George vs Hillary

3rd term Bush vs nominee Clinton

  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 124 73.4%
  • Hillary R. Clinton

    Votes: 45 26.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Established Member
May 23, 2007
Wow. Here we are all part of this forum for the love of our SVT labeled cars. Yet we tear each other a new a$$hole when it comes to politics. This Thread and the Draft Thread. I think its pathetic to not keep an open mind to politics. Its all BS with nice sugar coating to please the masses. I cant say I am a Rep or Dem. I see the positives and negatives in both. Both have been known to be complete F*ck ups. Both have been known to be complete successes.

Back on Topic,

Bush can NOT stay in office. In his 8 years he has done good but has also caused a lot of harm. I dont go off of what I read or see in the news, but rather of the DRASTIC change in lifestyles that we have all experienced.

I will be honest, I have not kept to much up to date on the presidential campaigns. I have heard several debates but still do not feel sure enough as to who I believe will be a better b*llsh*tter...sorry I mean president. We are making history right now, having a HALF black and a woman running with chance. Who knows, some of you do make a logical point that this country and the world might not be ready for it. Only time will tell. Only being in office will determine how ready we are.

You guys are all a great group of people. Quit being f*ckin politician and simply talk about the ups and downs of your presidential choice. Quit the fighting bc that sh*t gets us nowhere. You all fight that the WAR IS NECESSARY because it is the only way to prevent another 9/11 from happening. Others say it WASN'T because it is killing our money and making the rest of the world hate us (not sure if I read that here or the draft thread) and its all a BS excuse for oil. Who the F*ck knows. Only those in power really do, which is why I f*cking hate politics. As the public, the ones who are truly affected by it, we will never truly know whats going on. Please dont flame. I am not pointing fingers at nobody but rather suggesting to put the pieces together.


Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.

You should really do more research and educate yourself. I have written a ton of info on these forums and could shut you down on any arguement there is. Bottom line republicans run better countries than democrats. Republican policies actually work in real life and on paper, which is a shocking irony.

If you economic, history, and a higher level of thinking you might begin to understand. No offense.

Wtf are you talking about? Educate myself? We went to a country and found no terrorists....we went into a country knowing that the man that planned 911 wasn't even do you defend that? republicans run the country well? sweet economy, nice record debt, awesome endless war, great standing in the global community, cool rising fuel prices, spectacular approval rating btw, way to react quickly to global warming and the environment because there's no need to take care of that, youmust be talking about the patriot act right? wire taping without warrants or cause? imprisonment without rights? human rights violations? torture? invading your emails? are you even sure that he's a republican?? i thought you guys were for small government and the right to privacy and freedom?????:lol1:


Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.
I see, another intellectual giant has decided to grace me with his extensive capacity for the English language and point out my most obvious mental handicap for us, without any insightful research, thought, suggestion or contribution to the blatantly obvious problem he has found in me.

Game over. Try again. Thanks for playing. :poke:

Edit: Woot! I own 2! Oh wait...does it count, since I'm a moron??:read: long did you stare at your thesaurus to come up with that blockbuster?:kaboom:


New Member
Established Member
Sep 7, 2004
Stockton, Ca
Tax cuts for the rich/big business, war motivated by oil, 1st major recession sinse Bush 1, largest housing repossession, average income down 15%, weakest dollar, Clinton f*uped NAFTA but I'm so glad Bush is doing somthing about it (rolls eyes) Another term of Bush and America will go the way of the Roman empire. But hey Bush FTMFW. If he really gave a **** about 911 he would have went straight for Iran, some of you guys are morons.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2003
Annapolis, MD
Well my buddy Just called from Iraq. He has asked his Higher rank If he could stay. he says "where making a diff, The people are happy". But your liberal media want you to believe where failing. The Democrats would love to see bush fail in the middle east.

Two very good friends of mine (1LT Marines; CPT Army Rangers) who (combined) have spent more than 3 years in Iraq both report the same; we are making a positive difference in the average Iraqi's daily life.

Can anyone seriously argue that a foothold of democracy in the Middle-East would be a bad thing?


