Kid attacked by dogs after trespassing in neighbors yard


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Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
Guys I probably didn't come off on the right foot on this one because this topic strikes a cord with. I don't mean to generalize dog owners or any of you on this forum at all. I am going to likely agree with a lot of you on a lot of issues

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Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
Guys I probably didn't come off on the right foot on this one because this topic strikes a cord with. I don't mean to generalize dog owners or any of you on this forum at all. I am going to likely agree with a lot of you on a lot of issues

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We're all allowed to have different opinions.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
... (I bumped send by accident)

I have first hand dealt with an issue like this, just not nearly to this magnitude. I don't want to generalize, again, but there really are some terrible pet owners out there. Now I never said that there no fault on the the side of the kid or the parents. I know that parenting is the first and main line of defense ALWAYS.

Now I myself am a Pitbull Mix owner. And it's cases like this that perpetuate the stigma and I hate to hear about them. I was well aware of the stigma as most people are and so I did my research before taking him on. Search any article out there, or pick up any book you want and they'll all tell you the same thing, that these dogs especially need to be in the right hands.

Pitbulls are not generally aggressive toward people or even strangers in most cases. They are more aggressive generally toward other dogs and will never back down from another Dog. This leads me to believe that potentially there is an issue with this particular Dog's owners or there back ground or upbringing, I don't know. But there is no reason and it's not out of the question at all that due diligence is done on this case and to make sure those Dogs are being well cared for and are in a stable environment.

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Sep 7, 2010
Stupid kid is stupid.

I wasn't sure dogs could determine if a person was old or young and make a decision to not attack based on that. /sarcasm

Kid trespassed, most likely knew there were dogs, got attacked. NOT the dog owners fault.

Do spoons make people fat? Do guns kill people on their own? No, didn't think so. Hate these types of outcomes.

Dogs are no longer allowed to guard their territory and owners cannot protect their property in the process. How does that work?

I could not agree more with every part of this statement. The kid should have known better and it is ridiculous that the dogs and the owner of the dogs have to do anything different.

Do not trespass and you will not have an issue.


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Jun 10, 2013
Moncks Corner, SC
I wish society would burn a town down over this. Its complete bs that they should be punished. I guess it would be better if the owner shot the kid. That way there would at least be a defense. Dogs get no defense.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
... (I bumped send by accident)

I have first hand dealt with an issue like this, just not nearly to this magnitude. I don't want to generalize, again, but there really are some terrible pet owners out there. Now I never said that there no fault on the the side of the kid or the parents. I know that parenting is the first and main line of defense ALWAYS.

Now I myself am a Pitbull Mix owner. And it's cases like this that perpetuate the stigma and I hate to hear about them. I was well aware of the stigma as most people are and so I did my research before taking him on. Search any article out there, or pick up any book you want and they'll all tell you the same thing, that these dogs especially need to be in the right hands.

Pitbulls are not generally aggressive toward people or even strangers in most cases. They are more aggressive generally toward other dogs and will never back down from another Dog. This leads me to believe that potentially there is an issue with this particular Dog's owners or there back ground or upbringing, I don't know. But there is no reason and it's not out of the question at all that due diligence is done on this case and to make sure those Dogs are being well cared for and are in a stable environment.

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Again you have the most ****ed up logic. You think the dogs are in a bad environment and kenneling/muzzling ensures it's a good one?


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
Again you have the most ****ed up logic. You think the dogs are in a bad environment and kenneling/muzzling ensures it's a good one?
Obviously the best way to have a well rounded dog is to isolate it and keep it muzzled. Wish I knew this before, I bet my Corso would be even nicer and friendlier.

Love how he keeps up with the bad pet owners, but refuses to acknowledge a lot of shit parents, are raising little shit copies of themselves.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Obviously the best way to have a well rounded dog is to isolate it and keep it muzzled. Wish I knew this before, I bet my Corso would be even nicer and friendlier.

Love how he keeps up with the bad pet owners, but refuses to acknowledge a lot of shit parents, are raising little shit copies of themselves.

For real, I need to raise my dogs in kennels. Because caged animals always behave so well. Check out Tilikum (Blackfish) and all of the zoo animals that go insane.

Model citizens, they are.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 25, 2007
In Oregon, if you post a warning , that you have a dog, you presumably know the dog is a danger.
All signs i have ever seen, say beware of Dog.
I have had Dogs for 50 plus years, never had one unprovoked bitting incident .
Stick your hands in the truck or car , get bit .
Climb the fence , get bit .if not by tbe Dog , then by me .


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Sep 3, 2005
That's horse shit. The dogs are doing what they need to. They're protecting their home. Sounds like the parents need to educate their kid.


Keep'um smiling
Established Member
Oct 1, 2009
White Post, Va
In Oregon, if you post a warning , that you have a dog, you presumably know the dog is a danger.
All signs i have ever seen, say beware of Dog.
I have had Dogs for 50 plus years, never had one unprovoked bitting incident .
Stick your hands in the truck or car , get bit .
Climb the fence , get bit .if not by tbe Dog , then by me .

Readers should be careful. If you put up a sign that says (beware of dog). It shows that the owner is knowledgeable to the dogs aggression, and that can work against him in a court setting.

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Well-Known Member
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Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
Again you have the most ****ed up logic. You think the dogs are in a bad environment and kenneling/muzzling ensures it's a good one?

No, I think the kennel was put in place in his case because his yard/fence was proved to be inadequate. Based on what I see in the video which is all I have to go off of, I would agree with that. If he had a 6' fence around his place maybe he isn't required to have a kennel. It could be a rule already set in place for ownership a pit bull in that city / county. It was stated that They already have a rule in place on the amount of pit bulls that can be owned at one time which the owner was violating so there is already some negligence there on his part.

