Beware of Vendicated Tuning In MODESTO,CA

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New Member
Mar 28, 2012
Vendicatedly Disgusted

:shrug: Thank you for the opportunity to get facts straight! Gigi is my nick name family is only entitled to use, Stage name i would rather go with a flavor or sumthng seductive dnt you think? Please give me more credit for the mistake of seeing a smart, talented person, rather than the person he turned out to be... (We are all guilty of that) And as far as hiding your parts or spending lossed money ouch:-D your gonna have to try a little harder to kick me down, (Go for it) But your giving him ideas for future excuses and Sob stories! I myself have been left on the bitter end with the same suspicions and dissapointments to the "T"! From what i understand he has started to get in touch with some of u about unfinished buisness(GOOD).. But if you think im in the support of hiding him your wrong! I realize I have become nothing more than a cop out for his failure! Don't allow it! And stop bringing me to his level, please let my name go, its an embarrassment to have ever been affiliated with him...
:rockon: For a young woman i have learnd agrown man lesson. You Play with Fire you get burned. He makes me sick! :xpl:

Quik Z06

Well-Known Member
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Mar 21, 2006
Cen CA
:shrug: Thank you for the opportunity to get facts straight! Gigi is my nick name family is only entitled to use, Stage name i would rather go with a flavor or sumthng seductive dnt you think? Please give me more credit for the mistake of seeing a smart, talented person, rather than the person he turned out to be... (We are all guilty of that) And as far as hiding your parts or spending lossed money ouch:-D your gonna have to try a little harder to kick me down, (Go for it) But your giving him ideas for future excuses and Sob stories! I myself have been left on the bitter end with the same suspicions and dissapointments to the "T"! From what i understand he has started to get in touch with some of u about unfinished buisness(GOOD).. But if you think im in the support of hiding him your wrong! I realize I have become nothing more than a cop out for his failure! Don't allow it! And stop bringing me to his level, please let my name go, its an embarrassment to have ever been affiliated with him...
:rockon: For a young woman i have learnd agrown man lesson. You Play with Fire you get burned. He makes me sick! :xpl:

I do recall Billy doing something like this when he had Modular Speedworx....didnt he have his GF from those days do the same thing. "Write a post bashing me so they lay off and we can go back to our life together." IM sorry, Billy is shady and a criminal who needs to be put in check. Sad thing is Billy thinks hes slick. Sorry little boy, youre not. Hell, this is probably Billy posting as her! He always was a little feminine.

What do you mean you didnt blow these guys money? Where else do you think he got it from? Hard work?!? HAHAHAHHA. He blew that money up his nose among other things and didnt give a rats ass who he hurt. Selfish little spoiled apron clutching mommas boy.

<-- Pete's Wife


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Feb 3, 2011
The land of commies and socialists!
:shrug: Thank you for the opportunity to get facts straight! Gigi is my nick name family is only entitled to use, Stage name i would rather go with a flavor or sumthng seductive dnt you think? Please give me more credit for the mistake of seeing a smart, talented person, rather than the person he turned out to be... (We are all guilty of that) And as far as hiding your parts or spending lossed money ouch:-D your gonna have to try a little harder to kick me down, (Go for it) But your giving him ideas for future excuses and Sob stories! I myself have been left on the bitter end with the same suspicions and dissapointments to the "T"! From what i understand he has started to get in touch with some of u about unfinished buisness(GOOD).. But if you think im in the support of hiding him your wrong! I realize I have become nothing more than a cop out for his failure! Don't allow it! And stop bringing me to his level, please let my name go, its an embarrassment to have ever been affiliated with him...
:rockon: For a young woman i have learnd agrown man lesson. You Play with Fire you get burned. He makes me sick! :xpl:

Billy is that you?


Current Project: FRANKENSTANG
Established Member
Nov 18, 2009
:shrug: its an embarrassment to have ever been affiliated with him...
:rockon: For a young woman i have learnd agrown man lesson. You play with fire you get burned. He makes me sick! :xpl:

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Premium Member
Sep 6, 2005
For anyone who did not file a police report, you must not care about lost money an I can not feel sorry about your lose. So when you man up an become an adult file a police report to help put this guy away.


Current Project: FRANKENSTANG
Established Member
Nov 18, 2009
For anyone who did not file a police report, you must not care about lost money an I can not feel sorry about your lose. So when you man up an become an adult file a police report to help put this guy away.

What are you trying to say here Allen?
We are never going to see a dime can't squeeze blood out of a turnip and guys like this always get away with it in the end. As a business man I have on several occasions had to sue in court, and win several cases and in the end it is still up to the plaintif to collect......hell if I could collect, I wouldnt have gone to court! I've spend 10's of thousands of dollars in attorney fees and never collected a dime from any of them. It's just not worth the aggravation. I see other people have filed reports.....any of them get paid yet?

Case closed.


Yep That's a Woman's Ride
Established Member
Jul 25, 2011
p.s. if u dont know what he looks like here ya go...

William Rollins | Facebook

Isn't his "only" friend the GF that "supposibly" wrote that about him? Either She wrote it for him or like you guys were saying, "he wrote" it.... lol....

Looks like a new business is approaching "again". Hope no one falls for his lies again...... :nono:

I agree with Quik Z06 & me32, criminal charges should be the focus rather than taking him to small claims court, his ass needs to be thrown in jail. I've taken someone to small claims court as well (like Fabman) and still haven't been paid. He'll feel the hurt if he spends some time in jail.
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New Member
Apr 4, 2012
This is Billy, first off im not here to fight back and fourth or here for the drama. I know what was done and as well as the people who it was done too. The majority of the people on here who say im fraud or otherwise have not dealt with me personally or even met me so i find all those mute points, im not denying my actions i left everyone hanging with no contact information and money lost. My actions where based on several reasons, that where all self induced. There is no need to put blame on my ex girlfriend or family and to have my son brought up in this thread is unspeakable. Your mad at me and my actions deserve the consiquences not anyone else. Im not addicted to drugs, that seemed to be a common blame factor among people for my actions, in fact a drug screening is being done that goes back 5 years at my will for the people i truly care about so they can be at peace with that so they know.

