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  • Factory Fill is 6.5 quarts (stock oil pan) and 8 quarts with an aftermarket oil pan.

    Amsoil 10W-40 – Use this if you have the stock 192* thermostat, or you road race your car for extended sessions.

    Amsoil 10W-30 – Use this if you have the reisch 170* thermostat, and you do NOT road race your car. Street brawls and drag racing is OK with this lubricant.

    Amsoil EaO11 oil filter - 98.7% efficiency @ 20 microns, yet still flow better than a Motorcraft FL-820 (only 93.7% efficiency @ 20 microns).

    Make your T6060 transmission shift like butter.

    Amsoil Synthetic ATF - 3.6 quart fill (buy a gallon and use the left over fluid in your power steering pump)
    For your rear differential

    Amsoil 75W-140 - 2.1 quart fill (I've found that 2 quarts + 4 ounces of friction modifier to be more than sufficient)

    Friction modifier is required in the factory differential. Use all 4 ounces

    Amsoil Slip Lock - 1 bottle required

    and never pay retail price for it. Get it at dealer cost by adding this to your cart before you check out (save 25-30% on everything).

    Preferred Customer
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