G.O.T. !!!


Liberty Biberty
Established Member
Aug 16, 2010
You guys have low standards. It was terrible! All the main characters magically survived the onslaught despite the odds . . . like a bad Nickelodeon movie.

I'll say it again -- I think this is the best show on TV, and this episode was its worst. There were sooooo many things wrong with it.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 28, 2013
Anyone else reading the theory the Dothraki disengaged, dropped their flaming weapons and retreated to some pre-determined rendezvous points. That's why the night walkers were so quickly engaging the unsullied. And when the Night king raised the dead to fight we did not see any Dothraki (yet we saw everyone else that had died)
It'd make sense militarily to use them to initiate contact then disengage as putting your cavalry in standing lines to hold in front of your infantry would be asinine...
Calvary are as a mobile quick action force, they should be used on the flanks and harass and disengage the opposing army.

@ 1:02.21 in the episode, right after the night king raises the dead again you can see the Dothraki leader with blue eyes. There was another scene where a live person was fighting a white that had a Dothraki weapon.

I think they are pretty much wiped out.


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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
I expected more out of the Night King. Someone important should have died, atleast one if not more. Like multiple seasons built up to this fight.....and what. Now how is the rest of the season going to stack up to this...it can't really. But I'll still watch it so I guess it doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
So, following up my previous statement.

Worst Episode Ever.

I'll start with what made GOT great.
Amazing Cinematography not seen on this scale for TV before.
Excellent, Shocking Story Telling that tried to defy the typical Heroes tale, adding a sense of "real" to it. (Good guys don't always win and save the day).
Multiple Layered Stories that work seamlessly together.

What went Wrong?
1. This episode was shot at night, much to it's detriment. I get it, its spooky.. but it really felt like a tool to hide a lack of budget or cinematic capability, which we know is not the case. The action was disjointed and covered up, you had to struggle to see what was going on, which really takes you right out of the show.

I felt they tried to do what 13th Warrior did, using the night to obscure the gravity of the threat and add mystery to the undead army. Except they failed. We'd already scene the undead, so there was no mystery to hide.

2. Disjointed. It was almost impossible to tell where, when and how anything was happening. One minute, the Undead horde is an unbreakable tidal wave just crushing over everyone... but then our heroes are able to stand there casually swatting them away one at a time. Our Heroes are at the front of these +10k armies, but then are at the rear inside the castle while the armies struggle to retreat...

Aryia is on the roof, then in court yard, then in the library, then running in hallways then in the orchard... like all instantly. And we go from having millions of undead, to just a dozen hanging out in the library, then a few fighting the heroes, then hundreds.. then.. MAKE UP YOUR MIND


Wildlings just happen to meet up with the Nightwatch, just after the undead kill the kid's people, and they just happen to have horses and beat the undead horde by a few hours!

Our heroes all just happen to find the same break room to drink and joke around with just enough time before the attack like it's lifted right out of an Avengers movie.

Sir Whatever just happens to lead the Dothraki who get whipped out, but he survives, then he's in the castle, but then right at the Dragon Queen when she falls and saves her against what should have been a few thousand resurrected Undead.

We see this time and time again. Fire Sword, sees Aryia just as she gets in trouble, manages to find her just in time and save her just in time. Dickless Ginger, manages to fend off the horde just long enough to have a fancy hero's death just after Braun forgave him.

Everyone loved by the fan base lived, everyone that died was essentially a Star Trek Red Shirt.

What would have been better.

Filmed at Dusk, giving more light to see what was going on but just enough eerie darkness to hide cinematography needs and even work as "all hope is sinking".

Arya kills the Nightking because she traded places with Bruan.

Ginger Dickless... who we're expecting to die heroically, panics in the face of death and tries to run and dies.

Dragon Queen, falls.... and gets torn to shreds by the Undead.

Series Conclusion

I think it would be a great troll move if they have Cerie win in the end. I highly doubt that happens. I expect Jamie kills her and dies in the process.

The best ending would be if Tyrion ends up King. John Snow has always been to much of a "golden boy" for the series and Mother of Dragons has continued to show the tyrant lurking under the surface. If Tryion ended up on the thrown, Sansa would be a shoe-in for Queen of the North.
Last edited:


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
After a few days to digest the episode, I think cinematically it was outstanding, but there was too much plot armor. Too many seasons building up to a hollow payoff.

Jon should have had a battle with the Night King. Im ok with Arya getting the kill, but what was Jon's purpose this whole show? Just to be a uniter of forces? Hell you could argue that if they didnt try and steal a wight to bring back with them to show at King's Landing, they wouldnt have lost Vicerion and thus the Night King wouldnt have gotten past the wall.

There is no Azor Ahai reborn prophecy payoff, Im not sure I care about Jon's rightful claim to the throne TBH. Of all who seek the Iron throne, his moral character is MOST deserving. Which means he wont get it and we all have see in coming.