I don't feel that I know anyone that has the means or capability to truly fully care for 3 pit bulls as they need extra care and attention, or really 3 dogs of any breed for that matter, Some people can and good on them and you if you're one of those people, I myself am a 1 dog person.

Back to the Kennel situation, It's good to have one especially in certain circumstances and I will always have one. Pit bulls by nature can and will be destructive so typically you can't leave them in the house when you leave and not everyone's dogs are inside dogs anyway. I for one am not an owner who let's his dog free roam the yard totally unsupervised. So in this case he goes to the kennel. It's big and has a roof and bed and is up against the house and so it provides shelter as well. It really is like a big dog house in a sense and he has no issues being in it.

On the way to work one morning I find my neighbors German Shepard running down the oncoming lane of the road a mile down from our place. I pull over and run over to her. No collar on her, so it took everything I had to keep ahold of her, call him up and he comes down, sure enough it's his dog, she had dug a hole under the fence and got free and in the process ripped her collar off. You just can't under estimate the will of a dog at times. Our road is busy to boot, so there is no doubt in my mind I saved his Dog's life.. and I think he agreed. About a week later guess what's in his yard, yeah a giant kennel. And if you saw it, in my opinion, would have no problem putting your dog in it. They don't have to be some tiny confined box.

I'll add that I saved another Dog's life from traffic a year or so later, let this dog stay in the canopy of my truck for 10 hours, dog had no collar, no chip, I'm telling you guys this shit happens, these kind of owners are out there . I had to go door to door with no avail. Only because I left my number at the local coffee shop was I able to get that dog back home.

Ok I've said enough and probably too much. My opinions are based on my experiences and what I've personally witnessed, I'm not throwing anything out there on perceptions.

By the way my shotgun is locked in the case I got it in, but thanks for you concern.

I'll say that I can appreciate many of the replies in here, but I'm done in this thread. Going back to the Hot Teacher thread.

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Authorized Vendor
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Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
the only way i see a fence being inadequate in height if it is failing to keep the dogs in the yard. not keep intruders out. i mean, unless you're talking a fence that is 2 feet high that any person can step over. but its funny if the city is telling you your fence is not tall enough to keep the neighbors kids out of your yard lol. many people dont have any kind of fencing around their property at all. blows my mind but ive seen it in pics of svtp members homes.

this kennel bs just screams of the usual city/government with their standard overblown reaction to an incident. at least they didnt order the dogs to be euthanized but making them be kenneled when outside is stupid. having your dog locked up is like keeping your home defense shotgun in a safe, in the garage. with the shells in the trunk of your car.

if the owner had a history of the dogs getting loose and terrorizing the neighborhood then i could see the demand for keeping them in a kennel but if theyre just minding their own business in their fenced in property, thats just stupid.

3 dogs is too much for a person to handle? id have to disagree. LA City is pretty strict and overbearing with everything and the limit is 3 dogs unless in a livestock zone (like my neighbors). i have 3 dogs and their easy to deal with. 7 dogs? 10? yeah... but if i had some huge 10+ acre property and could afford to feed them id have no problem with more dogs than that.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 16, 2016
Seattle (GO HAWKS!)
Ok maybe I'm not done yet..

I don't disagree Steve. That's what I meant is that the property appears to be inadequate at keeping the Dogs contained just based on what I can see.

I understand that there are people who grew up around dogs as kids and are accustomed to them and ownership comes easy even for 3 dogs. I simply stated that i am not one of these people and I do not personally know anyone I feel has the means, be it money, time, space etc.

Now I'll go ahead and own up to the fact that there are shit parents as well and little asshole kids, but this Mom saved her kids life, she threw herself in front 3 pit bulls and saved her kids life. So this goes to show that she was within ear shot of her kid, and he was originally playing in his own back yard, not down the street or something. You saw how short the fence was and it probably took only a matter of seconds to get over it. So to label her a shit parent on the basis of this one instance which may have only been a matter of moments.. go ahead, but not in my book.

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Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
he was originally playing in his own back yard

Notice how nothing bad happened while he wasn't trespassing.

So this goes to show that she was within ear shot of her kid

Lets assume she was paying more attention than we give her credit for. What kind of parent knowingly lets her 8 year old hop a fence into a yard with 3 pit bulls if these dogs are deemed dangerous?


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
Ok maybe I'm not done yet..

I don't disagree Steve. That's what I meant is that the property appears to be inadequate at keeping the Dogs contained just based on what I can see.

I understand that there are people who grew up around dogs as kids and are accustomed to them and ownership comes easy even for 3 dogs. I simply stated that i am not one of these people and I do not personally know anyone I feel has the means, be it money, time, space etc.

Now I'll go ahead and own up to the fact that there are shit parents as well and little asshole kids, but this Mom saved her kids life, she threw herself in front 3 pit bulls and saved her kids life. So this goes to show that she was within ear shot of her kid, and he was originally playing in his own back yard, not down the street or something. You saw how short the fence was and it probably took only a matter of seconds to get over it. So to label her a shit parent on the basis of this one instance which may have only been a matter of moments.. go ahead, but not in my book.

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You're stating your opinions as facts and have no first hand knowledge or experience. Everything is an assumption, yet it's good enough to demonize the owners of the dogs and dogs themselves for staying in, and protecting their own yard. Your rational is mind boggling.

Good thing the mom was close by and paying attention. Not enough attention to keep her brat from climbing over a neighbors fence, but let's not let that get in the way of praise...

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