Toledo riot, now to shock the crap out of you guys


Boost Lee Roy
Established Member
Jan 4, 2004
Harker Height TX
RTStabler51 said:
Because when blacks do those things its for 'Civil Rights,' when Whites do its "Hate related" and 'racists.'

It seems as if the 'so-called' black 'leaders' add fuel to the fire of racist dividing with their rehtoric (sp?) and that is what they want. Until the white man is completely done away with they won't be ok with anything.

Just remember, its ALWAYS whitey's fault.

most blacks disagree with the so called new black pathers. Both the NAACP and even the original member of the original black panther party have denounced them.u can complain about them all you want.Becasue what they do is wrong.Alot of blacks including me dont even like farrakan either, but the point of the million man march wasnt to spread hate.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
RTStabler51 said:
Just remember, its ALWAYS whitey's fault.

Yesterday afternoon I was in dire need of a few good laughs so I tuned into CSpan for a few moments. They had the march on and frankly, the laughs I received were numerous. From what I listened to and saw, only a very small amount of people were preaching unity and tolerance. Quite a few were preaching division and hate. I nearly lost all bodily control (due to uncontrollable laughter) when I saw the new black panthers and their cries of black power. How the hell will people get along when bs like this is going on? You want to talk about the blame game? I was waiting to hear that I was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Unbelievable!


It's Not Your Concern
Super Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
Yeah, I watched the Minister for Louis Farracrap for a few too, it was quite humorous and sickening at the same time.


Nobody F's w/ a Lion
Established Member
Jun 14, 2004
I remembered when the KKKs had a rally in my town about 8 years ago. I worked at the pool in the park they were organizing it. Undercover FBI officers came in. They had 3 FBI snipers on the top of the water-slide with their rifles pointed at their heads. They were hidden underneath a water tarp hoping they would get to shoot off a few rounds for the first time. Especially the black sniper. I could feel for that guy. No rounds were fired by the way. It was peacefully resolved.


Al Bundy
Established Member
May 7, 2005
Racine WI
The ambulance should have just floored it and cleaned up the gene pool some. Same for the neo nazis lol half of them would be dead if hitler had his way :)


It's Not Your Concern
Super Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
yoda said:
most blacks disagree with the so called new black pathers. Both the NAACP and even the original member of the original black panther party have denounced them.u can complain about them all you want.Becasue what they do is wrong.Alot of blacks including me dont even like farrakan either, but the point of the million man march wasnt to spread hate.
I understand the point of the Million Man march isn't to spread hate, but when you have idiots up there like Farrakan spouting their crap, and the black people hooting and hollering to it how is someone such as myself supposed to view it? IMO, its just like the Muslim community....they don't seem to condemn terrorism loud enough. From my view point, the black community doesn't condemn these idiots enough or loud enough either.


Established Member
Feb 14, 2005
RTStabler51 said:
Because when blacks do those things its for 'Civil Rights,' when Whites do its "Hate related" and 'racists.'

It seems as if the 'so-called' black 'leaders' add fuel to the fire of racist dividing with their rehtoric (sp?) and that is what they want. Until the white man is completely done away with they won't be ok with anything.

Just remember, its ALWAYS whitey's fault.

:thumbsup: absolutely right!

rhetoric :beer:


New to the game
Established Member
Sep 21, 2005
Toledo, OH
Ok, being as this happened like 3 miles from my house I probally know more than you guys and gals are getting from the news.............
For one thing, the neo nazis weren't just marching here for sh*ts and giggles. A racial thing got started when an older white male got sick of a gang of black guys selling drugs in his neighborhood. He comes out waving his gun and what not....cops get called and he is the one that got in trouble for bringing his gun out. That sparked the thing between the Neo Nazi's and the Black Panthers. The Neo Nazi's never actually marched where they were sopposed to. So basicaly, the rioters were pissed they didn't get to kick whitey's so they kicked the towns ass.......This resulted in chaos in the direct area and pandemonium throught the whole city. Two high schools who were soppsoed to have their homecoming dances last night didn't because they were both cancelled and the city is under an 8 o' clock curfiew both last night and tonight.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
yoda said:
Alot of blacks including me dont even like farrakan either, but the point of the million man march wasnt to spread hate.

What was its purpose, if you don't mind me asking? It sure as hell isn't hard to spread hate when you get people speaking who are blaming the white man for nearly everything. It also didn't convince me this wasn't about hate when the crowd cheered as a few horses arses were going off on their tirades. Something else comes to my mind. If the NAACP and other groups denounce the black panthers and the other racists who spoke, why did the decent and non racist people even associate with them and particiapte in this march or gathering or whatever it was?


