Really? This Qualifies For "Stand Your Ground"


Established Member
Mar 10, 2008
Wheeling, IL
Firm believer of cause and effect and action and reaction.

He started the fight by being aggressive, which is a pattern he's shown with other people.

He got a rise out of someone and then chose to escalate what was an argument with deadly force.

I believe stand your ground only applies if you have no form of retreat but is 100% backed when inside your home and vehicle.

In this case, shooter was pushed to the ground, but, was NOT in a life threatening position.

As a CCW holder, its annoying being in the same category of those that think a shove is worthy of drawing your weapon and killing someone.

Logic I gather is as follows:

Guy bumps into you with a shopping cart on accident, you fall. You should shoot that mother ****er, right?
You trip a kid running through a store and his dad shoots you because he was scared for his child's life, right?
You verbally harass a women with children in a car and when confronted by the significant other, you shoot him after he gets in your face and pushes you since it was life threatening, right?

I can see the life style change of carrying didn't affect many of you as it should have. I carry and avoid conflict at all times. I cannot tell you how many times I've been bumped into, had people road rage and swerve at me or do something else confrontational. I avoid them and deescalate the situation, not act like a badass and think the pettiest of reasons is valid to end someones life.
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Need 04 Wine

Meanest CDN on SVTP
Established Member
Apr 1, 2012
The ****? Bro this is one step above "shoot the knife out of his hands!" crazy talk.

If this had happened in Canada there wouldn't have been any pushing or shooting, just a lot of apologizing and maybe some poutine sharing.

You would be surprised. I’m not from an area known for liberal tendencies.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2008
To elaborate on my “shit is crazy” statement.

I agree with above.

If you get involved you end it.

Sure shove him, but you follow that with..................(blank intentionally cause pre-meditated is a thing) and drive away before it wakes up.

This is a thing even here in communist socialist paradise of igloos.

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Last fight I witnessed was 3 dudes jumping 8 dudes outside of a bar, the aggressor ended up face first in a pool of his own blood. Cops hauled his ass to jail instead of hospital lol... Pretty nuts


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 31, 2010
Empire State
I'm not a gun owner but I believe in the right to bear arms. Yet reading through this thread, and the varying opinions of weapon carriers, really confuses me about what a righteous shoot is. Just because a SYG law is in place doesn't mean you have to shoot inmo. Maybe the mere sight of the gun would have deescalated the whole thing. Yet when the chick got out of the car the shooter realized it was now 2 on 1 and since we have no audio we don't know for sure what was being said by whom. She and her man might have been threatening him with bodily harm.


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
Firm believer of cause and effect and action and reaction.

He started the fight by being aggressive, which is a pattern he's shown with other people.

He got a rise out of someone and then chose to escalate what was an argument with deadly force.

I believe stand your ground only applies if you have no form of retreat but is 100% backed when inside your home and vehicle.

In this case, shooter was pushed to the ground, but, was NOT in a life threatening position.

As a CCW holder, its annoying being in the same category of those that think a shove is worthy of drawing your weapon and killing someone.

Logic I gather is as follows:

Guy bumps into you with a shopping cart on accident, you fall. You should shoot that mother ****er, right?
You trip a kid running through a store and his dad shoots you because he was scared for his child's life, right?
You verbally harass a women with children in a car and when confronted by the significant other, you shoot him after he gets in your face and pushes you since it was life threatening, right?

I can see the life style change of carrying didn't affect any of you as it should have. I carry and avoid conflict at all times. I cannot tell you how many times I've been bumped into, had people road rage and swerve at me or do something else confrontational. I avoid them and deescalate the situation, not act like a badass and think the pettiest of reasons is valid to end someones life.
Agree 100%. In 1997 I was in a situation where a man with road rage came at me with a baseball bat over his head. It was a clear deadly threat, but when I drew my sidearm and aimed it at his head, he stopped and dropped the bat. I was halfway through the break but eased off, backed away and retreated even through I could have legally dropped him. My CJ professor at the time was a retired cop and asked why I didn't kill him. I responded "because it would have been murder at that point, legal or not.". Had to go to court as I got charged, was found not guilty. He was literally a half step from being a dead man.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 21, 2014
Agree 100%. In 1997 I was in a situation where a man with road rage came at me with a baseball bat over his head. It was a clear deadly threat, but when I drew my sidearm and aimed it at his head, he stopped and dropped the bat. I was halfway through the break but eased off, backed away and retreated even through I could have legally dropped him. My CJ professor at the time was a retired cop and asked why I didn't kill him. I responded "because it would have been murder at that point, legal or not.". Had to go to court as I got charged, was found not guilty. He was literally a half step from being a dead man.

