State Farm will no longer insure California businesses or homes


Well-Known Member
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Feb 18, 2014
State Farm says the risk is too high in California and will no longer issue homes or businesses there.

I’m hearing from several agents in the industry that other insurers are in the processing of getting out or will be very soon.

I guess all those woke politics and green measures aren’t so popular after all when it affects the bottom line.

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Well-Known Member
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Feb 3, 2011
The land of commies and socialists!
This has been happening for a long time, it's not a new decision like the article would have you believe.

Most major insurers won't sell policies in high fire danger areas as is. My area is actually 100% devoid of any major insurance company for this same reason.

The implications are more than they appear because California law states that insurers must sell a minimum number of policies in a zip code.

The idea with this law was to stop insurers from cherry picking homes that are more defensible.

What it in fact does is force them to pull out of entire zip codes.

There's an entirely different state in the Sierra Nevada foot hills and up north that most don't understand exists. It's vast and covers a very large portion of the state, millions of homes. All those areas have few if any major insurers.

While PG&E shares some blame in some of these wild fires a lot can be blamed on dumb **** hippies and it gets overlooked.

How? Simple, for YEARS they wouldn't allow brush clearing of areas along roads or heavily wooded areas. I still see signs around my work area with "Refusal" written on them. Basically they are refusing to allow utilities on their land to clear power lines. Think about the stupidity on that one.

All it takes is one large branch creating a phase to ground fault and shit goes up quick.

Now couple all that with high crime and in areas where would wouldn't even expect it high break in rates.

Again I am speaking from experience here. I used to live in a track home area. Nice manicured lawns and people maintained their homes. Christmas season would start and so would burglaries. I even had a grow house busted 4 houses down from me.

With all that who would want to insure anyone in this place, seriously?


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
They aren't pulling out per se, they are just not taking on any new policies. Be interesting to see if they will cover an existing policy holder who moves to a new house or business property within the state.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 3, 2011
The land of commies and socialists!
They aren't pulling out per se, they are just not taking on any new policies. Be interesting to see if they will cover an existing policy holder who moves to a new house or business property within the state.
I can tell you for a fact that if they move into a high fire danger area they will be dropped.

USAA dropped me when we moved out of Sacramento to our current house because of it. They don't sell policies in our zip code.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
most of them are moving to y'all Texan's get ready in about 3-5 years yall will be as blue as the bright summer sky! Its coming.
Yep! Just look at Austin. It's spreading.

Didn't Florida have a similar insurer issue a few years ago, after a few major hurricane claim payouts? I remember my mom's home insurance carrier notified her they no longer would carry policies in Florida. It panicked a lot of homeowners, as I recall.


Seriously? No, never.
Established Member
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May 28, 2012
How would you get a mortgage if you can't get insurance? I had to have insurance or the bank would call in the loan, even on cars.

IA Shelby

Well-Known Member
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Mar 24, 2011
If withdrawing from California for P&C insurance is anything like Health Insurance it is a long multi-year process. Some states can be a quick 90 day notice. Others like CA and NY are a long drawn out process.

Voluntarily stopping sales of new policies is the start of the wind Down. At that point the carrier just simply believes they can’t price the policies high enough to cover their losses and this is beyond a cyclical issue.

I will be fascinated to see what happens to Florida in the next 20 years.


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
If withdrawing from California for P&C insurance is anything like Health Insurance it is a long multi-year process. Some states can be a quick 90 day notice. Others like CA and NY are a long drawn out process.

Voluntarily stopping sales of new policies is the start of the wind Down. At that point the carrier just simply believes they can’t price the policies high enough to cover their losses and this is beyond a cyclical issue.

I will be fascinated to see what happens to Florida in the next 20 years.
It's already happening. I'm hearing some rumblings with some scary rates. Hell, we just got ours cancelled first of the year. No mortgage, so I don't need it, tough to replace a $500K house, not including the property.
Part of the First Round of move into FL are Reps.GTFO of whatever blue shithole the live in.
Blue wave of idiots right behind them.

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QFT, and they're stupid. See sig.

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