Mike Tyson Making a Comeback


Active Member
Established Member
Jan 28, 2003
Columbia, S.C./ Bagram, Afghanistan
Tyson was neither a boxer nor fighter he was a brawler. and a thug. I got absolutely no respect for the tool.

You just love to be negative. Even if you dont make sense. He was very technical and very fast and powerful. Thugs dont get to the level he got to. And why no respect? He was a thug in some ways Ill give you that. He was a leg breaker before he found boxing. He found boxing and Cus and pulled himself up from the streets to become one of if not the most exciting and profitable fighter in history. And you cant kick him a little respect for that? Prick.

;-):beer: No disrespect to you by the way.
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Established Member
Mar 27, 2003
New York
evander was constantly head buttin him breaking open his head with ref not calling anything! he had to eat his ear off!!



It's for your own protection
Established Member
Jan 21, 2006
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v0vl6iTlC4]YouTube - Mike Tyson Knockout Collection[/ame]

Damn the REF got a little piece of the action too
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Born in the G-Code
Established Member
Feb 2, 2003
Tyson was neither a boxer nor fighter he was a brawler. and a thug. I got absolutely no respect for the tool.

Come on, man. I completely understand having no respect for him, but he was a tremendous fighter.


SVT Blumpster
Established Member
Apr 10, 2007
evander was constantly head buttin him breaking open his head with ref not calling anything! he had to eat his ear off!!


100% true...

people love to hate tyson... and that's why he'll be remembered forever. he is the best.... that's why to this day people still talk about him.

i own dvd's with every fight, interview, commercial that he ever did. if people hate him it's because they don't know where he came from. he's had a rough life and is a true product of his enviroment.


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
You just love to be negative. Even if you dont make sense. He was very technical and very fast and powerful. Thugs dont get to the level he got to. And why no respect? He was a thug in some ways Ill give you that. He was a leg breaker before he found boxing. He found boxing and Cus and pulled himself up from the streets to become one of if not the most exciting and profitable fighter in history. And you cant kick him a little respect for that? Prick.
;-):beer: No disrespect to you by the way.

He was a thug both in and out of the ring see the bottom of this post for the proof.

Come on, man. I completely understand having no respect for him, but he was a tremendous fighter.

he was a thug. He COULD have been a tremendous fighter, he certainly had the makings of it. But he was a low class hoodlum and again was a thug both in and out of the ring. Absolutely no class at all. You too should review the list I posted at the bottom of this.

100% true...
people love to hate tyson... and that's why he'll be remembered forever. he is the best.... that's why to this day people still talk about him.
The best what ? fighter? Thug? Abuser? Street hood? People hate him because of his behavior. If you choose to hold up an arrogant thug up as an exemplar of your version of a hero that is on you. Other people have better taste.
i own dvd's with every fight, interview, commercial that he ever did. if people hate him it's because they don't know where he came from. he's had a rough life and is a true product of his enviroment.
That is no excuse for what he does both in and out of the ring. He has been given every break and then some and he yet he still behaves as the thug he is. You and he expect us to excuse his behavior because of his upbringing yet refuse to admit that maybe he needs to accept responsibility for his actions since he was removed from that environment.

I stand by my statement that he is a thug nothing more. He could have been much more but CHOSE to behave and live like a thug.

Here is a PARTIAL list to prove my point:

Feb. 1986 - "I try to catch them right on the tip of his nose because I try to punch the bone into the brain."

May 30, 1987 - "Every shot was thrown with bad intentions. I was hoping he would get up so I could hit him again and keep him down."

March 1988 - "I love to hit people. I love to. Most celebrities are afraid someone's going to attack them. I want someone to attack me. No weapons. Just me and him. I like to beat men and beat them bad."

June 17, 1988 - Robin Givens and her family publicly accuse Tyson of domestic violence.

June 1988 - "Anyone with a grain of sense would know that if I punched my wife I would rip her head off. It's all lies. I have never laid a finger on her."

