**** Around >>> Find Out


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...
I used to split lanes when I was in California, but never anything like that and I didn't do it to semi trucks. Go in slow and get out fast was my method.
and that’s fine, especially in heavy traffic that is almost at stand still…. These clowns that want to split lanes when you have traffic moving at 70-80mph are insane..


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 11, 2019
In my story I told earlier about getting pulled over, I mentioned that I had the bar-end mirrors on a bike. I actually clipped a car's mirror with my mirror splitting lanes. Luckily it was going really slow. Unluckily, it was approaching a red light so I had to apologize to the person and then sit there next to them like a complete doofus waiting for the light to turn green. Lol


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
and that’s fine, especially in heavy traffic that is almost at stand still…. These clowns that want to split lanes when you have traffic moving at 70-80mph are insane..

See, I actually feel safer doing the opposite. I don't think I ever rode there in heavy traffic because the times I was in traffic in my truck I would watch motorcycles come through splitting lanes at about 25-30mph and a few times cars darted to the other lane in front of them without consideration for bikes and one guy on a Harley had to turn hard into the far left lane that car was originally in and he had to go all the way out to the shoulder before he turned back swinging around the car and getting back into the middle of the lanes. He was milliseconds away from being too late to react and hitting the car.

With no traffic everyone is doing 70-80 and on bikes you do 90+ so you are always passing and not being passed by traffic. You come up behind the car you want to pass by splitting though and make sure your gap is good which people in CA typically will move to the edge of their lanes for you and then once you know you have the space you accelerate through to get clear as soon as possible. It all happens pretty swiftly and you aren't constantly slowing down but you just don't come in at 110+ praying the other cars aren't going to move over on you. It sounds crazy but it flows well and you actually don't feel like you're driving dangerous because the speed differentiation is only 10-15mph. I was always pretty responsible when I rode and didn't take unnecessary risks and I never felt like that was risky. But there are riders of course who never slow or take caution when splitting at those speeds. I rode with a few jackass Marines who were doing that and I just let them go. Wasn't going to risk it.
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Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
That is dangerous as ****.

I rode out to Palm Desert one time and it was over 100 degrees and by the time I got there I was dehydrated and getting dizzy and fatigued. Got to my friend's house and had to lay down on his couch and have him get me water lol. There wasn't even any traffic.

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