Official Ford Service Rep


Official Ford Service Rep
Established Member
Mar 31, 2014
Hi, everyone!

My name is Ashley and I’m your brand new U.S. Ford Customer Service rep. :)

My primary role here will be to answer any questions you may have about newer models, to assist with vehicle concerns, and to track any vehicle orders you may be placing. I am in the office M – F 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. On days I won’t be around, such as holidays or sick time, I’ll be sure to post out-of-office messages to let you know when I'll be back.

Generally speaking, I’ll keep my eyes open for any relevant discussion and jump in publicly to assist whenever possible. If you have something you want to talk to me directly about, feel free to send me a PM. The only time I’ll ask you to reach out privately is when I’m looking for personal information, but I’ll make sure you guys (and gals) know what to send over if and when that time comes.

Some items that I probably won’t be able to help with include: older/high-mileage vehicles, details about future vehicles that aren’t yet made public, vehicle modifications, and questions/concerns about in-vehicle technology. We plan to add an agent who handles Canadian customers soon, and I'll let you know when he or she arrives.

I’m excited to finally be here as part of this community and I’m looking forward to speaking with you all soon!



Authorized Vendor
Established Member
Premium Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Welcome, Ashley! I think having you as an active SVTP member is going to really benefit everyone here. :)


Mattis for POTUS
Established Member
Jun 7, 2004
Welcome aboard! Your membership will be a valuable addition to the site.

As a side bar, do you have any intentions of having a Ford Service Rep/Tech available to the site as well? A few of the Powerstroke Forums I have been on have had Ford Techs join on and they really provide some great insight and information as well.

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