I have come to learn im a better technician then a business man,i over promise and under deliver for a majority of reasons,tell people what they wanna hear so we can all live in the fairy tell world of racing but as maturity and time goes by everyone including myself knows that has to be the least benefical thing to do. Trying to please everyone makes you lose yourself and hurts more people then it can ever benefit. There is some things that need to be cleared, NO VEHICLES WHERE STOLEN they where put in storage or picked up uncomplete this did take awhile to do with all the vehicles in the shop when it closed(16 vehicles to be exact) everyone has gotten there vehicles back. Yes Vendicated was broken into and many parts where stolen from me and customers as some of you may know i always had alot of people at my shop(yes people loved me at one time, just seems to be society people love you when your on top and run,talk S*@t soon as it gets a little shakey you find out who you can really count on when shit hits the fan) it ended up to be a hangout at night and unfortunatly new people would always show up so my guess is as best as yours but i have a feeling you know who you are. Also some posts on here about me are straight out lies but im not here to fight against those, i can care less if your the type of person who has to stoop to that level and jump on the bandwagon and add lies to this thread.

This is not a sympathy card or my way to start building my business again. Beyond what some might think i have a heart and a conscience and im here to make my mistakes correct so i can move forward with my life. I never tried to hide everyone knew i moved down south, honestly i just didnt even know how to start to even fix my mistakes after this happening again and had to just breath and clear my head and recoup but i know it was unfortunatly at the expense of the people who invested money in me. So i have started a email address specifically for contact with the people i need to make right. Please contact me at [email protected] and in time i will make everything right maybe not emotionally but otherwise yes.

If you have no dealing with me please do not email me or fill my email with useless information or threats as no threats will be taken unnoticed. We are all adults here and have one goal in mind, to make the wrongs right. I cant be more serious about this i may have been a lousy business man but my intentions have always been good and people that truly took the time to know me know this, this industry is full of drama and f*#D up shops and unfortunalty i just became another statistic for another failed shop but in the end i have learned more lessons and more about life because i didnt give up the first time and im here right now implenting new ways in my life and taking care of my past ways and to anyone who thinks i or my ex just moved away with a bunch of money and lived a good life dream again i wouldnt wish the last 12 months of my life on my worst enemy. For those who never lost faith in me and continue to support me, i sincerely thank you. Your believing will yield great Results from a man stronger then ever.

Quik Z06

Well-Known Member
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Mar 21, 2006
Cen CA
This is Billy, first off im not here to fight back and fourth or here for the drama. I know what was done and as well as the people who it was done too. The majority of the people on here who say im fraud or otherwise have not dealt with me personally or even met me so i find all those mute points, im not denying my actions i left everyone hanging with no contact information and money lost.

What? Isn't " i left everyone hanging with no contact information and money lost" considered FRAUD?!

Im not addicted to drugs, that seemed to be a common blame factor among people for my actions, in fact a drug screening is being done that goes back 5 years at my will for the people i truly care about so they can be at peace with that so they know.

Lol, ok yea keep lying to yourself if it helps you sleep at night.

I have come to learn im a better technician then a business man,i over promise and under deliver for a majority of reasons,

Wow you can say that again.

NO VEHICLES WHERE STOLEN they where put in storage or picked up uncomplete this did take awhile to do with all the vehicles in the shop when it closed(16 vehicles to be exact) everyone has gotten there vehicles back. Yes Vendicated was broken into and many parts where stolen from me and customers

Really? Where are the police reports that were filed stating this stuff had been stolen? How about an easier one, INSURANCE? That way if something does happen peoples parts and cars are covered. WAY to fishy and yes I didn't know the new shop but I knew MSX.

This is not a sympathy card or my way to start building my business again. Beyond what some might think i have a heart and a conscience and im here to make my mistakes correct so i can move forward with my life. I never tried to hide everyone knew i moved down south, honestly i just didnt even know how to start to even fix my mistakes after this happening again and had to just breath and clear my head and recoup

Did you copy and paste this? I thought I have read this before? This is the SAME BS every time. Screw some people over then, hey guy's, im sorry. I've learned, I've changed yada yada yada, same crap just different day.

i just became another statistic for another failed shop but in the end i have learned more lessons and more about life because i didnt give up the first time and im here right now implenting new ways in my life

Oh, wow did I predict that would be said?

With that said, im not going to run and hide and not post like im sure some people on this thread are. Say what you want Billy, plenty of guys, myself included have given you more than one opportunity to prove us wrong. You know that for a fact and look what happened, MSX Pt.2. We haven't been close for years, but I heard all the stories of how you screwed over you're closest friends. Now you want to come on here and apologize like it's all good and have a fresh start. WTF are you a cat, how many lives do you get? Look I have no horse in this race, but to see people like these who work hard and take great pride in their cars lose money, sleep, etc over some guy who decides to screw them over is BS! Their is NO EXCUSE for this NONE!!


Current Project: FRANKENSTANG
Established Member
Nov 18, 2009
I sent him an emai asking how he was gonna make it rightl....lets see if he responds.


Current Project: FRANKENSTANG
Established Member
Nov 18, 2009
Can't say I didn't much for making amends.
Until I see money in my hand I'm gonna have to say this is just another ploy to try to sucker us again.

Are you really sorry Billy?


Prove it.
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