see everything collapse. It's like watching a house-fire that is beyond the point of saving. Just let it burn.


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
It astounds me that people are mad at the NRA when they provide safety training, fight for our rights to own, teach current laws to those of us that want to remain lawful. No one from the NRA is running around shooting up the schools and yet the NRA is the villain. Imagine a country without them. Like many aspects in government it isn't about right and wrong but end goal. Let these companies leave and I'll show my support elsewhere, two can play that game.


Premium Member
Sep 6, 2005
It astounds me that people are mad at the NRA when they provide safety training, fight for our rights to own, teach current laws to those of us that want to remain lawful. No one from the NRA is running around shooting up the schools and yet the NRA is the villain. Imagine a country without them. Like many aspects in government it isn't about right and wrong but end goal. Let these companies leave and I'll show my support elsewhere, two can play that game.
There looking for something to blame


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 24, 2010
How does boycotting these companies make those cowards any more brave and willing to do the right thing when it matters the most?

How does it help the FBI follow through on doing their job when people are reporting credible information to them?

How does it help when the step parents knew the boy had numerous weapons which murdered animals with? Why are the parents allowing this person to have weapons in their house knowing that he had a past. Why weren't they in control of what he does while he was under their roof? I realize there's only so much you can do, and crazies are gonna crazy, but more could've been done.

How does it help the local PD to take action when they've been summoned to deal with this kid 39+ times? thirty. nine. times.

How does it help DHS when it was known he was cutting himself over the loss of his girlfriend?

How does boycotting a business suddenly make people accountable for their inaction?

I ****ing hate stupid people.
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