Fearing for a Child


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Jul 15, 2011
I want to start this thread by acknowledging that what happened was nobody else’s fault, and that the responsibility for it lies with my wife and myself as hard as it can be to digest it.

Wife and I were putting a few thousand pounds of rock in our driveway on Saturday. 8 and 4 year old were at her parents and we had the 14 month old fearless one. I consider myself safety conscious, especially when it comes to my wife and three boys. I was sure to see Jon (the little guy) was in my wifes arms prior to pulling or backing the truck and trailer.

Once we finished I pulled Jon out of our small garage and shut the doors behind me. I grabbed the shovels and tamping tools and walked through the big garage to close the garage door. As I walked around the back of the truck I said, “Hey, where’s Jon?”

She didn’t know so we immediately started looking. She went around the front of the house and I went around the back, down the hill, and toward the pond. Didn’t see anything on quick glance so I started jogging toward the end of the house to meet my wife and presumably the baby on the other side.

But before turning the corner of the house I looked once more out over the pond. My first instinct was quite literally, “what the **** is the river otter doing down there?” (We’ve had a family of them visit a few times a year and this year one has stayed longer than usual)

I can’t describe the immediate disbelief/fear/horror/adrenaline whatever you want to call it when I saw a blue shirt sort of rolling back and forth on top of the water 20 yards away, about 7-10 feet off the shore. I don’t really remember the sprint across the yard, but I do remember thinking “no no no no” to myself. I half expected the water to be cold, but it wasn’t. It was like the water didn’t have a feeing.

I snagged my boy and carried him out of the water yelling for my wife who got to me just after I was a few yards up on the grass. He never coughed, never cried, never spit up a drop of water. My wife said her heart sank when she heard my splash, probably the same way mine did when I realized what was happening.

After drying him off and getting him in clean clothes he went about his business like nothing happened.

I didn’t post this for sympathy, or to be judged (though I understand some people might)

I had a hard time sleeping Saturday night, a little last night, but every waking moment I can’t stop picturing him in the water and thinking about how close we came to something awful happening.

I imagine this is like some kind of pussified version of ptsd. Was wondering if anyone else has had a serious scare and if they experienced these feelings. Do they subside? Is it normal?

I also get it if nobody wants to talk about it. Everyone knows it only takes a few seconds for a kid to disappear. I just got lucky and know that not everyone is as fortunate.


Earn this
Established Member
Dec 22, 2004
Columbia, SC
Thank God he was ok. My wife and I are going to be new parents very soon. This sort of thing scares me, but it’s so challenging to watch them nonstop. Glad to hear everything is ok.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2006
Thankfully your little one is ok. I have a 3.5yo daughter and 2.5 yo son. Anyone with kids knows how quick things can go bad. Im a very in the moment type of person. I dont put a lot of thinking into these kind of things. Once in a while i may hear a song or something that makes me think about a loss or death etc and i am easily moved. My wife on the other hand is very emotional and .....not sure what to call it. She thinks about lots of this stuff. Most of it is not her fault. Ever since we had our first child she has had ups and downs mentally. Medication has helped a lot. There will be times where she constantly feels like something has or is going to happen. she will just lose it thinking im going to or have died in a car accident. she will call me at random times with these feelings.

Its awefully easy to play arm chair quaterback and tell someone how to think or live. I would never do that. all i can say is to try your best to not think of the negative. Get rid of those feelings and thoughts the best you can. Be thankful and greatful god was there for you. My daughter tripped and knocked a tooth out. my son tripped and nearly broke his nose. one inch another spot and who knows what could have been. but i dont want to think that way. Im thankful thats all that happened. Its easy to think back at a bad experience, but try to move on. It will make you stronger as a person and as a family. Dont be afraid to talk to a professional either. You need your sleep and rest. your family needs you.


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Beer Money Bros.
Jan 29, 2014
the plains
Your feelings are normal. Having a very close call with someone near and dear to you will make you think.

With that said, it's very fortunate that everything is ok. Your feelings will eventually lessen, but you'll probably hold that moment as a reminder.

It's something you can learn from, and I would make sure you consciously remind yourself that no one was at fault. Sometimes shit happens.


I Race Pontiacs
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Jun 1, 2004
la la land
No shame in this buddy. Every parent has had a moment like this. Several years back we we lost our daughter in the dark of night on a camping trip and had about 30 people looking for her. One minute we were all sitting by the fire, the next she had disappeared. About 10 minutes into our search, our camping neighbor found her wandering around about 50 yards from where we were camping.

That feeling you get when you fear one of your children is in real danger is awful.. there is nothing like it in the world.

Moments like this make you better as a parent. I know it has for my wife and I.


