sleep paralysis


Well-Known Member
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Dec 17, 2009
Fort Benning, GA
Has anyone ever felt like they were levitating and then thrown back down on the bed, and still feel paralyzed?

I've had that happen to me about two times in my entire life..Friggen weird..

And when I do get sleep paralysis; it's the worst feeling ever. Feel so helpless.


Established Member
Jun 15, 2012
I've gotten use to it. There was a point when I went threw it everyday for a month. It use to scare me. Now I just wait for it to be over and continue sleeping.


Established Member
Jun 15, 2012
I think the crazy part is you can't really tell whether your awake or not. At one point it would start happening as soon as I close my eyes after waking from an episode.

96 cobra

Well-Known Member
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Aug 11, 2007
:lol:Let me guess, the dark images you see are butt pirates?



Great Asp

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Mar 17, 2007
St. Louis
All you guys seeing black figures are not suffering from "sleep paralysis". It's a real thing but when you are seeing dark figures or disturbing images then you are dealing with something else.

Yeah, you woke up in Ferguson!



Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Has anyone ever felt like they were levitating and then thrown back down on the bed, and still feel paralyzed?

I've had that happen to me about two times in my entire life..Friggen weird..

And when I do get sleep paralysis; it's the worst feeling ever. Feel so helpless.

Yes, I've woken up about two feet off my bed and then I just dropped as soon as I became conscious that I was floating. My friend here at work said the same thing happened to him as a kid. He floated over the banister and down to the bottom of the stairs where he woke up standing at the bottom of the stairs.

So the shit with the tingling is imo a sure sign of spiritual activity, something is nearby and your senses are picking up on it. I've had sleep paralysis maybe two times, and it would have been more if I didn't pull myself to the moment I felt the waves and fear come over me. If you've seen me post about the stories from my old barracks that had tons of paranormal activity, would feel those waves and tingling almost every single night, but as soon as I started to feel it I would get up and command whatever was in the room to leave and it would. The couple times I shot awake from the feeling and I was conscious and moving but a little too slow, the feeling came on stronger and my mind became clouded as if I was being urged not to resist so I had to resist harder and tell it to leave immediately.

In a way I sort of proved this when one morning my roommate who slept about 5ft away from me was explaining a normal dream about him being at a party that turned really dark when he walked into the kitchen and looked out the sliding glass door to see a large black figure race up to him and grab him but was cut short and he woke up. I asked him the time he woke up which was around 2:30 am and I asked him if he felt the waves coming over him repeatedly (which he did) since he saw the black figure and I knew what it was. I told him that I had woken up abruptly around 2:00am feeling the sensation and I knew something was in the room. I looked over and saw my roommate was still asleep and I told whatever was there to leave and when I felt comfortable again I went to sleep and he must have woken up sometime right after.

The most profound experience I ever had that sort of opened it all up was when I was working one time and I was laying in my bed. We slept 9 guys to a room in a ship like racks that were three beds high and had curtains to seal each rack off. I was laying in mine and I was just saying a prayer when I felt that sensation come on strong! I was completely awake but there was no stopping this sensation; it was coming for me! I began praying to myself and telling it to leave but it never stopped. I struggled with this because a spirit should never be able to interfere while in prayer. What happened next was that I started to see a vision of sorts, but I was fully aware and in control. I was no longer present in my bed but I was now seeing a vast white-pearlish plane that was overall peaceful but I could still feel this spirit attacking me and I could still feel the fear. In this plane I looked out a little and saw myself from behind and my hands were locked with this black figure larger than myself. It push me down to one knee as if it was overpowering me but then this avatar of me just started laughing and stood back up pushing back. Another black figure ran to the aid of the other to push me down and with just a thought from my mind my avatar pushed them both away.

Everything was at peace now, I no longer felt the fear that had originally came over me. My vision had pulled back a little and I saw a glass sculpture that I was basically hovering over it seemed. It was in the shape of one of those clocks you place on your mantle that has the curved top I guess, a grandfather clock? Anyways it was made of glass and it was filled with blue and purple flashes of light like lightning. It was immediately made understood to me that this meant I was using it, and I was in this place as a result. Upon realizing this I looked to my left and saw a crowd of the black figures. They were gathered around another glass figure like mine. It was made understood to me that this was my ex-gf Taylor and these were the spirits attempting to influence and attack her. I went over there and told them all to leave and they cleared out like cockroaches. I could see her sculpture and it had no light moving through it. It was made understood that this meant she was just not in the same state I was at that moment; she could have been sleeping or doing anything else really. I vaguely understood that if she had been active there with me I could have talked to her in the spirit. I still told her to tell me about this the next day if she heard anything I was saying to prove what I thought but it didn't lol. It all ended after that, but I briefly went back to it the next day while praying but was interrupted by an alarm for a security alert.

Probably the single craziest and profound thing I've ever experienced. The feeling was incredible and it shed a whole new light on what sleep paralysis is or what is piggy-backing off of that phenomenon.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2006
Has anyone ever felt like they were levitating and then thrown back down on the bed, and still feel paralyzed?

