Random Shit Thread


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Feb 18, 2014
The smoke from the fires in Canada is pretty bad in my area. Looks post-apocalyptic. Lots of outdoor events have been cancelled.
Hope you stay safe, that shit aint no joke.

As for the all the liberal/progressive/democrat/leftist ****s up there, may they all get lung cancer and die slow, agonizing, painful deaths.

Why wildfire smoke is so dangerous to inhale
By AccuWeather staff

Jun. 7, 2023 11:50 AM MST

Wildfire smoke contains very tiny particulate matter, or 2.5 micrometers in diameter — the tiniest pollutant, about 1/20th the width of a human hair, yet also the most dangerous. When inhaled, it can travel deep into lung tissue and enter the bloodstream, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

When the result of burning trees and grass is inhaled, a person is breathing in more than just smoke and ashes. Toxins and fumes are added to the harmful mix when other things burn, like plastic from house fires. “If you’re close to the fire, you’ll be exposed to carbon monoxide, which poisons your red blood cells and interferes with oxygen uptake, [as well as] nitrogen dioxide, which dissolves in the airway lining fluid to generate a powerful acid that hurts small airways,” said Dr. Brian Christman, a volunteer spokesperson for the American Lung Association. Of particular concern is the inhalation of the tiny particulate matter, Christman said. “These are small enough to be carried into the alveoli, the tiny air sacs of the lung,” he said. This can significantly increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

There are steps you can take to reduce your exposure, including:
•Remain inside with doors and windows shut to keep the polluted air outside.
•Drivers are also advised to keep windows closed and set the air conditioning to recirculate mode.
•Wear an N95 or KN95 mask. Dust masks are not recommended.
•Monitor local air quality reports.
•Use a HEPA air filter in your home to help reduce the risk of smoke exposure.



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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
I just wok up this big boy this morning while brush hogging

That a cinnamon phase black bear...and he is all ALL of 500lbs

Ive only ever seen one other live cinnamon bear in my 45 years

upload photo for link

my dad is up in TN and was gonna go hiking Sunday. Said he got on the trail and there were freshly posted bear activity warning signs, he got a couple hundred yards in and there was huge pile of pretty fresh bear shit in the trail. Just after that it looked like the bear must have been walking and taking a piss. He looked around, the brush on the sides of the trails was too thick to get off the trail if needed so he took his ass home


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I ran into this video after watching another one on YT. The story is about a Japanese man (inexperienced climber) named Shiohara Tetsu who climbed to the summit of Mt. Fuji and fell to his death while livestreaming. If you watch the video, the moments leading up to him sliding and falling is unnerving, in a horror-like gripping way. It's as if he had a premonition that his attempted decent was not going to end well. You only see to the point where he fell of the cliff face and started sliding uncontrollably. Then the live stream ends. No blood or gore here. Just the terror of a really bad ending approaching, seemingly out of his control. He fell 5K feet and the rocks he hit over and over made his body unrecognizable when recovered so they had to use his clothing to identify it.

It gets serious at around the 4:22 mark.


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
Couple days ago a saw a tom cat walking (more like stumbling about) along the road 1/2 mile from my house...not one hair on this cat...totally bald wtf?

Well today he was hanging around my garage (still stumbling and acting odd) and was climbing on my tractor after he shit on my utility trailer...lets just say he had himself an accident
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