Blown Motor or Something Less Unfortunate?


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Monroe township, NJ
Driving the car to 6,000 rpm is not mis use, that's what the car was built for. I can easily see how the previous owner knew something was wrong and ditched the car before it went. Dealerships shouldn't take cars like this in without having it checked out and I'm 99.9% sure the dealership knew something was wrong because that's a lot of car for 29 grand. OP you can probably part that thing out and make a lot of your money back. It's really not the OP's fault that it broke even if he got on it, that's what the car was built for. Who buys a Shelby GT500 and shifts at 2500 rpm? OP you should try and find a used short block and fix anything else that's wrong with it, even if you have to use a credit card and then go after the dealership. Really a crappy situation


Roll Racer
Established Member
Mar 29, 2011
New Mexico
I won't comment on the go fund me but the op is in a nightmare situation. Like I said this would be a fight with the dealer from the beginning. I can guarantee you the dealer knew the mods and somewhere in the stack of papers you signed upon taking delivery they had a as is no warranty clause. Scares me about buying any used shelby from a dealer, how many guys trade their cars in stock virgins lol after having a giant whipple on them. The answer, A LOT DO.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 18, 2014
The easiest thing to do at this point, just let the bank repo it.

Or on a more positive note, buy a complete running stock long block, from a wrecked car, WITH PROOF THAT IT RUNS AND DOES NOT SMOKE, put it back to stock, and enjoy the car. Recover some costs by selling the go fast parts. Forget rebuilding it, etc. throw a stock drivetrain back in it, and call it a day. You wouldn't be out that much money in the end.

Then you could sell the car, or trade it in at the same dealership, with a good wig and fake mustache, they won't see you coming.

Just sayin' :thumbsup:


Whippled Coyote
Established Member
Oct 30, 2013
I DO want to know though, did the dealer fill up the tank before delivery?
What octane did they put in the tank?
That sales manager that drove the car a while before they sold it to you, what octane gas did HE put in the tank?

Car dealerships usually deal with one local gas station, they have an account there, and they usually only allow 87 octane to be paid for, using that account

Bad Company

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 13, 2012
Man............I need to start a GoFundMe account.

If you think you've been taken advantage of then you need to read this. You might understand what really being taken for a ride is like, after you get done reading this story.

Sit down and take the time to read the link. Once you get done reading the link you will understand how much it can truly cost to rebuild one of these engines after a major failure. You're a Millennium, as such your perception of things is different then most of the people here. I applaud your ability to save the money to purchase this car outright(if I am comprehending your words correctly). If you have the ability to do this, you have the where with-all and tenacity to fix this car on your own. Take a loan out on the car that you said earlier that you bought free and clear.............then make monthly payments on the bank note for building a great engine. Have the engine properly tuned before you stick your foot to the floor.

Another poster's comments about the GM driving the car around and possibly filling it up with 87 Octane make a lot of sense also. The piston could have been damaged, but not to the point of the engine smoking. One hard pull after the purchase could be all that was left before the piston failed completely,

I feel for you, but the GoFundMe account isn't going to fly very well here. We are older and aren't part of the Millennium generation...........if you don't understand that difference there are plenty of articles written that you can research to understand the difference and why you are being chastised

Good Luck with the car

Doc Vegas

Established Member
Nov 11, 2013
Tucson, Arizona
Been lurking on this thread, definitely I can feel your pain. I had a turbo charged Hayabusa when I was younger and it ate the pistons 3x before I parted it out.... I ended up going into debt to do this and was still paying it off long after it was gone. Not sure your options here, but I would surely try HARD to work with the dealer. It sounds like you already did, but if the relationship is not destroyed, you may want to see if you can negotiate something. I have done professional work that involves testifying in various cases (unrelated to this subject matter) and I think you will have an extra tough sell to convince a judge that you did not hammer on the car and blow it up. Your age will work against you, even though it may not be fair. Anyway, good luck, but I don't think your fundraising website is going to work - but hey - that was an innovative approach to a most unfortunate situation....

Doc Vegas

Established Member
Nov 11, 2013
Tucson, Arizona
BTW, when I was your age, another way to get some $ for things is to take student loans. Not a great idea for sure (I regretted it later), but I did buy a car and a motorcycle on student loans back in the day....


move along
Established Member
Sep 7, 2004
The easiest thing to do at this point, just let the bank repo it.

Or on a more positive note, buy a complete running stock long block, from a wrecked car, WITH PROOF THAT IT RUNS AND DOES NOT SMOKE, put it back to stock, and enjoy the car. Recover some costs by selling the go fast parts. Forget rebuilding it, etc. throw a stock drivetrain back in it, and call it a day. You wouldn't be out that much money in the end.

Then you could sell the car, or trade it in at the same dealership, with a good wig and fake mustache, they won't see you coming.

Just sayin' :thumbsup:



Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
As a Millennial (Lol Bad Company its not Milllenium... Star Wars nerd) I completely think a large portion of my generation needs to pull its head out of its ass and realize that the world dont care and once you turn 18, its big boy/girl time. Most in fact do realize this, but there are some that have been coddle for so long they are incapable of self actualization.

This guy needs to buy a set of tools, rent an engine lift and pull his engine. Might take a few days, maybe even a few weeks. But just get it done. He's got an iron block so even if the cylinder walls got damaged, he should be able to get away with repairing the block (bore out and put over sized pistons in). Elbow grease and determination. If you can save for a car like this outright at 19 :)rollseyes) then saving for tools, parts and machine shop time should be easy.

If the lawyer can get this car repaired on the dealer dime or take back outright, then congrats. If not, get your butt in gear and fix your ride.


never stock
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 17, 2003
Toledo, OH
1) Buy Ford Racing iron block short block and see if they'll go for labor only.
2) flatbead to JDM, take out a loan and rebuild short block as cost effectively as possible (even sell whipple to help with costs) and possibly sue dealer for JDMs tab
3) light car on fire while inside dealership and run, taking your chances

I WILL contribute highly to a gofundme for your defense fees if you choose #3


Hi, my name is Cam
Established Member
Jun 7, 2011
Northern Virginia
So what's the latest?




If I was you, I'd sell the blower (given that is not damaged) to cover the expenses.
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Bad Company

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 13, 2012
As a Millennial (Lol Bad Company its not Milllenium... Star Wars nerd) I completely think a large portion of my generation needs to pull its head out of its ass and realize that the world dont care and once you turn 18, its big boy/girl time. Most in fact do realize this, but there are some that have been coddle for so long they are incapable of self actualization.

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world isn't totally lost yet

As this fellow will learn(hopefully) as you have...... he will realize how to take control any situation for himself, by himself.


Established Member
Jun 18, 2004
Richmond, Va
This story seems a bit fishy to me. I can see how he would be upset but I feel like we are not getting the whole story. Now to start a GOFUNDME account that is ridiculous. Man it must be hard having these first world problems.


I'm a Snaaaaake
Established Member
Sep 10, 2015
NY everyone thought the gofundme was serious...? lol lighten up guys, I'm just going to keep the car at my house over the winter and save all winter, already have a 2nd job lined up, I'll get her up and running come Spring 2016. Dealer said they would work with me by getting a replacement shortblock then I went there to close a deal we could both work with then they were pretty much like sorry but sucks to suck. So for now the car will be sitting for a few months while I make the $$$ to get her back on the road
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