Rough and Toothless
Established Member
Jun 10, 2004
Red03SVTVert said:
Ok, being as this happened like 3 miles from my house I probally know more than you guys and gals are getting from the news.............
For one thing, the neo nazis weren't just marching here for sh*ts and giggles. A racial thing got started when an older white male got sick of a gang of black guys selling drugs in his neighborhood. He comes out waving his gun and what not....cops get called and he is the one that got in trouble for bringing his gun out. That sparked the thing between the Neo Nazi's and the Black Panthers. The Neo Nazi's never actually marched where they were sopposed to. So basicaly, the rioters were pissed they didn't get to kick whitey's so they kicked the towns ass.......This resulted in chaos in the direct area and pandemonium throught the whole city. Two high schools who were soppsoed to have their homecoming dances last night didn't because they were both cancelled and the city is under an 8 o' clock curfiew both last night and tonight.
I'm sure the old man was happy that the Nazis showed up to "rescue" him.

Rioting never solves anything, it's stupid. No matter what color you are.


Rough and Toothless
Established Member
Jun 10, 2004
05 Roush said:
Wow, riots seem to be a common event lately. Wouldn't this be considered a sign of things to come?
The White Sox won the AL pennant, I'm waiting for some quality sports rioting tonight.


Rough and Toothless
Established Member
Jun 10, 2004
05 Roush said:
With enough alcohol, anything is possible...
It makes perfect sense, if you think about. My team goes to the game that's the pinnacle of it's sport and I'm happy. Think I'll go overturn a car.

I did that after my wedding, when my nephew was born and whenever I get happy. If there's not a car near me to overturn, it's just not complete.

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range
kneedragger said:
It makes perfect sense, if you think about. My team goes to the game that's the pinnacle of it's sport and I'm happy. Think I'll go overturn a car.

I did that after my wedding, when my nephew was born and whenever I get happy. If there's not a car near me to overturn, it's just not complete.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :thumbsup:


Quagmires Apprentice
Established Member
Oct 30, 2003
Soon to be Harris County, TX
Red03SVTVert said:
Ok, being as this happened like 3 miles from my house I probally know more than you guys and gals are getting from the news.............
For one thing, the neo nazis weren't just marching here for sh*ts and giggles. A racial thing got started when an older white male got sick of a gang of black guys selling drugs in his neighborhood. He comes out waving his gun and what not....cops get called and he is the one that got in trouble for bringing his gun out. That sparked the thing between the Neo Nazi's and the Black Panthers. The Neo Nazi's never actually marched where they were sopposed to. So basicaly, the rioters were pissed they didn't get to kick whitey's so they kicked the towns ass.......This resulted in chaos in the direct area and pandemonium throught the whole city. Two high schools who were soppsoed to have their homecoming dances last night didn't because they were both cancelled and the city is under an 8 o' clock curfiew both last night and tonight.

Im sorry that still doesnt justify either the Neo's wanting to march or the rioting. If the guy knew WTF was going on, he should've video taped them and turned it into the police department as an unnamed informant. What he did was wrong, and he got in trouble for it. 2 wrongs dont make a right. I really detest what the Neo Nazi's stand for with a passion. But Im not going to overturn a car, and tear up a town b/c they want to march. Let the dipshits march, you can hold a counter demonstration peacefully and not act like anarchists. Thats the type of shit they WANT to happen. That just helps their cause out even more.


New Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2005
houston area
If most men in america are christian (some poles have said 65-70% - CNN/FOX News) then I would think that you should carry yourself in a Godly manner. I'm my brothers keeper is right from the Bible. Look out for each other and lend a shoulder of support :)


New Member
Established Member
Apr 12, 2004
yoda said:
most blacks disagree with the so called new black pathers. Both the NAACP and even the original member of the original black panther party have denounced them.u can complain about them all you want.Becasue what they do is wrong.Alot of blacks including me dont even like farrakan either, but the point of the million man march wasnt to spread hate.
Same here bro, I'm black & no follower of Jackson & Farrakan.
I'm really disappointed in Jackson because he was a key person during the civil rights movement of the sixites with Dr. King, but since then, he point of view has changed considerably.
Farrakan,IMO,is just another hate monger.
I have no cofidence in Sharpton either.
Sad part is ,that people think these guys speak for all blacks [ not true ]
When we watch something like the looting during Katrina or the ill advised protest \ riots that happened this weekend,it give fuel to increase predjuices.


Peoples Choice 1st Place
Established Member
Nov 16, 2003
Glass City
Being from the new RIOT capital of the world. LOL
First it wasn't a march.
They got denied a permit to march the streets.
The only thing they could do was have 12 or less people walking the sidewalks.
Freedom of speech i guess.

It was a freaking joke what the people did to the police and buildings.
Most of the 120+ arrest were people not even from the Toledo area.

They must have a traveling group of Idiots who follow the Idiot Nazi's around causing trouble.

JP :nonono:


New Member
Established Member
Apr 12, 2004
Ling_650vette said:
Im sorry that still doesnt justify either the Neo's wanting to march or the rioting. If the guy knew WTF was going on, he should've video taped them and turned it into the police department as an unnamed informant. What he did was wrong, and he got in trouble for it. 2 wrongs dont make a right. I really detest what the Neo Nazi's stand for with a passion. But Im not going to overturn a car, and tear up a town b/c they want to march. Let the dipshits march, you can hold a counter demonstration peacefully and not act like anarchists. Thats the type of shit they WANT to happen. That just helps their cause out even more.
Very well thought & spoken .

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