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Feb 6, 2006
North Carolina
Glad the the little one is alright, that is really terrifying and kids will get away from you quick when you aren't looking. Having a child of your own will bring out feelings and worries that you never had before. I always feel like I'm supposed to be protecting my son, I know I can't be over-protective and have to let him explore and learn things on his own but it still bothers me when he gets hurt. My wife is worse than I am though so I have to be the sane one lol


Established Member
May 19, 2007
I feel like most people don't realize how quickly life can leave us. It only takes a moment. I watched a classmate drown when I was in the 7th grade. I thought she was playing around acting like she couldn't stay above water. Only when someone else started screaming for help did I dive in. I was a good strong swimmer. I was the first person to reach the area she went under. The lake water was murky and I couldn't see. I yelled for googles and someone threw a pair at me. I still couldn't find her. By that time lifeguards and adults got there and I was just trying to feel for something in the water. The lifeguards asked me to get out of the water. It took them several minutes to find her, they performed CPR but the damage was done.

I have also had two children die from complications at or right after birth. One was premature and was doing good but got an infection while in the hospital. The second, my wife uterus ruptured and the baby went without oxygen for too long. I have a healthy 4 month old baby at home right now. You can do everything right and still lose. We all think we're going to have a long happy life but that's probably not the case.


. . .
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Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
Unfortunately, shit happens. All it takes is a few seconds of "lapse in judgement"* for parents who truly are responsible to experience a tragedy.

Ain't no pussified version of PTSD when dealing with a legit scare of your kid. Especially that image you saw.

*Don't mean that in a holier than thou way either. Minor crap has happened with us where you look away for a second and our toddler concocted a way to hurt himself or give us a big scare.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2006
Glad he is ok. Like everyone else mentioned, this type of thing can happen quick. I suppose it is natural to think you weren't being a good parent in this type of situation but for what it is worth, I didnt get that at all from your post. At the end if the day, it all worked out. You may have lost sight of him but once you realized he wasn't with you or your wife, you immediately sought him out. You did what you could. We can't keep our eyes on our kids 24/7.

I had a scare with my daughter who is 3 1/2 but it wasn't as serious as what happened to you. We have bunk beds for my two kids. My daughter is the oldest and sleeps on the top. Probably about a year ago she was climbing up the ladder to go into her bed and she got distracted when she was near the top. She ended up letting go and falling to the ground on her side. My wife and I were scared because it was about a 5 foot drop and she didnt try to reach out and break her fall. I thought she might have broke something.

Thankfully, she just received a bruise. But I had that feeling of dread because it could have been worse (what if she fell on her head or neck).

I cant see how anyone could fault you or your wife for what happened. It wasnt like you just let your 1 year old loose and let him go on his own for hours on end.


Got SVT?
Established Member
Aug 2, 2011
Thank you for posting. Through your experience I am sure you just saved one of our children, reminding us how quickly something can happen. The mind is a powerful thing, don’t dwell on the what if’s. The fact is your alertness prevented tragedy!! I am so thankful he is ok!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hope you enjoy the show
Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
I want to start this thread by acknowledging that what happened was nobody else’s fault, and that the responsibility for it lies with my wife and myself as hard as it can be to digest it.

Wife and I were putting a few thousand pounds of rock in our driveway on Saturday. 8 and 4 year old were at her parents and we had the 14 month old fearless one. I consider myself safety conscious, especially when it comes to my wife and three boys. I was sure to see Jon (the little guy) was in my wifes arms prior to pulling or backing the truck and trailer.

Once we finished I pulled Jon out of our small garage and shut the doors behind me. I grabbed the shovels and tamping tools and walked through the big garage to close the garage door. As I walked around the back of the truck I said, “Hey, where’s Jon?”

She didn’t know so we immediately started looking. She went around the front of the house and I went around the back, down the hill, and toward the pond. Didn’t see anything on quick glance so I started jogging toward the end of the house to meet my wife and presumably the baby on the other side.

But before turning the corner of the house I looked once more out over the pond. My first instinct was quite literally, “what the **** is the river otter doing down there?” (We’ve had a family of them visit a few times a year and this year one has stayed longer than usual)

I can’t describe the immediate disbelief/fear/horror/adrenaline whatever you want to call it when I saw a blue shirt sort of rolling back and forth on top of the water 20 yards away, about 7-10 feet off the shore. I don’t really remember the sprint across the yard, but I do remember thinking “no no no no” to myself. I half expected the water to be cold, but it wasn’t. It was like the water didn’t have a feeing.

I snagged my boy and carried him out of the water yelling for my wife who got to me just after I was a few yards up on the grass. He never coughed, never cried, never spit up a drop of water. My wife said her heart sank when she heard my splash, probably the same way mine did when I realized what was happening.