I've had that happen to me about two times in my entire life..Friggen weird..

And when I do get sleep paralysis; it's the worst feeling ever. Feel so helpless.

Actually that has happened to me I was floating around horizontal through my room and I could feel myself bumping into the walls. I'm convinced it actually happened.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 4, 2005
I've had it happen on a couple of instances where I would wake up and if felt like something was holding me down unable to move.
No hallucinations or anything else occurring.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 17, 2009
Fort Benning, GA
dooberGN, and svtfocus2cobra; it's good to know I'm not the only one..

My wife is very, very spiritual. So am I, but she is more than me, in my opinion. She's never experienced this before.


Z06 bought with food stamps
Established Member
Apr 20, 2010
Thanks for the explanation svtfocus. I also ask myself questions such as, why me? I'm not a bad person or harm people. In fact I'm helpful towards others. Why do I get messed with these unexplainable events. My intentions were not to make this thread about religion. More so on how to stop this paralyzed state of sleep or abnormalities. I've doubted the man upstairs many times or any God of that nature. I never practice my past religion, never pray or attend church. However, if praying to the The Lord will make this go away. I will do it. Sorry for the rant guys.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Embrace it. You've been gifted with discerning of spirits and you're not one of a few. It happens to lots of people and it's available to most. You're on the right track so just embrace it and understand the authority you're standing on. All I can say to make the experience less frightening is to wake yourself at the first hint of the fear and before it can cloud your mind. It will get to the point where it is just a nuisance to your nightly sleeping.

Also, a lot of times in the past I've known it was coming before I went to bed, like earlier in the day. I sensed something was around, sort of lurking I guess.
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 24, 2004
Delco, Pa
It only happens when you sleep on your back, right?

I've had it three times with the first being straight out of a horror film. The second time was still creepy but I knew what was happening. The third time I just rode it out and didn't fight it. Every time it's been while I slept on my back...and i'll never sleep on my back again


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Here's the full second part of the story.

The most profound experience I ever had that sort of opened it all up was when I was working one time and I was laying in my bed. We slept 9 guys to a room in a ship like racks that were three beds high and had curtains to seal each rack off. I was laying in mine and I was just saying a prayer when I felt that sensation come on strong! I was completely awake but there was no stopping this sensation; it was coming for me! I began praying to myself and telling it to leave but it never stopped. I struggled with this because a spirit should never be able to interfere while in prayer. What happened next was that I started to see a vision of sorts, but I was fully aware and in control. I was no longer present in my bed but I was now seeing a vast white-pearlish plane that was overall peaceful but I could still feel this spirit attacking me and I could still feel the fear. In this plane I looked out a little and saw myself from behind and my hands were locked with this black figure larger than myself. It push me down to one knee as if it was overpowering me but then this avatar of me just started laughing and stood back up pushing back. Another black figure ran to the aid of the other to push me down and with just a thought from my mind my avatar pushed them both away.

Everything was at peace now, I no longer felt the fear that had originally came over me. My vision had pulled back a little and I saw a glass sculpture that I was basically hovering over it seemed. It was in the shape of one of those clocks you place on your mantle that has the curved top I guess, a grandfather clock? Anyways it was made of glass and it was filled with blue and purple flashes of light like lightning. It was immediately made understood to me that this meant I was using it, and I was in this place as a result. Upon realizing this I looked to my left and saw a crowd of the black figures. They were gathered around another glass figure like mine. It was made understood to me that this was my ex-gf Taylor and these were the spirits attempting to influence and attack her. I went over there and told them all to leave and they cleared out like cockroaches. I could see her sculpture and it had no light moving through it. It was made understood that this meant she was just not in the same state I was at that moment; she could have been sleeping or doing anything else really. I vaguely understood that if she had been active there with me I could have talked to her in the spirit. I still told her to tell me about this the next day if she heard anything I was saying to prove what I thought but it didn't lol. It all ended after that, but I briefly went back to it the next day while praying but was interrupted by an alarm for a security alert.

Probably the single craziest and profound thing I've ever experienced. The feeling was incredible and it shed a whole new light on what sleep paralysis is or what is piggy-backing off of that phenomenon.
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New Member
Established Member
Mar 11, 2010
I had bad night terror's as a kid also. Over time, I figured out how to sense when things were getting ready to get bad in the dream, I would then become aware of my surroundings and either try to wake myself up or fight it in the dream. If I tried to wake myself up, I would usually end up in the paralysis but no hallucinations. If I tried to deal with it in my dream, it was basically like being Neo from The Matrix and the Hulk at the same time...I knew I had total control over "my world" and could take on and beat whatever was coming for me, then get super angry and feel as if I would physically transform into a large strong being. Usually when things went bad, my dream would go from being anywhere in the world to all of a sudden being right where my actual body was....that's what made it feel so real.


Extra Sprinkles
Established Member
Sep 25, 2013
Louisville, KY area
I've had this happen, but only the part where I feel like I should be awake but can't move. No dark strange figures or anything. I guess I just have always considered it another type of lucid dream. Like I'm awake inside my mind, but my body is sleeping - like there is a disassociation. I remember being freaked out once or twice, but I know what's happening now so I just go with it. I also have sleep apnea, so this doesn't happen often because I avoid sleeping on my back.