Aug. 23, 1988 - Breaks a bone in his right hand in a 4 a.m. street brawl with professional fighter Mitch Green in Harlem.

Dec. 12, 1988 - Sandra Miller of New York sues Tyson for allegedly grabbing her, propositioning her and insulting her at a nightclub.

Dec. 15, 1988 - Lori Davis of New York sues Tyson for allegedly grabbing her buttocks while she was dancing at the same nightclub on the same night as the incident with Miller.

April 9, 1989 - Accused of striking a parking attendant three times with an open hand outside a Los Angeles nightclub after the attendant asked Tyson to move his Mercedes-Benz out of a spot reserved for the club's owner. The charges are later dropped due to lack of witness cooperation.

May 8, 1992 - Tyson is found guilty of threatening a guard and disorderly conduct in prison, adding 15 days to his sentence.

Oct. 28, 1992 - Tyson's father, Jimmy Kirkpatrick, dies in Brooklyn, N.Y. Tyson does not ask for a leave to attend the funeral.

June 28, 1997 - Tyson is disqualified after the third round of his rematch with Holyfield after he bites Holyfield twice, once on each ear. Tyson claims he was retaliating for a head butt inflicted by Holyfield that opened up a gash above his right eye. Referee Mills Lane ruled the butt was accidental.

1992 conviction for rape

1998 conviction for assault

Jan. 16, 1999 - Tyson knocked out Francois Botha in the fifth round. Tyson admitted to trying to break Botha's arm during the fight

Feb 20 put in solitary for throwing a TV set in jail

Oct. 23, 1999 - In bout with Orlin Norris, Tyson hit Norris after the bell in the first round and the fight is declared a No Contest.

Nov. 18, 1999 - Members of 24-Carat Ferret Rescue arrive at boxer Tyson's estate in Las Vegas, where they take possession of two ferrets starving to death.

Feb. 8, 2000 - Tyson reaches settlement with two women who alleged he assaulted them at a Washington restaurant. They accused Tyson of grabbing one woman and requesting a sexual relationship, and that he swore at the other woman. They asked for a total of $7.5 million in damages. Lawyers for both sides agreed to keep terms of the settlement confidential.

June 24, 2000 - In bout with Lou Savarese, Tyson knocked the referee down in order to keep punching Savarese after the bout was stopped.

Aug. 22, 2000 - Tyson was fined $187,500 for his behavior after his 38-second victory over Savarase but escaped a ban from fighting again in Britain.

Oct. 20, 2000 - Tyson defeats Andrew Golota. After the fight, Tyson is forced to submit a urine sample, which tests positive for marijuana. Michigan commission changes result to a No Contest

Jan. 2, 2002 - Tyson checked out of a Havana hotel after witnesses said he tossed glass Christmas ornaments at journalists trying to interview him. There were no reports of injuries, arrests or serious damage.

Jan. 22, 2002 - A press conference to announce the April 6 Tyson - Lennox Lewis fight breaks into an all-out brawl. Tyson later admits to having bitten Lewis on the leg during the melee.

May 1, 2002 - "It's no doubt I am going to win this fight and I feel confident about winning this fight. I normally don't do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them. So you shouldn't talk anymore ... Unless you want to, you know."

May 1, 2002 - "I wish that you guys had children so I could kick them in the ****ing head or stomp on their testicles so you could feel my pain because that's the pain I have waking up every day."

May 28, 2003 - In an interview, boxer Tyson denounces Desiree Washington as "just a lying, reptilian, monstrous, young lady. I just hate her guts. She put me in that state where, I don't know, I really wish I did now. Now I really do want to rape her and her ****ing mama."

June 21, 2003 - Tyson allegedly beats up two autograph seekers in the lobby of the Brooklyn Marriott.

July 11, 2003 - A bodyguard files suit against Tyson, claiming that the boxer punched him twice in the face, breaking his left orbital bone.

June 11, 2005 - Tyson fails to come out for the seventh round against Kevin McBride in Washington, D.C.. After the fight, Tyson said "I don't have the stomach for this anymore. I most likely won't fight anymore. I'm not going to disrespect the sport by losing to this caliber of fighter".