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Charged with displaying/brandishing a weapon?

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
That is the point upon which everything here is based. That 2 seconds where do I shoot of do I not. You call the guy on the ground a pussy or whatever for shooting but until you are in that situation you do not know. Once you have that fear for your life you are probably not going to react as a lot on here say he should have. Most people will never have known what being afraid for their life is. Yeah I know, I am a big strong heman and nothing frightens me, but there is a point somewhere where you will be afraid. I have no idea what was going thru this guys mind when he was assaulted but I am guessing he was scared. I do not know if he had handgun training or not. As I said he should never have gotten into that situation in the first place.

Sooo... The shooter was brave enough to start an argument with a woman over a parking spot, but as soon as another man shows up on the scene, he's suddenly afraid for his life?? You're basically reinforcing what others have said; the shooter is one of those guys who gets a CCW because he's a bitch ass who can't back up his mouth.

Also, why isn't the victim given the consideration that he was standing his ground?? You don't know what the shooter was saying to him/them. The shooter could've been yelling "I'll ****ing kill you!", causing the victim(s) (let's not forget the verbal assault the female was receiving) to fear for their lives.

To the people mentioning people being killed from being punched once or shoved to the ground once, how the hell is that even relevant? The shooter obviously wasn't killed or injured in the fall, not unless he died for a few milliseconds then miraculously came back to life just in time to pull out his gun and shoot a man who wasn't even a threat anymore.


Established Member
Mar 10, 2008
Wheeling, IL
No. It's your duty to read everything before making an accusation.

Well, I read your post, #41.

Where did I say YOU were one of them? Or, did my post actually say, for those that think this that a shove is worthy of getting shot or that the lifestyle of carrying didn't affect many of you?

It is your duty to actually read a post and not think the posts from other people are meant entirely for you.

Your post is still controvercial as you defend both the victim and shooter.


Well Seasoned
Established Member
Jul 21, 2009
Well, I read your post, #41.

Where did I say YOU were one of them? Or, did my post actually say, for those that think this that a shove is worthy of getting shot or that the lifestyle of carrying didn't affect many of you?

It is your duty to actually read a post and not think the posts from other people are meant entirely for you.

Your post is still controvercial as you defend both the victim and shooter.
Nice try. I didn't defend either of them. I blamed them both. There's a difference.

You spoke in definite terms. It's your duty to comprehend what you're reading before commenting.


Established Member
Premium Member
Aug 31, 2005
Sooo... The shooter was brave enough to start an argument with a woman over a parking spot, but as soon as another man shows up on the scene, he's suddenly afraid for his life?? You're basically reinforcing what others have said; the shooter is one of those guys who gets a CCW because he's a bitch ass who can't back up his mouth.

Also, why isn't the victim given the consideration that he was standing his ground?? You don't know what the shooter was saying to him/them. The shooter could've been yelling "I'll ****ing kill you!", causing the victim(s) (let's not forget the verbal assault the female was receiving) to fear for their lives.

To the people mentioning people being killed from being punched once or shoved to the ground once, how the hell is that even relevant? The shooter obviously wasn't killed or injured in the fall, not unless he died for a few milliseconds then miraculously came back to life just in time to pull out his gun and shoot a man who wasn't even a threat anymore.

Did you watch the video? He wasn’t afraid because another man showed up, its because he was assaulted.

While I don’t know what was said between the shooter and his wife, i can see from the video not much was said between the shooter and dead guy. Dead guy just came up and physically assaulted him. Verbal assault and physical assault apples to oranges.

Obviously he wasn’t killed but you don’t know whether or not he was injured. He just shot someone who assaulted him. I can promise you his adrenaline was through the roof.

I’ll end with these thoughts and this isn’t in regards to anything you just said. Just what I think. Shooter was a piece of shit wanna be parking enforcement cop and the dead guy was a hard-ass who over played his hand. Both losers. And now the dead guy’s son gets to grow up without a father and his wife is a widow over a parking spot and ego. Good call guys.

The way i see it is the shooter should of kept to himself or if he was going to confront the wife, be respectful. Even if the wife was in the wrong or not. Or if he was really that mad, get the plate and call the cops. The shooter started this plain and simple. ****ing dbag. I can't speak for everyone but i know I was taught in my CCW class to avoid confrontation. Which is common sense IMO. Whether the shooting was legally ok doesn’t make it morally ok. Dead guy should of kept it to a verbal altercation or better yet, get his son and wife in the car and LEAVE. Having your family in that situation means you have everything to loose and nothing to gain.

Instead he decided to make a verbal altercation into a physical assault. He rolled the dice and lost. Bad decisions from both the shooter and now dead guy.

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