James Gunn fired


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Feb 20, 2008
You gathered how he truly feels based on some tweets? That’s just crazy. Apply your thought process to Trump (who I am happy to call President), he is a sexual assualter in your thought process.
Yea ok, lets compare a man who touched legal age women who actually allowed it vs. A man who speaks about molesting children, totally apples to apples. And again its more so calling out the left for attacking their enemy and then defending their, much worse libbybuddy here


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
I have a twisted sense of humor and enjoy a sick joke as much as anyone, but a lot of crap he posted didn't read as jokes. There wasn't any joke to it. Just sick statements.
Qaulifying the limit of a joke based on your boundaries is silly. I personally find dead baby jokes utterly disgusting, but a ton of people find them hiliarious. So are they not jokes? I have said a lot of shit (jokingly) that I latter regretted.

I certainly wouldn't leave my kids alone with the man. Would anybody else here?
I wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t leave my (hypothetical) kids with a priest either.

Yea ok, lets compare a man who touched legal age women who actually allowed it vs. A man who speaks about molesting children, totally apples to apples. And again its more so calling out the left for attacking their enemy and then defending their, much worse libbybuddy here
I guess I missed the part that the women were cool with it.

The right has done the same many times. My point is that it is wrong to not be principled enough to apply the same standard to a political enemy/friend.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 20, 2008
I guess I missed the part that the women were cool with it.

The right has done the same many times. My point is that it is wrong to not be principled enough to apply the same standard to a political enemy/friend.
I get your point and do appreciate that you arent blindly following one side but still, the locker room quote said "they let me" they were of legal age and put themselves in that position. Its still gross but its like comparing shoving someone to shooting someone. I guess it depends how personally one takes dark humor about raping children. Things he said are downright terrifying


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
I get your point and do appreciate that you arent blindly following one side but still, the locker room quote said "they let me" they were of legal age and put themselves in that position. Its still gross but its like comparing shoving someone to shooting someone. I guess it depends how personally one takes dark humor about raping children. Things he said are downright terrifying
Lol good cross-thread example. Ok bad comparative example with the Trump talk.


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
Qaulifying the limit of a joke based on your boundaries is silly. I personally find dead baby jokes utterly disgusting, but a ton of people find them hiliarious. So are they not jokes? I have said a lot of shit (jokingly) that I latter regretted.

If they are truly jokes I don't have a limit per se, but like I said, were they? I was simply offering an alternative idea to people buying into his story that he saw the error of his ways back then since it just so happened to coincide with the biggest job of his career.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
If they are truly jokes I don't have a limit per se, but like I said, were they? I was simply offering an alternative idea to people buying into his story that he saw the error of his ways back then since it just so happened to coincide with the biggest job of his career.
I didnt follow him at the time. So all I have to go on are his words and the words of others that he was an extreme shock jock at the time.


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
The lefties are in full defense mode because their own tactic has been used against them and now they are taken aback. If it was an appropriate strategy when used against the right, it sure as hell is equally appropriate when used against the left. Regardless of side, these "celebs" must be so enthralled with themselves considering twit is their go-to outlet for communication.

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