New license plate law in Texas


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May 18, 2008
Earlier in the year, legislation passed that would require only one plate in the state of Texas.:banana: The law was to go into affect Sept. 1 along with numerous other new laws. I have since heard that the law was removed from the legislation after numerous complaints from law enforcement.:fm: I have done numerous searches but can find nothing relating to whether it was removed or not. Anyone know for sure? I have had no front plate on my '07 GT500 for the past 6 years (never pulled over) but have been pulled over 2 days in a row in the last week. You only get the warning at this time but it still shows up in the DPS computer system.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 23, 2008
I haven't heard anything solid just that it's been proposed and shot down several times in the past few years


Slow Cobras INC
Established Member
Jan 21, 2005
Operation of Vehicles without two License Plates

All officers should be familiar with HB 625, a 2013 Texas Legislative amendment to Chapter 504 of the Texas Transportation Code.

In 2011, the Texas Legislature intended to separate the Transportation Code provisions requiring license plates from those requiring the actual registration sticker. The provisions that formerly made up Transportation Code Section 502.404 “Operation of a Vehicle without License Plate or Registration Insignia” were divided and now are present in Chapters 502 and 504 (the provisions regarding registration stayed in 502 and the provisions regarding license plates went to 504). When the Legislature did this in 2011, the penalty provision for not having two plates remained in Section 502 and was not duplicated in the Section 504 provision requiring license plates. The Police Department issued a roll call training after the 2011 Legislation passed warning officers not to use this violation of law as grounds to establish probable cause for a stop. The previous roll call training recommended officers observe another traffic offense for which a penalty is prescribed to make a traffic stop.

This year, the 2013 Texas Legislature passed HB 625 to fix this issue by adding Subsection (e) to provide a penalty provision. The amendment to the law fills the gap by making failure to display both license plates on a vehicle a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $200. The new law takes effect on September 1, 2013. Until then, officers should continue to operate under the old roll call guidelines. After September 1, 2013, officers may resume relying on Section 504.939 as probable cause for a stop.

Effective September 1, 2013, Section 504.943 of the Texas Transportation Code will read:

§ 504.943. Operation of Vehicle Without License Plate

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person commits an offense if the person operates on a public highway, during a registration period, a motor vehicle that does not display two license plates that:

(1) have been assigned by the department for the period; and

(2) comply with department rules regarding the placement of license plates.

(b) A person commits an offense if the person operates on a public highway during a registration period a road tractor, motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer that does not display a license plate that:

(1) has been assigned by the department for the period; and

(2) complies with department rules regarding the placement of license plates.

(c) This section does not apply to a dealer operating a vehicle as provided by law.

(d) A court may dismiss a charge brought under Subsection (a)(1) if the defendant:

(1) remedies the defect before the defendant's first court appearance; and

(2) pays an administrative fee not to exceed $10.

(e) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.


New Member
Established Member
May 18, 2008
Thanks for the post. I guess I just wasn't using the correct wording in my searches for this info cause I did a bunch of them. Sorry to hear we still have to have two plates.:shrug: I don't care what police say, it's normal for them to notice bright colored cars, sports cars, cars with standout stripes, etc. as opposed to the mass of dull colored sedans that populate the highways. To me, it's profiling no different from racial profiling. I am singled out due to the type and color of car I drive.:bs: Guess I will continue to tie wrap the plate to the lower grill when I leave the county (they know me and don't bother me) I live in and snip them when I get back.


Established Member
Mar 10, 2012
Pearland, Texas
I will add my thanks for the clarification - I've seen several conflicting accounts of the law so it is good to know what will be in effect Sept 1; I may just put mine front plate back on!! :(


Focus > Mustang
Established Member
May 9, 2009
Dallas, TX
the change in the law, removing the front plate (and saving millions of dollars, by only making one plate per car....) is still held up in committee, and will likely stay there for a while.


Track Addict
Established Member
May 1, 2013
Austin, TX
I havent run a front plate in 10+ years and wont be starting anytime soon. There are plenty of higher end cars that dont even have a spot for one, I dont see why anyone would go to the trouble to make one.

BMR Tech

Active Member
Jun 15, 2011
Two (of the only) things I really appreciated when moving from Texas to Florida, was, I don't have to run a front plate....and, no inspections. Florida is a hotrodders paradise!