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
So many people seem to think they know exactly what is going on in the M.E. and why we are there, someone please enlighten me.:bored:


Established Member
Feb 23, 2007
LA, California
Wtf are you talking about? Educate myself? We went to a country and found no terrorists....we went into a country knowing that the man that planned 911 wasn't even do you defend that? republicans run the country well? sweet economy, nice record debt, awesome endless war, great standing in the global community, cool rising fuel prices, spectacular approval rating btw, way to react quickly to global warming and the environment because there's no need to take care of that, youmust be talking about the patriot act right? wire taping without warrants or cause? imprisonment without rights? human rights violations? torture? invading your emails? are you even sure that he's a republican?? i thought you guys were for small government and the right to privacy and freedom?????

with all due respect, don't be hipocritical.

the patriot act passed in the senate 98 to 1! Everyone wanted it, we needed it (So we thought)
Remember vietman, last time i checked a democrat got us into that, oh yeah and Korea. Did we win those and take anything from them? NOT!

Didn't 57,000 troops die vs. only 4,000 in Iraq. yeah, good point.:dw:

It also took a republican to get us out of both those. Sadam did have chemical weapons, didn't you watch the 60minutes the other night where he admited it? Oh thought not. Wasn't he probably one of the biggest killers and tyrants of all time. Yes he was! We brought him to justice and killed him.

We have also killed a large majority of the terrorists and there has been no attacks on American soil since.

Record debt, let me break this down because you don't know economics. If you make $100,000 and buy a $1 million dollar home. Typical in Southern California where i live. You put yourself in 20+ years of debt. Minimum!

The US goverment has a 12trillion dollar economy. We are 8.9 trillion in debt, that is only 9 months in the hole. Also, when you are in debt, dosen't that mean you have more things than you can afford. Don't you like to have more stuff? Oh ok, just making sure.

approval rating, that is the lamest arguement there is. At the begining of the campains of the presidental canidates the war in Iraq was the number one issue over anything. In just two months almost the entire focus shift to the economy. People are just looking to hop on a band-wagon and love panic. The large majority of America is uneducated voters.

Global warming, there is no proof that it is even real. Climate change is however. Didn't you know that 90% of all the Green house gas in our atmosphere comes from other countries? Oh yeah, last time i checked McCain a Republican is putting forth legistlation to create a more enviormentally sound US. Bush also passed many of the same types of legislation.

Torture, what about Clinton's Administration and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I'm not too crazy about a Democratic president hiding secret legislation, decreasing the size of our military by approx. 30%, cheating on his wife, and lieing under oath. :dw:

So lets Re-cap. I shut you down on every issue. Anything else? You almost made Ronald Regan turn over in his grave for a minute.

Not to Moderators: if this is bannable material go ahead and edit or delete my post. I am sorry, but i am a young american who bleeds red, white, and blue and am passionate about America and goverment.


Genesis 1
Established Member
Jan 3, 2008
Lewisville, TX
with all due respect, don't be hipocritical.

the patriot act passed in the senate 98 to 1! Everyone wanted it, we needed it (So we thought)
Remember vietman, last time i checked a democrat got us into that, oh yeah and Korea. Did we win those and take anything from them? NOT!

Didn't 57,000 troops die vs. only 4,000 in Iraq. yeah, good point.:dw:

It also took a republican to get us out of both those. Sadam did have chemical weapons, didn't you watch the 60minutes the other night where he admited it? Oh thought not. Wasn't he probably one of the biggest killers and tyrants of all time. Yes he was! We brought him to justice and killed him.

We have also killed a large majority of the terrorists and there has been no attacks on American soil since.

Record debt, let me break this down because you don't know economics. If you make $100,000 and buy a $1 million dollar home. Typical in Southern California where i live. You put yourself in 20+ years of debt. Minimum!

The US goverment has a 12trillion dollar economy. We are 8.9 trillion in debt, that is only 9 months in the hole. Also, when you are in debt, dosen't that mean you have more things than you can afford. Don't you like to have more stuff? Oh ok, just making sure.

approval rating, that is the lamest arguement there is. At the begining of the campains of the presidental canidates the war in Iraq was the number one issue over anything. In just two months almost the entire focus shift to the economy. People are just looking to hop on a band-wagon and love panic. The large majority of America is uneducated voters.

Global warming, there is no proof that it is even real. Climate change is however. Didn't you know that 90% of all the Green house gas in our atmosphere comes from other countries? Oh yeah, last time i checked McCain a Republican is putting forth legistlation to create a more enviormentally sound US. Bush also passed many of the same types of legislation.

Torture, what about Clinton's Administration and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I'm not too crazy about a Democratic president hiding secret legislation, decreasing the size of our military by approx. 30%, cheating on his wife, and lieing under oath. :dw:

So lets Re-cap. I shut you down on every issue. Anything else? You almost made Ronald Regan turn over in his grave for a minute.

Not to Moderators: if this is bannable material go ahead and edit or delete my post. I am sorry, but i am a young american who bleeds red, white, and blue and am passionate about America and goverment.

