What do other countries, think of Americans?

Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
I've traveled overseas quite a bit and they view us as fat, loud, obnoxious, self centered, overindulgent, and violent. I hate to say it but rightfully so. It's easy to spot American tourists overseas by their behavior.


Finish First
Established Member
Jul 7, 2003
Currently in Sonoma County
I think China would strongly disagree.

Some guy just posted how he runs a factory in Shenzhen, he says China just has stolen all the technology from the west then uses their trade for their unfair competition. Remember China is the place where doctors/M.D.’s make $6000 RMB a month only. That’s equivalent to $1k usd.

I spent 2 years in Sicily and 4 trips of 3 years to the Middle East. It seems that most including Muslims like Americans 1 on 1 but hate our government. We're not bad people but in the end we do what we are told and that is where the problem sometimes comes in. To many we are viewed as Germany when Hitler was taking over everything and doing whatever it took to do so.

So they hate our government but want governments to have more power? That’s odd...
Most people hate us simply because of what we have. They hate us but would jump at the chance to live here legally or illegally. Imagine that!

GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011
I've traveled overseas quite a bit and they view us as fat, loud, obnoxious, self centered, overindulgent, and violent. I hate to say it but rightfully so. It's easy to spot American tourists overseas by their behavior.

Especially after they've been drinking.


Active Member
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Jun 18, 2007
Where the Air Force Sends Me
I've been living overseas since 2010. 1yr in South Korea and I'll be doing 10yrs in Germany by the time I leave. I've been all over Europe and then some and have not had any issues. Like mentioned before some people dislike us because of what they see in the media but genuinely the majority are nice people. When we go on vacation to the large cities even the locals hate everyone and surprisingly I see WAY more Asian tour groups than Americans. You think Americans are rude you should see Asians while sightseeing/shopping.

Someone mentioned that Europe shuts down is one of the things I like. Germany shuts down everything on Sundays. It may suck at times but that's when Germans like to get out and do outdoor activities. There's even quiet hours and makes things peaceful. Its one thing I'm going to miss if I ever come back stateside. The U.S. is way too busy and can learn a thing or two from other countries. Everything doesn't need to be opened 24/7. As of right now the wife and I have no desire to return to the U.S.

GT Premi

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Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
... As of right now the wife and I have no desire to return to the U.S.

If you can make it a reality, don't come back. I bet you'll both be happier. Another thing other countries don't like about the U.S. is the arrogance. Most Americans think the U.S. is the best place in the world to live. Interestingly, most Americans also have never lived in or visited another country. The U.S. is not the "best" place to live. It's expensive as hell to have a "good" quality of life by U.S. standards. Corporate greed is out of control. The public healthcare system is atrocious. The social climate is abhorrent. The education system is a shamble. And the U.S. incarcerates more of its citizens than just about any other country, thanks to a privatized, for-profit prison system.


Infinity Poster
Established Member
Dec 8, 2017
Eating ass?!? LOL That came out of nowhere! Anyway, the reason for the seemingly downward spiral in the quality of living stems from capitalism. As much as some people love "free market" and capitalism, they don't/won't see the damage it leaves in its wake. Globalization and capitalism are bedfellows. That's a whole topic unto itself.

As far as how other countries view the U.S., from the countries I've visited and foreigners I've spoken to, the U.S. is viewed as a bully country that's always imposing itself on others. And to be honest, I agree with that assessment 100%. Other countries take more issue with the U.S. government than the individual U.S. citizens.

I think China would strongly disagree.

It's because of American media. Think about the programs you watch on TV and the type of lives/surroundings the characters have. There are shows where supposedly unemployed college kids or budding actors live in downtown Manhattan apartments where the rent would be $10K/month. We have cop dramas where a typical beat cop is living in a gated community and drives a Mercedes AMG car. We have girl dramas where an underemployed single mother is "making it on her own" in what is easily a 5,000+ sqft house. And so on and so forth. Because of American media, most of the world thinks white Americans are ALL balling out of control and ALL black people are either criminals or athletes. Heck, because of that same media, there are a LOT of actual Americans who think the same thing!
I basically began to scan over your posts after your disapproval of capitalism. Capitalism allows people such as you and I to profit from our career, trade, business, etc. Without capitalism socialism falls into place.

America was built by the blood, sweat, and tears of hard working Americans making a better life for themselves. Capitalism made this possible.

As for China; they have a good military, but at this time they have no chance one on one against America.

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Infinity Poster
Established Member
Dec 8, 2017
If you can make it a reality, don't come back. I bet you'll both be happier. Another thing other countries don't like about the U.S. is the arrogance. Most Americans think the U.S. is the best place in the world to live. Interestingly, most Americans also have never lived in or visited another country. The U.S. is not the "best" place to live. It's expensive as hell to have a "good" quality of life by U.S. standards. Corporate greed is out of control. The public healthcare system is atrocious. The social climate is abhorrent. The education system is a shamble. And the U.S. incarcerates more of its citizens than just about any other country, thanks to a privatized, for-profit prison system.
When can we expect you to pack and change your citizenship? I'm pretty sure a few of us would gladly throw you a farewell party after the BS you just spewed.

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Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
If you can make it a reality, don't come back. I bet you'll both be happier. Another thing other countries don't like about the U.S. is the arrogance. Most Americans think the U.S. is the best place in the world to live. Interestingly, most Americans also have never lived in or visited another country. The U.S. is not the "best" place to live. It's expensive as hell to have a "good" quality of life by U.S. standards. Corporate greed is out of control. The public healthcare system is atrocious. The social climate is abhorrent. The education system is a shamble. And the U.S. incarcerates more of its citizens than just about any other country, thanks to a privatized, for-profit prison system.

Yeah, don't you just love it when the government orders the death of your sick child?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
If you can make it a reality, don't come back. I bet you'll both be happier. Another thing other countries don't like about the U.S. is the arrogance. Most Americans think the U.S. is the best place in the world to live. Interestingly, most Americans also have never lived in or visited another country. The U.S. is not the "best" place to live. It's expensive as hell to have a "good" quality of life by U.S. standards. Corporate greed is out of control. The public healthcare system is atrocious. The social climate is abhorrent. The education system is a shamble. And the U.S. incarcerates more of its citizens than just about any other country, thanks to a privatized, for-profit prison system.

All things considered, the U.S. IS the best place to live. I've traveled to places most people will never see, and every time I do, it only confirms how I feel.


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Apr 9, 2006


Well-Known Member
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Feb 20, 2005
I couldn't give a shit what they think when we're getting back on top of the world. My wife is German so we travel there and around Europe a good bit. Europeans truly have no understanding of freedom. When you try to explain it, it just goes over their heads. It's understandable since they have never experienced freedom. Their lives revolve around what the government allows them to do. The last 20-30 years of American's are also growing up with government telling them what they are allowed to do. We will be like Europe sooner than most think.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
I could give two shits what the rest of the world thinks of us.

The lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.


Keep'um smiling
Established Member
Oct 1, 2009
White Post, Va
This thread confirmed my idea of just spending vacations state side. Ireland, is the only possibility for us.

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Four Door SVT

Well-Known Member
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Jan 19, 2015
Back in the day the women couldn’t wait to get their turn, the guys hated us for that, and talked shit behind our backs, but the moment they got confronted with a ass whipping they backed down fast. I had good friends in Italy their parents as well, not everyone was racist against Americans.

Today everyone wants to test the water, if you back down, your toast

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