What is a fair split of the monthly bills with your g/f/wife?


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Established Member
May 27, 2006
Blanco, TX
I just went through this same thing about 7 months ago when my GF and I moved in together. I make about 2x what she makes, so she pays about 33% of total rent and utils. Groceries/beer are about a 50/50 split. Entertainment is still basically paid by me.

She's saving more than she did living alone, and so am I. So it works out for both of us.
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Established Member
Sep 3, 2003
Franklin, NC
I pay the house payment,( a grand roughly), and she pays the electric, furniture we bought(around two hundread a month), and for the food. Its about a 60%/40% split.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2004
My last ex I made all the money as she was in school. But she cleaned and let me PIIHB and any extra money she had they picked up groceries.

Towards the end of the relationship she made some decent money but it was hard to get her to change what she contributed.

If I had to wager I'd say I paid 90% of all bills including housing, food and fun trips.

Orange Peel

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May 13, 2009
Waukesha, WI.
Haha OK, I think I made her sound worse than she is. She is a logical person, not a complete looter, she just has an entitlement mentality sometimes. Nothing that can't be remedied with a good talk.

ha see above. I couldn't do the one account thing. Even when we're married, I want to do the %/household income + separate accounts split. I refuse to answer to another human being about how and what I spend my money on. If that means marriage issues, then I guess I'm not cut out for marriage.

I think 80/20 is fair. 50/50 would be more than she makes per month :lol1:

Yeah, I'm new school. Dual-income household and a fair split of the bills is a must. I couldn't deal with lip if I decide to buy a car or something out of "our" account.

Mortgage. That is the only area where I thought there could have been a counterpoint to my logic; someone at her income level doesn't buy a house (well, a responsible human being doesn't at least), so I wanted to make sure I wasn't bogging her down too much with the house payment share.

I think you still need to budget accordingly and responsibly, but both people obviously need to pay their share and both should be understanding if one gets laid off or misses work due to sickness. I wouldn't do the joint account for the reasons above though.

Good Lord, enough of this marriage talk! :lol: I've seen it with precisely 100% of all my married friends and coworkers, but I still can't figure out why things change so much after marriage. It's just a piece of marriage and a tax break. :??:

Not true marriage is a legal binding contractual agreement with legal ramifications, :lol: to much reality tv man, my wife and I bought our house before we were married (2 years before). We did split bills, I'd make house and utility , she paid phone, cable, grocery,:lol: and whatever else came up. Now we have joint checking,savings accounts, I pay the bills and the rest we save , If I want something she is good about it ( purchase of cobra in MAY) and doesn't really say much about mod purchase as I don't question what she spends on as I usually see it through statements. Be careful she doesn't put a price on PIIHB, because they win on that front alway's no matter how many women you say you can get.


New Member
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Jul 19, 2006
LOL, My wife contribites ZERO. She is a stay at home mom and we have 2 girls that need all the newest stuff. She will go back to work at some point when the youngest is at school all day (2 more years). I like the fact she is a stay at home mom. Best for the girls but I couldn't do it!


I miss my torque
Established Member
May 17, 2005
This is why I'm leary about moving in with my gf. Shouldn't have a problem for a while since she just signed a lease a few months ago and I'll be signing a new one in a few weeks, not together. It seems every time I've talked to a girlfriend about money issues, it's turned into a fight. My last gf would complain that she didn't make much money, so I should be the one driving (30-45 minutes) to her house all the time (lived with her mom) instead of her coming to my place (lived by myself in an apartment). My current gf complained that I didn't offer to pay enough, and that she doesn't like when we split checks. You can never win with girls, you are never spending enough on them. It's BS.


Established Member
Oct 22, 2004
you got it, totally based off percent of what is made by each.
my case 60% me, 40% her, I just treated it the same as if there was a divorce.
60% = mortgage, food, therefore house is only in my name, & I'll always eat
40% = oil, electric, cable, etc.
I pay all taxes, so I keep all income tax returns.
cars and insurance are handled independantly, and I buy whatever I want whenever I want, no joint checking accounts, we both put an equal amount towards savings...

and she asks me to piihb...

Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
That sounds reasonable and is what my Wife and I did when we first got together. When it became obvious the relationship was going to be long term and we were going to get married the money got pooled. An argument about money will destroy the relationship every time.

Maybe I'm not being rational about marriage, but I would think pooling the money into one account would give her an equal say on the household spending that you're providing 80% of...or is that how a good marriage should work anyway? :p


Active Member
Established Member
Sep 30, 2003
Here you go OP, make sure you read using economic abuse, you aren't ready for marriage.


Euphoric One

Uncommon Sense
Established Member
Jan 9, 2008
Not true marriage is a legal binding contractual agreement with legal ramifications, :lol: to much reality tv man, my wife and I bought our house before we were married (2 years before). We did split bills, I'd make house and utility , she paid phone, cable, grocery,:lol: and whatever else came up. Now we have joint checking,savings accounts, I pay the bills and the rest we save , If I want something she is good about it ( purchase of cobra in MAY) and doesn't really say much about mod purchase as I don't question what she spends on as I usually see it through statements. Be careful she doesn't put a price on PIIHB, because they win on that front alway's no matter how many women you say you can get.

I get what you're saying, but I've never subscribed to that philosophy. If the woman wants to withhold the vajeen, then you point out it's a good thing there are approx. 3.5 billion other chicks on the planet that may be more forthcoming with it. Drastic move of course, but a good gf/wife shouldn't be doing shit like that in the first place.

Here you go OP, make sure you read using economic abuse, you aren't ready for marriage.




Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
Your idea is more than fair actually, I know plenty of couples that live together and split everything 50/50. A good friend of mine makes almost double of what his fiancee makes and they have a house account that they both contribute the same amount to, every week.


Mrs. 203Cree
Established Member
Oct 4, 2008
Olathe, KS
Your original idea is fair (I didn't read all of the thread). But I will throw out there the idea of maybe letting her live on her own for a bit before moving in together. If she hasn't ever had to manage a budget or pay for anything herself, moving in with her right off the bat will only make this an issue in your relationship. Let her live on her own, pay for her own things and see where she ends up in a few months. JMO though.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 8, 2005
It works out for us that whoever has the money pays whatever is due at the time. It's quite a bit harder now that I am staying home with the boys and going to school and Kyle is the only one working. We are using my school refund checks every semester to help us pay bills (I get back about $5000 per semester in the refund). I'm sure there are those that won't agree with that, but it will allow me to be home with the babies instead of having to get a job. Daycare for two infants is just crazy, and I don't think it's worth it.

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
Where are all the balls at in this thread? lol. Seriously though I would base it off income. No way in hell am I going to let some freeloader into my house. Putang or not.

Im not a sugar daddy. Im not a free ride, no one ever gave me nothing for free after I was 18. Woman are too materialistic. She had better pay SOMETHING. I would suggest treating it as if you were renting a room like someone else suggested. Keep the $ of 'rent' to include a portion of the utils. Base it off % of income.

Pretty much it comes down to if you want a freeloader or someone who will actually carry their weight in your relationship.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 21, 2007
I have had the talk with my fiance, as of now be both have one year left in school, except Im going to be making more when I get out do to my extra education. she wants it right down the middle and if thats the case I reminded her that includes 50% of my loans from law school, she didn't like that idea lol.

the other hurdle we have is joint accounts vs. separate. I told her we will have our joint that pays our normal bills and each a separate so we can buy what we want with out the other one having to permit it. Shes grown on the idea since ti allows her control over money without my say.


Active Member
Established Member
Dec 8, 2004
Olathe KS
We pay all bills with my income and live off of hers. It all equals out in the end anyway, so it's not like it really matters. You going to let her starve if she can't make ends meet? I don't think so. Concentrate more on the budget and less on the split.

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