Things you haven’t yet learned as an adult yet.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
More or less my entire adult life I was under military control, so certain things I had almost zero choice in. For instance finding a PCP. How would one go about finding a doc that is “cool”? Today I talked to my doc about getting a DNR and it was pretty much “lol nope!” Having had an MI at 35 and subsequent CABG…**** that shit, never again. If I have another MI I just want to go. So how do I find a doc that can understand my perspective?

Anyone else have some shit they still need to learn?


Well-Known Member
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Jan 18, 2018
More or less my entire adult life I was under military control, so certain things I had almost zero choice in. For instance finding a PCP. How would one go about finding a doc that is “cool”? Today I talked to my doc about getting a DNR and it was pretty much “lol nope!” Having had an MI at 35 and subsequent CABG…**** that shit, never again. If I have another MI I just want to go. So how do I find a doc that can understand my perspective?

Anyone else have some shit they still need to learn?

You are one step ahead of me as I do not know what any of these words mean.


Keep'um smiling
Established Member
Oct 1, 2009
White Post, Va
Your doctor has no say on you having a DNR. There are legal documents you can sign with witnesses, and then submit to your doctor. Any doctor then MUST accommodate your wishes.
I agree, hopefully the current doc recognize his progress and is optimistic on his behalf.

OP is a young guy.

One could get a DNR tattoo on their chest, followed by NO REGERTS


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Wait what? What's going on man, for real? I'm not going to pass judgment at all. I can relate to your health issues.......but damn.
I have absolutely no inclination to spend another night in a hospital or day at home alone unable to sit-up or laugh/sneeze without extreme pain. Couple that along with the recent motorcycle purchase, I would rather die than go through any surgeries or rehabilitation from losing a limb or some other shit.
Lol. Must be an assbook thing.
Your old ass should know everyone one of those acronyms:p Generally your generation is more concerned about those things and not the younger ones. I think the only one that hasn’t been clarified yet is PCP=primary care physician.
Your doctor has no say on you having a DNR. There are legal documents you can sign with witnesses, and then submit to your doctor. Any doctor then MUST accommodate your wishes.
Not from what I can tell in Texas or at least an out of hospital DNR. A physician signature is required.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
I’m absolutely horrible at tying knots.

Double knot shoe-laces? Not for me.
Tie up some fancy boy scout knot? Nope.
Tie a boat up to a dock/pier? Probably not a good idea if you want it to stay there.
Dude same:ROFLMAO:
I need to learn that there are actually 57 different genders.
P.S. I'm going to fail that learning evolution.
But do you? Cuz even the other 55 can’t agree on pronouns.

James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
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Jan 23, 2008
More or less my entire adult life I was under military control, so certain things I had almost zero choice in. For instance finding a PCP. How would one go about finding a doc that is “cool”? Today I talked to my doc about getting a DNR and it was pretty much “lol nope!” Having had an MI at 35 and subsequent CABG…**** that shit, never again. If I have another MI I just want to go. So how do I find a doc that can understand my perspective?

Anyone else have some shit they still need to learn?
If, theoretically speaking, we were to assume I could get past the ADD, you know, if I really, really wanted to? Then, hypothetically it could be said I was perfectly capable of growing wiser. 60, right? GOT to have learned something, in one of those 21,900 days. You can't go around the sun 60 times at 67,000mph+ without learning _something_, right?

But you know what they say: on paper, even Communism sounds good, in theory.

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