2007 arrested for possession of cocaine and driving under the influedce of drugs

Yeah we have a real awesome example of a human being here don't we ?


Established Member
Sep 5, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Wow, I continue to read the useless posts made by RDJ. I'm really surprised the entire forum has not put you on ignore yet. Speaking of ignoring you, let me do that right now. I think you are a troll of this site and own no SVT vehicle. Please prove me wrong.

You need to watch that youtube clip above and tell me anyone in the HISTORY of boxing has ever had knock-outs like Tyson.

He was the best boxer of all time IMO.
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ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Don't mind RDJ, he doesn't know anything about ANYthing.

yeah you're right. biting the ears of an opponent, biting the leg of an opponent, hitting and raping women, Trying to break the arm of an opponent, knocking a referee down so you can continue hitting an opponent after the bell makes you a model citizen and a great fighter, not a brawler and a thug.


Established Member
Sep 5, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Wow, it is so nice to read a thread and not have to read RDJ's posts!! I recommend everyone put RDJ on ignore!! Made my night! :lol:


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
Wow, I continue to read the useless posts made by RDJ.
What I posted above is 100% true and public information. If you choose to ignore the facts that is on you not me.
I'm really surprised the entire forum has not put you on ignore yet. Speaking of ignoring you, let me do that right now.
Good then I will no longer have to resist responding to you as if it were smackdown
I think you are a troll of this site and own no SVT vehicle. Please prove me wrong.
I have posted pictures of both of my cars. But I am assuming that since you seem to be ignoring facts you will ignore that fact as well.
You need to watch that youtube clip above and tell me anyone in the HISTORY of boxing has ever had knock-outs like Tyson.
He was the best boxer of all time IMO.

Muhammad Ali was a better boxer, better man and has a million times more class that tyson could ever hope to have.


Drunk Ninja
Established Member
Apr 5, 2005
Tyson is just a thug

edit: but he was a bad mofo, so i will give him that
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Drunk Ninja
Established Member
Apr 5, 2005
I wish one of you had children so i could kick them in the ****ing head or stomp them on their testicles so you can feel my pain because that is the pain i have every day
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwFW834Mrcc]YouTube - funniest mike tyson moments[/ame]
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Authorized Vendor
Established Member
Premium Member
Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Say what you will, but I remember Tyson in his early fights. He was probably one of the most feared boxers in history during those early years. When he fought an opponent it wasn't a question of whether or not he'd win. It was how soon he'd knock the opponent out. He was a beast! His life is a tragedy, though. He let the wrong people influence him and unfortunately his antics and lack of sanity at times will probably outweigh his ring accomplishments. As a fighter I give him credit, at least early in his career. As a person, a lot to be forgotten. Unfortunately his brutality inside the ring spilled over often outside the ring. And most people won't forget that. JMO.

Troyz R Us

Outlaw Division
Established Member
Aug 29, 2006
The man could straight up box! Didn't you haters ever play his video game, lol.

I remember watching his fights growing up. When he declined is when I stopped watching boxing. He did a lot for the sport in his prime and some of you are failing to remember that it seems.


Established Member
Feb 17, 2005
new jersey
Say what you will, but I remember Tyson in his early fights. He was probably one of the most feared boxers in history during those early years. When he fought an opponent it wasn't a question of whether or not he'd win. It was how soon he'd knock the opponent out. He was a beast! His life is a tragedy, though. He let the wrong people influence him and unfortunately his antics and lack of sanity at times will probably outweigh his ring accomplishments. As a fighter I give him credit, at least early in his career. As a person, a lot to be forgotten. Unfortunately his brutality inside the ring spilled over often outside the ring. And most people won't forget that. JMO.

:beer: Perfect way to explain imo the best fighter to ever fight in a ring, He could end a fight at anytime.95% of ppl in this world are fake and dont know how to deal with a person that says what he thinks..

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