Edit - And this officially takes the prize for freakiest thread I've ever read on SVTP.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 9, 2004
Where my shadow falls
Yes, I've woken up about two feet off my bed and then I just dropped as soon as I became conscious that I was floating. My friend here at work said the same thing happened to him as a kid. He floated over the banister and down to the bottom of the stairs where he woke up standing at the bottom of the stairs.

So the shit with the tingling is imo a sure sign of spiritual activity, something is nearby and your senses are picking up on it. I've had sleep paralysis maybe two times, and it would have been more if I didn't pull myself to the moment I felt the waves and fear come over me. If you've seen me post about the stories from my old barracks that had tons of paranormal activity, would feel those waves and tingling almost every single night, but as soon as I started to feel it I would get up and command whatever was in the room to leave and it would. The couple times I shot awake from the feeling and I was conscious and moving but a little too slow, the feeling came on stronger and my mind became clouded as if I was being urged not to resist so I had to resist harder and tell it to leave immediately.

In a way I sort of proved this when one morning my roommate who slept about 5ft away from me was explaining a normal dream about him being at a party that turned really dark when he walked into the kitchen and looked out the sliding glass door to see a large black figure race up to him and grab him but was cut short and he woke up. I asked him the time he woke up which was around 2:30 am and I asked him if he felt the waves coming over him repeatedly since he saw the black figure and I knew what it was. I told him that I had woken up abruptly around 2:00am feeling the sensation and I knew something was in the room. I looked over and saw my roommate was still asleep and I told whatever was there to leave and when I felt comfortable again I went to sleep and he must have woken up sometime right after.

The most profound experience I ever had that sort of opened it all up was when I was working one time and I was laying in my bed. We slept 9 guys to a room in a ship like racks that were three beds high and had curtains to seal each rack off. I was laying in mine and I was just saying a prayer when I felt that sensation come on strong! I was completely awake but there was no stopping this sensation; it was coming for me! I began praying to myself and telling it to leave but it never stopped. I struggled with this because a spirit should never be able to interfere while in prayer. What happened next was that I started to see a vision of sorts, but I was fully aware and in control. I was no longer present in my bed but I was now seeing a vast white-pearlish plane that was overall peaceful but I could still feel this spirit attacking me and I could still feel the fear. In this plane I looked out a little and saw myself from behind and my hands were locked with this black figure larger than myself. It push me down to one knee as if it was overpowering me but then this avatar of me just started laughing and stood back up pushing back. Another black figure ran to the aid of the other to push me down and with just a thought from my mind my avatar pushed them both away.

Everything was at peace now, I no longer felt the fear that had originally came over me. My vision had pulled back a little and I saw a glass sculpture that I was basically hovering over it seemed. It was in the shape of one of those clocks you place on your mantle that has the curved top I guess, a grandfather clock? Anyways it was made of glass and it was filled with blue and purple flashes of light like lightning. It was immediately made understood to me that this meant I was using it, and I was in this place as a result. Upon realizing this I looked to my left and saw a crowd of the black figures. They were gathered around another glass figure like mine. It was made understood to me that this was my ex-gf Taylor and these were the spirits attempting to influence and attack her. I went over there and told them all to leave and they cleared out like cockroaches. I could see her sculpture and it had no light moving through it. It was made understood that this meant she was just not in the same state I was at that moment; she could have been sleeping or doing anything else really. I vaguely understood that if she had been active there with me I could have talked to her in the spirit. I still told her to tell me about this the next day if she heard anything I was saying to prove what I thought but it didn't lol. It all ended after that, but I briefly went back to it the next day while praying but was interrupted by an alarm for a security alert.

Probably the single craziest and profound thing I've ever experienced. The feeling was incredible and it shed a whole new light on what sleep paralysis is or what is piggy-backing off of that phenomenon.

I've had this happen several times during my life and I honestly believe its something evil. Also about the tingling sensation of spiritual activity…I was in the room when my father took his last breath (had cancer) along with my mother, siblings, and their cat. When he took his last breath, I felt a surge like sensation on my right lower leg that made my hairs stand up almost like when you have static on your socks in the winter. I looked over at the cat and it's hair was standing up on end also. I know that's probably off topic but it freaked me out. I have also tried yelling and it only endup being a hum, and other times I have actually fought hard enough that I do wake up screaming. I have freaked my wife out on several occasions
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Fujiwara zone
Established Member
Nov 21, 2006
I've had it happen 4 or 5 times that I can remember. A few times while sleeping on my back, and a couple times while sleeping on my stomach. Each time I've tried to scream but could'nt. I did see a dark figure one of the times while on my back. I also could see a dark figure out of the corner of my eye when it happened while on my stomach once.
My mom says she's had it happen a few times while on her back and could see a demon like face with black eyes hovering over her face only a foot away or so. She also said she couldn't scream and every time she tried the demons face would come nearer.

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