South Africa to confiscate all land owned by white people without compensation


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
I'm confused. You guys are all for "taking back America" (I still don't know who it needs to be taken back from), but you're mad about South Africans taking back their country? If it backfires, so what? What ties does South Africa have with the U.S. economy? Is the dollar going to plummet if a few South African farmers lose their land? How does it even affect any of y'all one bit? I swear, y'all dig up some of the most insignificant issues [e.g., stuff that has ZERO bearing on your lives] and try to turn it into a grand travesty against all you hold dear. Stay in your lanes and worry about stuff that can actually affect your livelihoods.

Believe it or not, I agree with a certain sense. South Africa needs to do whatever it is South Africa deems appropriate but I'd wager everything I own that the experiment will have been exposed as a failure within a decade and that is based on what we have seen from primarily black run/lead nations on the continent. With all of that said though, the way we think things should be run in America does not necessary translate well to other areas even though we (as a nation) seem to think the same principals we apply can and should be applied else where.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
So the South African arm of the "government" has decided that they can simply kill and take another persons land because of their SKIN COLOR?

And they have the SUPPORT of the citizens to do so as well, while the rest of the world just kicks its feet up and is cool with it.


Is this real ****ing life?

This is the most RACIST shit i've ever witnessed in my lifetime....buts ok because they're a darker skin color than the people whose land they are taking.


I hope every last ****ing citizen in that rancid shithole dies a painful, slow, agonizing death due to starvation and dehydration. **** them.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 13, 2008
Frankfort IL
Hopefully we will see a government overthrow if this is attempted to be instituted. It all comes down to fight or flight, and we really don't know which decision will be made. The laws put in place in SA post WW2 put almost a certainty of minorities being locked in poverty, such as restricting land ownership, and voting and office holding rights being restricted. That all really ended less than 30 years ago, so I can see the frustration. But for any government to allow willful death or destruction of property probably wont end well. And the minority(whites) have most of the money and guns. Do they have the conviction to stay and fight for the rights and possessions they currently have in the face of a government led seizure? Or will SA become another white flight south side Chicago neighborhood. Everyone talked tough there as well, but most ultimately took what they could and moved on. Results speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 8, 2004
Roscoe, IL
I hope every last ****ing citizen in that rancid shithole dies a painful, slow, agonizing death due to starvation and dehydration. **** them.

Sounds like they will because from what I've read they're taking these farms and then the dumb ****s don't know how to turn around and farm the land themselves so they're going barren


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 2, 2012
San Diego, CA
they're taking these farms and then the dumb ****s don't know how to turn around and farm the land themselves so they're going barren




Unfortunately for these dipshits, a marvel movie isnt real life. They are a 3rd world shithole for a multitude of reasons, and i will LOL when these lemmings bite the hand that feeds them (literally) and descend further into the 3rd world abyss and create thier OWN extinction.

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