Melisandre's arc was what, to light up some swords and the trench and point Arya and her stabby stabby in the right direction? Essentially all her plot line with Jon was useless. She went back to Asshai to hang out for a bit then comeback by herself? No army of priests and priestesess who also serve the Lord of light? .....

The Army of the Dead was unrelenting, unbreaking and ruthless. I agree that more main characters should have died. Little Bear was pretty baddass though

Dragon fight was pretty epic, so that was cool.

I almost think that since Arya has been so OP, she's going to end up dead somehow.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
So, following up my previous statement.

Worst Episode Ever.

I'll start with what made GOT great.
Amazing Cinematography not seen on this scale for TV before.
Excellent, Shocking Story Telling that tried to defy the typical Heroes tale, adding a sense of "real" to it. (Good guys don't always win and save the day).
Multiple Layered Stories that work seamlessly together.

What went Wrong?
1. This episode was shot at night, much to it's detriment. I get it, its spooky.. but it really felt like a tool to hide a lack of budget or cinematic capability, which we know is not the case. The action was disjointed and covered up, you had to struggle to see what was going on, which really takes you right out of the show.

I felt they tried to do what 13th Warrior did, using the night to obscure the gravity of the threat and add mystery to the undead army. Except they failed. We'd already scene the undead, so there was no mystery to hide.

2. Disjointed. It was almost impossible to tell where, when and how anything was happening. One minute, the Undead horde is an unbreakable tidal wave just crushing over everyone... but then our heroes are able to stand there casually swatting them away one at a time. Our Heroes are at the front of these +10k armies, but then are at the rear inside the castle while the armies struggle to retreat...

Aryia is on the roof, then in court yard, then in the library, then running in hallways then in the orchard... like all instantly. And we go from having millions of undead, to just a dozen hanging out in the library, then a few fighting the heroes, then hundreds.. then.. MAKE UP YOUR MIND


Wildlings just happen to meet up with the Nightwatch, just after the undead kill the kid's people, and they just happen to have horses and beat the undead horde by a few hours!

Our heroes all just happen to find the same break room to drink and joke around with just enough time before the attack like it's lifted right out of an Avengers movie.

Sir Whatever just happens to lead the Dothraki who get whipped out, but he survives, then he's in the castle, but then right at the Dragon Queen when she falls and saves her against what should have been a few thousand resurrected Undead.

We see this time and time again. Fire Sword, sees Aryia just as she gets in trouble, manages to find her just in time and save her just in time. Dickless Ginger, manages to fend off the horde just long enough to have a fancy hero's death just after Braun forgave him.

Everyone loved by the fan base lived, everyone that died was essentially a Star Trek Red Shirt.

What would have been better.

Filmed at Dusk, giving more light to see what was going on but just enough eerie darkness to hide cinematography needs and even work as "all hope is sinking".

Arya kills the Nightking because she traded places with Bruan.

Ginger Dickless... who we're expecting to die heroically, panics in the face of death and tries to run and dies.

Dragon Queen, falls.... and gets torn to shreds by the Undead.

Series Conclusion

I think it would be a great troll move if they have Cerie win in the end. I highly doubt that happens. I expect Jamie kills her and dies in the process.

The best ending would be if Tyrion ends up King. John Snow has always been to much of a "golden boy" for the series and Mother of Dragons has continued to show the tyrant lurking under the surface. If Tryion ended up on the thrown, Sansa would be a shoe-in for Queen of the North.

Your version sucks too. It's impossible to please everyone so they likely went with the biggest likely curveballs since everyone figured at least half the characters would die off this episode. So to throw everyone off from their predictions they let mostly everyone live.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
Your version sucks too. It's impossible to please everyone so they likely went with the biggest likely curveballs since everyone figured at least half the characters would die off this episode. So to throw everyone off from their predictions they let mostly everyone live.
I disagree, and as I stated thd bigger issue was the Ex Machina saves and imbalance of the undead army.


RIP Kane
Established Member
Feb 24, 2003
Houston, TX
I liked the episode. Was it perfect? No. I did like the pacing though. Frantic at some moments and slower at others. You could definitely feel the doom and gloom. I also thought at least 2 more characters should've met their maker(s) including a high profile one, but I'm sure that will get handled in the remaining 3 episodes when they have to fight Cersei.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 26, 2012
I wonder how they are going to deal with Cersei's death. I am quite sure that Arya is the one that is supposed to kill her, after she is done with The Mountain, but now that they made Arya kill the Night King, is going to feel bad if she gets to kill everyone important.

I really don't think this is how the Night King was supposed to die. Yet another reason to read the books, which are even better in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 20, 2008
Hope someone has an answer, who were the other two white walkers that were always by the night kings side on horses? Just a general question unrelated to the last episode

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