After drying him off and getting him in clean clothes he went about his business like nothing happened.

I didn’t post this for sympathy, or to be judged (though I understand some people might)

I had a hard time sleeping Saturday night, a little last night, but every waking moment I can’t stop picturing him in the water and thinking about how close we came to something awful happening.

I imagine this is like some kind of pussified version of ptsd. Was wondering if anyone else has had a serious scare and if they experienced these feelings. Do they subside? Is it normal?

I also get it if nobody wants to talk about it. Everyone knows it only takes a few seconds for a kid to disappear. I just got lucky and know that not everyone is as fortunate.
You thank God.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Get a fence around that pond asap! They make fiberglass fences that aren't too bad of an eyesore and can be removed in a matter of minutes.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 17, 2019
This happened to my sister but her story ended in a tragedy.

My sister was living at my fathers house 18 years ago, she put my 21 month old niece down for a nap with a bottle and shut her in her room.

Somehow my niece got up and out of my sisters room walked downstairs, out of the house and then finally made her way to the neighbors pond about an eighth of a mile away.

My sister went to check on her daughter and she was gone, the entire neighborhood was looking when my dads neighbor across the street found her in the pond face down. He was a firefighter on his day off; he performed cpr before she was life flighted to the children’s hospital where she was announced dead a short while later.

It was one of the worst things I’ve had to endure and can’t even imagine how hard it was for my sister.

God bless you and your family.


Seriously? No, never.
Established Member
Premium Member
May 28, 2012
Life happens, and it happens fast. When my son was 1 he was in the pool in a little tube/baby carrier that we had bought. He loved to paddle around in it, but one day he flipped it over. Thank God I was right there, but I had just come over from playing with my nieces. Two minutes earlier I may not have been there to see him go under. Do everything you can to protect your kids, but accept the fact that they will always find ways to scare you to death.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
I think that every parent has at least one moment.

My wife was pet sitting and staying at the the client’s home. Our daughter was a one. I had stopped over on my way out of town and my daughter was in her seat eating. We had her on the island in the kitchen that was maybe 3 feet high. We never had any issues with her while eating. This particular moment she decided to kick herself backwards and fell backwards in the chair onto the floor. The chair hit first which broke the fall. I called the pediatrician and did an assessment while I was waiting for a return call. We got lucky and it was nothing more than a little injured pride. She had a small red mark on her back and that was all. She stopped crying after about ten minutes and was ready to finish eating and play.

A month shy of three years in and that is our one moment so far.

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Eat more POTATOES!!!
Established Member
Dec 4, 2003
Center, CO
I bought two little four-wheelers last summer for my kids. My son had just turned 5. I thought 12mph, no biggie. I have pretty wide open spaces and didn't see much danger so I buckle his helmet and shove him off. Everything was fine for the first 20 minutes then they got brave and he went around one of my buildings and we had some trailers parked close to one of them. The closest trailer to the building was a gooseneck. He came barreling around and didn't see hitch until the last second and I swear he was Neo from the Matrix dodging that at the last second. If he would have hit it I don't know what would have happened but broken neck, back, face, death? To this day I swear it was the hand of god moving his head so fast at the last possible second. I still get chills thinking about it.


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
I think that every parent has at least one moment.

My wife was pet sitting and staying at the the client’s home. Our daughter was a one. I had stopped over on my way out of town and my daughter was in her seat eating. We had her on the island in the kitchen that was maybe 3 feet high. We never had any issues with her while eating. This particular moment she decided to kick herself backwards and fell backwards in the chair onto the floor. The chair hit first which broke the fall. I called the pediatrician and did an assessment while I was waiting for a return call. We got lucky and it was nothing more than a little injured pride. She had a small red mark on her back and that was all. She stopped crying after about ten minutes and was ready to finish eating and play.

A month shy of three years in and that is our one moment so far.

Sent from my iPhone using svtperformance.com


. . .
Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 1, 2006
South Florida
I bought two little four-wheelers last summer for my kids. My son had just turned 5. I thought 12mph, no biggie. I have pretty wide open spaces and didn't see much danger so I buckle his helmet and shove him off. Everything was fine for the first 20 minutes then they got brave and he went around one of my buildings and we had some trailers parked close to one of them. The closest trailer to the building was a gooseneck. He came barreling around and didn't see hitch until the last second and I swear he was Neo from the Matrix dodging that at the last second. If he would have hit it I don't know what would have happened but broken neck, back, face, death? To this day I swear it was the hand of god moving his head so fast at the last possible second. I still get chills thinking about it.

In my neighborhood something similar happened but it was a commercial truck and the kid did hit it. Ripped her face from nose to ear, showing bone and fractured skull. Flight for life came out etc... Multiple surgeries later she's back home.

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