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Beer Money Bros.
Feb 15, 2008
I dont run a front plate either. I keep it in my windshield.


Established Member
Jan 23, 2013
Texas has a front bracket that my dad got on his 5.0. It screws in underneath the bumper where there are already screws in place. It has a clip that holds the plate on, and allows for easy removal for shows or washing without being able to see the lower bracket when it's off. It's like $150-200 though.....


Runs On "Liquid Gold"
Super Moderator
Sep 17, 2005
Dallas, TX has a front bracket that my dad got on his 5.0. It screws in underneath the bumper where there are already screws in place. It has a clip that holds the plate on, and allows for easy removal for shows or washing without being able to see the lower bracket when it's off. It's like $150-200 though.....
Or you could get one from Craig's Custom Brackets. This is what I have.

Welcome To “Craig’s Custom Mustang Brackets” and Performance Parts | Craig's Custom Mustang Brackets


New Member
Established Member
Mar 24, 2013
Fort Hood, TX
as one of my buddies explained to me the law states that you have to have a license plate in the front of your car. Texas defines the front of your car starting at the top of your windshield. so if you put it there you should be good, Im in Afghanistan right now, but I will see if I can get a copy of the paperwork or where he found it, I keep in it my car for those pesky cops.


Established Member
Dec 28, 2013
H-town, TX
as one of my buddies explained to me the law states that you have to have a license plate in the front of your car. Texas defines the front of your car starting at the top of your windshield. so if you put it there you should be good, Im in Afghanistan right now, but I will see if I can get a copy of the paperwork or where he found it, I keep in it my car for those pesky cops.

Let us know if you do find this. It'll save some court time if/when we get pulled over with plates in the windshield..


New Member
Established Member
Apr 25, 2012
Let us know if you do find this. It'll save some court time if/when we get pulled over with plates in the windshield..

When I got pulled over about a month ago, The officer explained to me that the front plate needs to be on the front most part of the vehicle and the windshield does not apply to that. I got away with just a warning on the front plate, however I did get a use of equipment not approved ticket for my blacked out taillights..........:rolleyes::nono:


New Member
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Dec 27, 2010
Columbus GA -- working in L
I lived in IL for a little while sometime back. It too is a double plate state. I owned and drove an 89 Escort GT at the time. The 89 Escort GT's front end is designed very similar to the Fox Mustang GT front end, they are both "bottom feeders" for air intake for cooling. Some vehicles just are not designed with a front plate in mind. A front plate on a car such as that Escort GT or a Fox Mustang GT can block air flow into the cooling air intake and cause the engine to run a bit hotter than normal.

When I lived in IL I never did put the front plate on my Escort. I bought the car when I lived in SC, a single plate state. My car did not have holes in the front bumper cover and I was not going to drill any holes. After living there a year I was about to get a new job in TN, another single plate state. I finally had a cop notice my lack of a front plate about 3 weeks prior to me moving to TN. the conversation with the cop wnt something like this:

Cop, "where is you License plate"
Me, "on the back of the car."
Cop, "No, I mean the front plate"
Me, "Oh, in my kitchen at home."
Cop, "Why don't you have it on your car?"
Me, "Because there are no holes in my Bumper to mount it."
Cop, "All cars have a place and holes to mount the plate"
Me, "Well if you can find the holes, I will put the plate on the car as soon as I get home."
The cop walks to the front of my car to inspect for the holes. After about 3 minutes he comes back to the side of my car.
Cop, "I'll be damned you are right. There are no holes. Well you will have to drill them and mount the front plate."
Me, "Well here is the thing. In 3 weeks I am moving to TN and I wont need a front plate. I am not going to mess up my front bumper to put the plate on for 3 weeks. Balls in your park..."
Cop, after thinking a moment, "Ok here is the deal. I wont give you a ticket for it, today. I will remember you and this car. I will also say something to the other guys at the station with me. If you are still here in 6 weeks and the plate is still not on your car, YOU WILL GET A TICKET." said with emphasis.
Me, "No problem and thank you. I wont be here.
The cop got in his car and left and when my son came out from school I left and went home. 3 weeks later I moved to TN as I had said.

The Snake


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