Need help/info for a friend who has cancer.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
Hey guys, I know I can google this but the more info I have, the better it is. I'd really appreciate if you guys can help me out on this one.

My friend has cancer and its really bad, hes already had surgery to remove a small part of his intestine and its getting worse. I'm going on deployment soon and I want to help my friend as much as I can before I leave.

its on lymph node cancer in the small intestine - Gastrointestinal. Also known as carcinoid tumors.

He's on pills for acid reflux, he cant keep food down, his bowels don't work properly.

I need more info for food that'll be good for him or anything that may help him. Anything. I want him to be able to eat without throwing it back out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



RIP Gump
Established Member
Jan 18, 2005
East TX
Wow, sorry to hear about your friend.
I'm sure his Dr. has given him a list of "go to" foods.
I know when I feel like crap and have the urge to puke I try to eat/drink soup. Easier to get in the body and I seem to keep fluids down better than solids.


Yield right!!!!
Established Member
Sep 15, 2004
The Woods
Some medical marijuana? I'm being serious. There seems to be some decent evidence that it helps with appetite and eating for very sick people.
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Active Member
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
Like I was thinking of baby food ? I know it may sound dumb but its probably easy to digest and has plenty of nutrients.


Tire Smoking Specialist
Established Member
May 11, 2010
I agree with jerrad.

I am very sorry about your friend, and my prayers are out to him, but wouldn't the doctors know how they should be treating the patients? Baby food is also a good idea. Maybe juices full of vitamins as well. Or pure?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
All the news I can give you is bad.

My best friend was diagnosed with colon cancer last Thursday.
Her surgery is scheduled for Monday. But the radiographs show that it is late stage three or early stage four. It has already spread to the liver and lymph nodes, and possibly the lung. Even with aggressive treatment she will only have an 8% chance of being alive in five years.
She is only 43 with three children.

If your friend was diagnosed early enough, say late stage 1 or early stage 2 there is a 63 to 78% chance of surviving out to five years. If it is still only inside the intestine and has not spread the chances are excellent for a full recovery. I am going to talk to my Dr. next week about getting one of those "swallow the camera" visual studies done. Not covered by insurance and it is expensive but if it can catch a cancer in the first few months it would absolutely be worth it.


Oxford White Cobra
Established Member
Nov 19, 2010
Ville Platte, LA
I understand you were hoping for some advice coming from others' experiences, something out of the box, and not the cookie cutter diet doctors hand every patient. Unfortunately, I don't have any advice. Best of luck. I HATE CANCER.


New Member
Established Member
Sep 24, 2010
I would think medical marijuana or Marinol to reduce the nausea and vomiting, it should stimulate his appetite also.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 19, 2008
New York
Really sorry to hear about your friend. I have stage IV cancer and it metastisized. Part of where it spread was to my stomach, and I had/have a very rough time eating. I had a feeding tube but it got badly infected so it had to be removed. Have they thought of this option? What stage is he at? Have they told him what he can and can't eat? Is he getting any kind of treatment or is there a treatment plan? Sorry for all the questions, but it's hard giving advice not really knowing the situation.

I had to have stents put in my stomach after the feeding tube didn't work and after the surgeries nothing would stay down. Liquids are what I'm always recommended to take. Fruits and vegetables blended, or milkshakes with ensure or protein powder. It's pretty much experimenting until you find something that works. Somedays I only had broth. Other days broth wouldn't stay down, but a plain potato or milkshakes would. Baby food can be good too.

I know you want to help your friend eat, but what he needs more is all the love and support he can get. Your an incredible and true friend for standing by him through this, because sadly there are many that don't do this. I'm sure his doctors are working hard on getting this under control. I have a few great websites where you can find good info, if you want them let me know. Have you thought of maybe putting together a care package before you leave? Those are always awesome to receive. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers! As are you for your deployment. It always sucks hearing people getting cancer, especially knowing first hand what it's like.
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Established Member
Jun 6, 2007
Oklahoma City
Sorry to hear this!! You sound like a good friend and your on the right track. Maybe give the hospital a call and see what they advise. The nurses/doctors will know best when it's this serious.

On another note, thank you for your service!!


New Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2006
Lantana, TX
OP - Sorry to hear about your friend. My mom died from GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors) two years ago and this sounds like what your friend has. Unfortunately she was also not able to hold down food and she withered away from over 150 lbs to under 90 when she passed away.

Everybody is different in that they have different tolerance to the meds, the food, and their willpower to live. Hopefully your friend is strong enough to fight this right to the edge of death (in order for the meds and chemo to work) and then fight his way back after the cancer is in remission. Unfortunately in most cases GIST never fully goes away and all they can do is keep fighting the tumors over time.

There are a several support sites like Social CRM, Online Contact Management, and Professional Networking | and GIST Support International - GIST Support International: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor patient education and support that might be able to give you more answers.

Good luck............your friend is in everyone's prayers.


Semi user friendly
Established Member
Sep 15, 2003
Spring, Texas, United States
He needs to make arrangements, pack a few things and get on a plane to Houston, Texas.

Check in at MD Anderson Cancer Centers - Locations - MD Anderson Cancer Center the number one cancer hospital in the WORLD!

If he has a chance at living it will be best right here.

Other options that is top tier cancer care
Directions & Locations


Sloan-Kettering - Cancer Information


Established Member
Feb 1, 2010
Calgary, Canada
im sorry about your friend, but wouldn't his doctor be the best place for him to find correct information? instead of SVT and google?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
in the trees
I know you want to help your friend eat, but what he needs more is all the love and support he can get. Your an incredible and true friend for standing by him through this, because sadly there are many thakillt don't do this. I'm sure his doctors are working hard on getting this under control. I have a few great websites where you can find good info, if you want them let me know. Have you thought of maybe putting together a care package before you leave? Those are always awesome to receive. Your friend is in my thoughts and prayers! As are you for your deployment. It always sucks hearing people getting cancer, especially knowing first hand what it's like.

Words of wisdom from such a young person. I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer Jesse. Like PBLA said, I hate cancer. The people who worked for hospice told me there will be a time that food is not important. OP, my prayers are for your friend. My mother had gastrointestinal cancer and couldn't eat. She had a feeding tube. I think ItsReal's suggestions for food are good, as well as the baby food suggestion. I also know that pot helped my nausea more than any medicine I was given.

OP, I know it will be hard because you're leaving, but giving your friend support is important. Cancer's a long road to travel, and you need all the help you can get.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 19, 2008
New York
Words of wisdom from such a young person. I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer Jesse. Like PBLA said, I hate cancer. The people who worked for hospice told me there will be a time that food is not important. OP, my prayers are for your friend. My mother had gastrointestinal cancer and couldn't eat. She had a feeding tube. I think ItsReal's suggestions for food are good, as well as the baby food suggestion. I also know that pot helped my nausea more than any medicine I was given.

OP, I know it will be hard because you're leaving, but giving your friend support is important. Cancer's a long road to travel, and you need all the help you can get.

Thank you. I'm so sorry you and your mom had to go through this crap! I hope your both in remission now. I have become immune from anti nausea meds so when I'm sick during the week it's horrible. Everyone swears by pot so I will be trying that. To the O.P. update us when you can. Praying for your friend.

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