Couldn't agree more, thanks for posting.:beer:


Stock Block Rockin
Established Member
Jun 12, 2004
Redondo Beach, CA
i take it you are one of the higher ups of the central intelligence agency or hold some other position where you receive explicit and accurate details of international affairs????

or do you get all your info from the dailykos and

You don't need to be entitled to classified CIA information to come to conclusion I do. Don't resort to implying I am a crazy liberal just because you disagree, that's very 4th grade.

Dissent is something we're all entitled to. We should always be questioning the decisions and motives of our leaders.

I have been hearing this over and over since the beginning of the invasion. Now its my time.

Saddam, whether harboring terrorism was a threat (not immediately to us) that needed to be taken out.

In the 1980's the man was responsible for the deaths of 180,000 people; and ethnic genocide of the Kurds consisting of many many innocent women and children...

First of all, no one in their right mind would say that Hussein wasn't a hostile dictator who committed many atrocities. That said, it has been shown that his nuclear reach wasn't strong enough to target the United States. There was a piece on him recently on 60 Minutes interviewing the fed who befriended him while he was in prison and mined a lot of info out of him. Regardless, we went in and got him, fine by me. But what about the threat of North Korea, and the remaining middle east countries that pretty much hate us for backing Israel for 60 odd years now?

Let's also consider that we armed Hussein in his early days. Say whatever you want about that, we have had a history of arming such figures and eventually having to fight them in a much more severe military campaign years down the road. This was the very same with Bin Laden, who we armed to help fend off the Soviets towards the end of the Cold War.

The point is, we seem to continue to keep making more serious enemies for ourselves. Of course that doesn't mean we can be isolationists over here and do nothing, but we can't go fighting every damn war.

I don't want to get into a pissing match with any of you, but I do not see how you can blatantly ignore the fact that we have armed these folks and time and time again they grow into our worst enemies.

And bringing up how you respect the soldiers for their services is obvious. You seem to only bring it up to suggest that I am somehow unpatriotic for not agreeing with your opinion. That is a weak, smear tactic that has nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of what we disagree about. I am very proud and thankful of all of those who have served, ever. That is a non issue in this forum.


Heave To....
Established Member
Jun 18, 2005
Port Charlotte FL
with all due respect, don't be hipocritical.

the patriot act passed in the senate 98 to 1! Everyone wanted it, we needed it (So we thought)
Remember vietman, last time i checked a democrat got us into that, oh yeah and Korea. Did we win those and take anything from them? NOT!

Didn't 57,000 troops die vs. only 4,000 in Iraq. yeah, good point.:dw:

It also took a republican to get us out of both those. Sadam did have chemical weapons, didn't you watch the 60minutes the other night where he admited it? Oh thought not. Wasn't he probably one of the biggest killers and tyrants of all time. Yes he was! We brought him to justice and killed him.

We have also killed a large majority of the terrorists and there has been no attacks on American soil since.

Record debt, let me break this down because you don't know economics. If you make $100,000 and buy a $1 million dollar home. Typical in Southern California where i live. You put yourself in 20+ years of debt. Minimum!

The US goverment has a 12trillion dollar economy. We are 8.9 trillion in debt, that is only 9 months in the hole. Also, when you are in debt, dosen't that mean you have more things than you can afford. Don't you like to have more stuff? Oh ok, just making sure.

approval rating, that is the lamest arguement there is. At the begining of the campains of the presidental canidates the war in Iraq was the number one issue over anything. In just two months almost the entire focus shift to the economy. People are just looking to hop on a band-wagon and love panic. The large majority of America is uneducated voters.

Global warming, there is no proof that it is even real. Climate change is however. Didn't you know that 90% of all the Green house gas in our atmosphere comes from other countries? Oh yeah, last time i checked McCain a Republican is putting forth legistlation to create a more enviormentally sound US. Bush also passed many of the same types of legislation.

Torture, what about Clinton's Administration and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I'm not too crazy about a Democratic president hiding secret legislation, decreasing the size of our military by approx. 30%, cheating on his wife, and lieing under oath. :dw:

So lets Re-cap. I shut you down on every issue. Anything else? You almost made Ronald Regan turn over in his grave for a minute.

Not to Moderators: if this is bannable material go ahead and edit or delete my post. I am sorry, but i am a young american who bleeds red, white, and blue and am passionate about America and goverment.

