UFC/Fedor talks reopened


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
Thats what Fedor and all MMA fans want to see. But its Dana White that will not do it. He doesn't want to do a co-promotion event ever. He is such an arrogant, stubborn, and unintelligent person about the business. Strikeforce is all for doing co-promotion events and will have them this year. Why do you think they had Shinya Aoki at their last event talking about fighting the best American fighters? And did anyone else watch the Dynamite event? It was a co-promotion event with Dream and Sengoku.....the big dogs in Japan. It was an event that pitted the best fighters from Dream taking on the best fighters from Sengoku. It is the equivalent of UFC vs Strikeforce. They had roughly ~25 fights and it was a huge success. These types of co-promotions are only good for the sport, and the fans get to see some real dream matchups.

So here is a big F U to Dana White for not doing what everyone else is already doing.:kaboom:
your completely right, why should dana care about what's good for the company? i mean, the size of his paycheck is completely dependent on the success of the UFC, but he should just say "**** it" so that YOU can see the fight you want. by looking out for the good of the UFC and not helping out one of the UFCs competitors, dana is obviously being selfish.

cut the shit dude, we're talking about BUSINESS. dana shouldn't have to co-promote an even, considering that it would be helping out the competition. of course strikeforce is willing to co-promote, because it benefits them. co-promotion wouldn't benefit the UFC in any way, shape, or form, since they are the largest out there. danas responsibility is to make moeny for the fertittas, not to follow your demands.
this is the same thing with fighters putting on "boring" fights. they aren't in this business to entertain you, they are in this to make money. if you want entertainment, watch "professional" wrestling.


The Shogun of Harlem
Established Member
Dec 12, 2006
your completely right, why should dana care about what's good for the company? i mean, the size of his paycheck is completely dependent on the success of the UFC, but he should just say "**** it" so that YOU can see the fight you want. by looking out for the good of the UFC and not helping out one of the UFCs competitors, dana is obviously being selfish.

cut the shit dude, we're talking about BUSINESS. dana shouldn't have to co-promote an even, considering that it would be helping out the competition. of course strikeforce is willing to co-promote, because it benefits them. co-promotion wouldn't benefit the UFC in any way, shape, or form, since they are the largest out there. danas responsibility is to make moeny for the fertittas, not to follow your demands.
this is the same thing with fighters putting on "boring" fights. they aren't in this business to entertain you, they are in this to make money. if you want entertainment, watch "professional" wrestling.

You can't be serious with that nonsense you just posted. You actually think that doing a co-promotion event will be BAD for the UFC??? You really have a warped sense of reality then I guess. Let me ask you one question then. Actually everyone here on SVTP, please feel free to answer this question....

Which event would draw more money to the business? (who cares what the fans want to see....according to your logic)

1. Your typical UFC PPV fight card

2. A co-promotion event that pitted these fighters against one another.
Fedor vs Lesnar (or current UFC hvywt champ)
Gegard Mousasi vs Anderson Silva
Alistair Overeem vs Junior Dos Santos
Dan Henderson vs Nate Marquardt
Marius Zaromskis vs GSP
Shinya Aoki vs BJ Penn
Melvin Manhoef vs Rashad Evans
Bobby Lashley vs Cain Velasquez


Established Member
Sep 18, 2006
I agree, by co-promoting on just the fights that the M-1 guys partake in wouldnt hurt the UFC . If anything they are going to attract larger attention and more will tune in to it .
Sometimes you make sacrafices and in the long haul it pays off-for everybody .

Dana sertainly does not pay ANY fighter in the UFC what they are worth , sure hes "looking out for the business" but primarily himself . Its clear hes a two faced guy we have see it time and time again -but if he would just look at the bigger picture and get over that ego he walks with then more people would benifit including himself.

Got Torque

well do yah?
Established Member
Apr 6, 2005
Dana doesn't want to co-promote because the UFC is the largest most wide known MMA organization that he insists he made what it is. He brought it from a small money losing struggling operation to a billion dollar business. He doesn't want (need) to bring in a lower, less known company in.
He will lose his full control of the event, earnings, etc.
Can you imagine if his most marketable fighters all lost to fighters not known to the mass of the North American market?
Or they were severely injured and could not fight for upcoming UFC events?
From a UFC business standpoint Dana is right, he does not need to do that just to make the fans happy.
I'm no Dana or UFC nuthugger, just saying it makes sense from his standpoint.
Put yourself in his shoes or think about a similar situation.

Plus lots of their fighters are making good money now, figure in the bonuses and some are making lots of money.
Rashad made $375k for beating Thiago Silva.
Koscheck made big money for his win over Rumble.
The guys who make the UFC money make money themselves. Other guys are rewarded for great performances or finishes.
Plus don't forget the money the fighters get from sponsors.
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Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2007
cut the shit dude, we're talking about BUSINESS. dana shouldn't have to co-promote an even, considering that it would be helping out the competition. of course strikeforce is willing to co-promote, because it benefits them. co-promotion wouldn't benefit the UFC in any way, shape, or form, since they are the largest out there. danas responsibility is to make moeny for the fertittas, not to follow your demands.
this is the same thing with fighters putting on "boring" fights. they aren't in this business to entertain you, they are in this to make money. if you want entertainment, watch "professional" wrestling.

You make so much sense sometimes, then you go ahead and post some garbage like this. How the **** would co-promotion not help?
You get to have fighters come in and fight that you otherwise wouldnt get. Wtf part of this simple equation is tough for you to grasp?

It is a business and two companies merging to sell a better product is a sure success. Holy shit, fail at common sense for you.
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Schooled by Satan
Established Member
Aug 15, 2003
You make so much sense sometimes, then you go ahead and post some garbage like this. How the **** would co-promotion not help?
You get to have fighters come in and fight that you otherwise wouldnt get. Wtf part of this simple equation is tough for you to grasp?

It is a business and two companies merging to sell a better product is a sure success. Holy shit, fail at common sense for you.

From what I read the first time around, M1 was requesting some pretty outrageous stuff such as half of the earnings brought in by the UFC. A UFC PPV card with Fedor or Mousasi will not pull many more buyers than premium card (such as UFC100 or the Lidell/Couture fights). Not only that, but it's free money--more money--than M1 will have had ever seen doing anything by themselves.

Basically M1 is trying to do what the UFC has done through it's rise in popularity, and Dana doesn't want to give these guys any kind of chance to put their proverbial foot in the door. M1 is basically a parasite organization. They charge outrageious amounts of money for nothing more than having 2 really good fighters.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 7, 2006
Dana and the UFC want to crush the other companies and are doing a fine job of it. If they co-promote a card, it shares the spotlight with other companies. Even if they make 2x the $$$, it sheds light on the other fighters fighting for other promoters.

70% of the people who buy PPV events have never even heard of M1 or 90% of their fighters, so to Dana, giving them 1/2 the spotlight gives them a chance to draw fans from the UFC and linger on.

Take my company for example...

We sell modular homes, so we have builders who have sales lots all over the south east. If that builder has ONLY our houses on his lot he gets an exclusivity bonus via higher rebates.

We understand that if a builder has 5 of our models on the lot and 5 from another company he will draw more customers due to a larger inventory. BUT... What that does is puts us in direct competition with another manufacture on our own lot, which is an unacceptable chance to loose business.
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