Child cancer or serioues illness.

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
Glad to hear he's doing well. I avoided opening this thread for months because I didn't want to read something terrible. My 2 year old son is sitting next to me right now, he's my everything. I cant imagine what you're going through.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
Just wanted to give a quick update, Anthony has been doing good, we had a few minor set backs with his numbers and him ending up in the hospital again. Round 7 went pretty good, his Oncologist said he is ahead of progress and we should hopefully be done late July or August. We discussed his retina situation with the surgeon and he said the retina actually reattached itself, which is great news, 1 less time he would have to go under for surgery. I didn't know a retina would be able to reattach itself.

We went the Memphis on the 23rd and got home on the 26th, unfortunately we were home for 20 minutes before we had to take him to the affiliate due to him running a fever, he ended up spending two days in the hospital so they could run cultures and make sure he had no infection again. Everything checked out good and they are pretty sure the fever was due to his chemo and for being under longer than normal. Usually he is under for a hour, but they had him under for 2 1/2 hours for his hearing exam. His hearing is fine, he has selective hearing and doesn't like the word "no", but what little kid does?

Work has been kinda frustrating lately, I got one of the managers trying to pry information about Anthony's treatment, "why does he need chemo, what type of cancer is it?, what types of meds is he on?, when will he not have cancer, so switching my schedule wont be a headache for him." My direct manager has been cool with everything, it's the big manager who has been giving me issues. I had St. Jude fax over the diagnostic and treatment info when all this happened, so I would not end up in a situation like this, I don't know if there is anything else I could do though.

Anthony's dog has doubled in size, when we first got her she was 9 pounds, now she is right at 21. She listens really good, she is already protective over Anthony and his mom, and gets along with our Boston Terrier.

some pics and vids


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Well Seasoned
Established Member
Jul 21, 2009
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear about the progress. Love that little guy...even more after I see that we dance the same.


bad attitude
Established Member
Aug 2, 2017
Wake County, NC
... and he said the retina actually reattached itself, which is great news, 1 less time he would have to go under for surgery. I didn't know a retina would be able to reattach itself.

Let me tell you how I know Anthony has guardian angels watching over him. I've had a detached retina before, and it required surgery. Almost lost my sight in that eye until they caught it and fixed it. I didn't know they could reattach either, and that is great news!


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Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
I had to ask the Dr. Wilson twice, to confirm what he had said, I thought it would require surgery. Anthony does have a ton of people and Family that have past pulling for him. We will be heading back to Memphis the 23rd again, it will be for his Topo round, which usually makes his heart rate spike and gives him that nasty rash with a high fever, but were almost done. His little buddy we met at St. Judes that had the liver transplant just had a "no more chemo" party. Hopefully Anthony will have his very soon. I am glad they went with a port this time, instead of the line that stuck out, he loves to take baths. I can't wait to see him in our pool after this is done.

OETKB how much vision did you regain after the surgery?


Well-Known Member
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Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
20/16. Perfect vision in that eye. I shoot and officiate pistol matches every weekend, and I'm not a young buck either.

That's awesome, after listening to what the surgeon does for people its pretty amazing. Technology has come a long way. I often wonder what it felt like for him when the retina was floating and being pushed due to the tumors.


bad attitude
Established Member
Aug 2, 2017
Wake County, NC
That's awesome, after listening to what the surgeon does for people its pretty amazing. Technology has come a long way. I often wonder what it felt like for him when the retina was floating and being pushed due to the tumors.
Honestly, unless the tumor itself caused pain, he probably didn't feel anything. I didn't. Even right after the surgery.


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Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
Done with round 8, we ended up heading to Memphis on 5/26/18 and we were supposed to go home on the 20th. First 2 days went really well, no rash of fever. Wednesday he had some more laser and cryo done to his eyes. The cryo really took a toll on him this time, his eye was swollen about a inch and a half outward. He ended up getting 2 doses of fentanyl, morphine, valium and some ativan. It made him like a little zombie for 2 days, all he would do is lay down and stare at the wall, didn't want to move play or eat, he ended up drinking a bottle after 36 hours.

Saturday he felt a little better so we took him to the zoo, and he went out to a burger joint "Wimpy's" and had a hot dog. We went back to St. Jude and he crashed all over again Saturday afternoon and into Sunday night. His body temp was fluctuating a lot, we decided to take him to the med room and have him looked at. He ended up getting admitted as a in patient for 4 days. During his stay as a inpatient his ANC count dropped to a complete 0, and we were told we were going to have to stay a little longer. The next day his ANC jumped up to 1600 and he was released to go back to our room as a out patient. Finally the 1st of June came and he was released to travel back home to Charlotte. This trip took a little over 12 hours, but it was nice to have my little Co-pilot with me, it almost came to a point of me having to go back home without him, that would have really sucked.

He is still ahead of progress and round 9 will be the 12th of June, unfortunately I will have to stay in Charlotte and miss this round, the turn around for his next round was too fast to work with the schedule. After next week he has 2 more rounds of chemo and hopefully will be cancer free!!!!

We have started a little fundraiser for his "Team Ant" shirts, as well as his gofundme page. If you can please share with your buddies, thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Antman Strong t shirts Custom Ink Fundraising
Click here to support Help Anthony Joseph Ramirez fight! organized by Liz Keifer


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bad attitude
Established Member
Aug 2, 2017
Wake County, NC
I was just thinking of Anthony and when you didn’t post for awhile I get very anxious.

Thank the Lord he is doing well.
I know you said you and the missus won't have kids, but you know why I know you'd be a good dad? Because you care about this little man, and you love your old man. You'd be a great father.


I like members members.
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 29, 2016
So glad to hear that Anthony is doing well!! I've been saying prayers for him. The little dude is definitely a trooper.
St Jude's does great work. I donate to that charity almost monthly. As a matter of fact, I literally just sent out a check yesterday morning on the way to work.
Continued prayers for Anthony and your family.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 14, 2010
charlotte, NC
Thanks everyone, Anthony is doing good, it’s taking a little longer for his body to recover from each round of chemo, but other than that he still runs around and plays. Him and his dog are getting along real good, I have been working with her a lot. She has grown 3 times the size she was when we first got her.

Sorry I haven’t posted as much as I really want to, things kinda got hectic with work and his health for a little while. Also going back and forth with some lawyers lately, while him and his mom go for round 9 I will be receiving updates and will continue to update you guys as well. I can’t tell you enough how much of a trooper he is. The long car rides, chemo, the high fevers, vomiting, the TOPO rash along with diaper rash, but he keeps on moving forward.

We are lucky to have a place like St. Jude’s, without them it would of been 100x harder, but he has a awesome oncology team. As time goes on I’m getting a little more anxious for him to be finished and be cancer free, I remember when I created this post.

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Established Member
Jan 27, 2012
Born and raised Brockton. Living in Naples.
I know you said you and the missus won't have kids, but you know why I know you'd be a good dad? Because you care about this little man, and you love your old man. You'd be a great father.
Thank you for the kind words. I truly appreciate it.

I don’t want to derail this thread with things about me and my family and why we didn’t have kids. I can talk about that stuff somewhere else and some other time. All I will say it was a mutual decision by the both of us.

This place is just about Anthony and his family and our love for the little guy and I want to respect that.

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