I would love to be able to put that in my sig. Sadly its way to large.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
You don't need to be entitled to classified CIA information to come to conclusion I do. Don't resort to implying I am a crazy liberal just because you disagree, that's very 4th grade.

Dissent is something we're all entitled to. We should always be questioning the decisions and motives of our leaders.

First of all, no one in their right mind would say that Hussein wasn't a hostile dictator who committed many atrocities. That said, it has been shown that his nuclear reach wasn't strong enough to target the United States. There was a piece on him recently on 60 Minutes interviewing the fed who befriended him while he was in prison and mined a lot of info out of him. Regardless, we went in and got him, fine by me. But what about the threat of North Korea, and the remaining middle east countries that pretty much hate us for backing Israel for 60 odd years now?

Let's also consider that we armed Hussein in his early days. Say whatever you want about that, we have had a history of arming such figures and eventually having to fight them in a much more severe military campaign years down the road. This was the very same with Bin Laden, who we armed to help fend off the Soviets towards the end of the Cold War.

The point is, we seem to continue to keep making more serious enemies for ourselves. Of course that doesn't mean we can be isolationists over here and do nothing, but we can't go fighting every damn war.

I don't want to get into a pissing match with any of you, but I do not see how you can blatantly ignore the fact that we have armed these folks and time and time again they grow into our worst enemies.

And bringing up how you respect the soldiers for their services is obvious. You seem to only bring it up to suggest that I am somehow unpatriotic for not agreeing with your opinion. That is a weak, smear tactic that has nothing to do with the nuts and bolts of what we disagree about. I am very proud and thankful of all of those who have served, ever. That is a non issue in this forum.

If you're suggesting we need to start breaking ties with Israel you are very misinformed.

Israel and the US together form one of the most powerful coalitions in the world. They have often been said to be the only country that could really pose a real challenge to the US military, not that they are a threat but that is really saying something about how strong they are considering their size.

Abandoning Israel would be a very dumb decision and would be a great loss for them as well as us.
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2002
In the race shop
with all due respect, don't be hipocritical.

the patriot act passed in the senate 98 to 1! Everyone wanted it, we needed it (So we thought)
Remember vietman, last time i checked a democrat got us into that, oh yeah and Korea. Did we win those and take anything from them? NOT!

Didn't 57,000 troops die vs. only 4,000 in Iraq. yeah, good point.:dw:

It also took a republican to get us out of both those. Sadam did have chemical weapons, didn't you watch the 60minutes the other night where he admited it? Oh thought not. Wasn't he probably one of the biggest killers and tyrants of all time. Yes he was! We brought him to justice and killed him.

We have also killed a large majority of the terrorists and there has been no attacks on American soil since.

Record debt, let me break this down because you don't know economics. If you make $100,000 and buy a $1 million dollar home. Typical in Southern California where i live. You put yourself in 20+ years of debt. Minimum!

The US goverment has a 12trillion dollar economy. We are 8.9 trillion in debt, that is only 9 months in the hole. Also, when you are in debt, dosen't that mean you have more things than you can afford. Don't you like to have more stuff? Oh ok, just making sure.

approval rating, that is the lamest arguement there is. At the begining of the campains of the presidental canidates the war in Iraq was the number one issue over anything. In just two months almost the entire focus shift to the economy. People are just looking to hop on a band-wagon and love panic. The large majority of America is uneducated voters.

Global warming, there is no proof that it is even real. Climate change is however. Didn't you know that 90% of all the Green house gas in our atmosphere comes from other countries? Oh yeah, last time i checked McCain a Republican is putting forth legistlation to create a more enviormentally sound US. Bush also passed many of the same types of legislation.

Torture, what about Clinton's Administration and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I'm not too crazy about a Democratic president hiding secret legislation, decreasing the size of our military by approx. 30%, cheating on his wife, and lieing under oath. :dw:

So lets Re-cap. I shut you down on every issue. Anything else? You almost made Ronald Regan turn over in his grave for a minute.

Not to Moderators: if this is bannable material go ahead and edit or delete my post. I am sorry, but i am a young american who bleeds red, white, and blue and am passionate about America and goverment.

Bannable material?!?!?!?! :eek: You've GOT to be $#!TTING me, right?!!? ;-)

That post right there deserves a couple of these; :rockon::rockon::rockon:

And a couple of these; :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:



New Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2005
New York
if hillary did become president, i don't know how she'd negotiate treaties with muslim countries.........since most of them don't give a shit who you are so long as you're a female, you have no rights.

Thats what I always say. How will the rest of the world take us seriously when many other places dont allow women outside unless they are accompanied by a man?

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