Why is America going BANKRUPT? I've got all the answers right here!------------------


Mattis for POTUS
Established Member
Jun 7, 2004
Not really, what I did do is lower myself to his level of stupidity, which is just as bad now that I think about it.

I understand what he wanted to say and I also recognize that what he did say is different from what he meant or tried to convey in his post.

Atleast you knew what I was trying to say lol. It's a horrible diesease, having everything you type sound good in your own head but yet come out so wrong lol.

Oh well, the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.


double eagle

Dec 9, 2007
LaQuinta, CA
Not really, what I did do is lower myself to his level of stupidity, which is just as bad now that I think about it.

I understand what he wanted to say and I also recognize that what he did say is different from what he meant or tried to convey in his post.

Anyway, we were always facing the issues mentioned in the OP, yet we were never facing these times. It is a deadly combination of horrible timing with housing market, credit market and many other factors, oil prices twisting our arm a little bit over the summer during the Olympic games didnt help either.

I am fairly convinced that China had a great deal to do with the gas prices over the summer. Their large "orders" in advance for the games threw the market and speculators in a frenzy that wasn't necessary really, but that's a whole different issue.

We are like that schmuck that appears to have it ALL made, but what nobody knew was that he *us* was leveraged to the max and any large expenditure will have him down on his knees faster than you can imagine.

I may not always agree with you but your positions are usually well thought out. BTW, I'll never admit that in Smackdown. :beer:

Maybe I didn't get the point of this thread so help me if that's the case. It seems to me that much of what's in the OP's starting post are NOT in this nation's best interest while supporting the military effort (arguably) is.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
Atleast you knew what I was trying to say lol. It's a horrible diesease, having everything you type sound good in your own head but yet come out so wrong lol.

Oh well, the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.

These poor bastards are fighting in an operation called "iraqi freedom" right now. The fact that they get paid shitty while Iraq has a 70+ billion surplus doesnt help make it look better either.
I may not always agree with you but your positions are usually well thought out. BTW, I'll never admit that in Smackdown. :beer:

Maybe I didn't get the point of this thread so help me if that's the case. It seems to me that much of what's in the OP's starting post are NOT in this nation's best interest while supporting the military effort (arguably) is.
Supporting military, YES, but rebuilding countries half way across the world, countries that will in few years turn around and still hate us, well, thats a losing proposition. We are rebuilding everything they have, including arming them, that isnt smart imo....
Missed that but I respect your intent.
I sometimes forget that not the entire forum is smackdown.:thumbsup:


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
These poor bastards are fighting in an operation called "iraqi freedom" right now. The fact that they get paid shitty while Iraq has a 70+ billion surplus doesnt help make it look better either.

Supporting military, YES, but rebuilding countries half way across the world, countries that will in few years turn around and still hate us, well, thats a losing proposition. We are rebuilding everything they have, including arming them, that isnt smart imo....

I sometimes forget that not the entire forum is smackdown.:thumbsup:

good points common. and not only is the money going to rebuild iraq, but its going to employ US citizens who are doing the military's job, but at 10x the pay rate! no offense to anyone here who is a private contractor working over there, but the Army used to serve its own chow, do their own plumbing, and repair their own helicopters. we hire private citizens to do this because there is a shortage of soldiers available to do it. pay soldiers more instad of paying the contractors 10x more, and you'll get more people enlisting. i just spoke with my father (former SSgt in the army) about this last night. we discussed Blackwater getting the boot from Iraq. he said he's just amazed because it used to be Marines who would guard the visiting dignitaries and what not. not some hired guns at the rate of $20k per month! and obviously the Blackwater guys are highly trained but Marines are no joke either! these are jobs that MARINES should be doing! or other highly trained soldiers. can someone really say that our Marines or Rangers or other, arent qualified to guard visiting VIPs?? :??: he's also dumbfounded that we're paying companies like Haliburton to handle stuff over there regular GIs used to do for grunt pay :shrug:

i would imagine, you triple a soldier's pay rate and youre going to get a hell of a lot more people heading to the recruiter's office! and sure, it shouldnt be about the money, but lets be real here. think of how much money the US would be saving if we had NO private contractors (or very few) in Iraq but instead used GIs to do the work, at a bit higher pay rate. :read:

and im not trying to lobby against you guys that are working over there making good money, risking your lives. kudos to you on having a kick ass, well paying job. but it is taxing our system. it just seems to me that it would be more logical to use the actual military to do all these things like they did in the past. :shrug:

now im not over there and not privvy to everything that is going on over there, so please take my post with a grain of salt and feel free to clarify anything if ive posted any misinformation :beer: and i do give props to anyone who can get a damn good paying job over there. I'D be over there raking in the coins if i had any usable skills to do so. :shrug: my cousin did it and he practically paid for his house in cash! and he's going back again in Feb after saying he refused to do so any more lol. i guess money talks lol.

and yes, the illegal immigration population is ridiculously out of control and taxing our economy like crazy. solve that problem and watch our nation's economy get the shot in the arm it badly needs! but as mentioned before, its like trying to put your finger in the hole in the dike. its almost beyond the point of repair. but anything will help at this point! stop the flow right now, and try to go from there. and i hate to say it but if we didnt have that law making anyone born on this soil an automatic citizen it wouldnt be such a huge problem! i say just grandfather those who are already in in and change the policy NOW!


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
also, it has been said that Iraq is fully capable of funding their own rebuild now. maybe not entirely but since they are getting back into oil production they are just banking all the money theyre making and we're still footing the bill for everything :nonono:

OUR country is falling apart, and we're rebuilding theirs. and probably making it better than it was before too! with their oil money they should be paying our private contractors to do the work over there! not to mention if they have their own money invested in the rebuild, they'd hopefully take a little more pride in it (vested interest) and stop destroying half the shit we put up! :kaboom:

its like the teenager who is given a car and everything is paid for. he's not likely to appreciate it and take care of it as much. put his ass to work for 20hours a week to help pay for some of it and he'll likely have a different attitude towards it.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 6, 2006
North Georgia
also, it has been said that iraq is fully capable of funding their own rebuild now. Maybe not entirely but since they are getting back into oil production they are just banking all the money theyre making and we're still footing the bill for everything :nonono:

Our country is falling apart, and we're rebuilding theirs. And probably making it better than it was before too! With their oil money they should be paying our private contractors to do the work over there! Not to mention if they have their own money invested in the rebuild, they'd hopefully take a little more pride in it (vested interest) and stop destroying half the shit we put up! :kaboom:

Its like the teenager who is given a car and everything is paid for. He's not likely to appreciate it and take care of it as much. Put his ass to work for 20hours a week to help pay for some of it and he'll likely have a different attitude towards it.



Eaton powered
Established Member
Jun 27, 2005
Austin, TX
also, it has been said that Iraq is fully capable of funding their own rebuild now. maybe not entirely but since they are getting back into oil production they are just banking all the money theyre making and we're still footing the bill for everything :nonono:

OUR country is falling apart, and we're rebuilding theirs. and probably making it better than it was before too! with their oil money they should be paying our private contractors to do the work over there! not to mention if they have their own money invested in the rebuild, they'd hopefully take a little more pride in it (vested interest) and stop destroying half the shit we put up! :kaboom:

its like the teenager who is given a car and everything is paid for. he's not likely to appreciate it and take care of it as much. put his ass to work for 20hours a week to help pay for some of it and he'll likely have a different attitude towards it.

Well said.

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
I believe soldiers in Iraq and afghan should be making about 60-70k a year. Soldiers in places like kuwait and whatnot ..... keep it was it is now, the regular combat pay.

I say this because I was in kuwait I felt that people in Iraq should be making way more than me, or I should be making less. I know im not alone on that either =P Its not cool when you have contractors making 100+k a year and not risking their life nearly as much as a soldier, and the soldier making like 40k+. Although that depends on your rank too. Officers make a butt load of money, e4 and below not so much.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
It is just a matter of time before the hard working/tax paying Americans stand up and put an end to paying the bills for the illegals/lazy people who do not want to work.

The revolution is coming...

People will start taking the law into their own hands if the gov't sits back and does nothing. The tension is coming to a head. It appears to start sooner than later.

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