RWTD Custom Predator Tune


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Established Member
Feb 24, 2004
How hard is the process of getting their tune into the predator and then uploading into car?? Need special software? I got the two connectors from Radioshack.


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Established Member
Jun 21, 2001
Quincy, MA
Ford PC Interface

In order to do a custom tune, you will need you to acquire a few things

1) Your vehicle's VIN #. Please write this down and double check to make sure it is accurate. You will be using this to name a file with.

2) Serial Cable:
Standard straight-through DB9 (9-pin to 9-pin) RS232C serial cable (6 foot cable is more than enough). Check your computer to see if you have a male or a female port on the back, as some are different. You will need a male end to go into your Predator.

3) Power Adapter:
OUTPUT : 12VDC 1000mA (1 Amp)
Center is positive and outside is negative

Radio Shack normally carries both of these items. Most Wal-Marts have the Power Adapter (multi output version).

Note: If you have a laptop, you can use the vehicle's power to power up the Predator, instead of using a Power Adapter, and just do the following with your laptop and Predator inside of your vehicle.

Install this file to the default directory of its choice.

1: On the Predator, go to "Performance Tune", choose the Tune that you wish to use (Performance or Pulley, depending on your level of modifications), then go to "Modify Tune, Reset All Parameters", now once this completes, hit "Esc" and go to "Install Tune" and let it upload the tune again. This will upload the defaulted Predator tune's performance settings onto your pcm (meaning no modifications made to the fans, shift points, fuel, timing, etc.). Do NOT send me any file with changes made to your fuel or timing. This is VERY important!!!

2: After this is done, go to "Troubleshooting", then "Read Extra Tune", follow prompts and complete this process. This process will read the current tune in the vehicle and temporarily save it so it can be transferred to your PC. This normally takes approx. 2 min. or less. You MUST complete this step, otherwise any file that you send to me will NOT be readable.
3: Once you complete this, open the Predator PC Interface (Xmodem), go to "Options, Port Settings", and ensure that the proper COM port is selected, as well as the proper baud rate on both the software (default on the software is 115200), and also on the Predator (default on the Predator is 57600). You can change the Predator's baud rate by going to "Options, Serial Baud". Please try 57600 on both, first. You will also need this setting to be selected in your Device Manager in Windows for your COM port, so please check to make sure this setting also matches the other two.

4: Hook your Predator up to your PC via the Serial Cable and power the Predator on via the power adapter.

5: On the Predator go to "Options" then "Custom Tune", then select "Export Custom Tune". Select "Extra Tune" and it will start counting up to 100%. On the next prompt do NOT hit "Continue", yet.

6: Then in your Predator PC Interface (Xmodem) software on your PC, click "Get File", enter a file name. PLEASE enter your VIN # for the file name with either "perf" or "pulley" on the end of it, depending on which file you are sending to me (ex: 1fafp48y03f301933pulley.frg ) This is VERY important!!!

Note: By default, the software will save the file to your "Desktop". You can change this to any location that you wish to save it in for your convenience.

7: Continuing, once you name the file, click on "OK", and a warning prompt will appear that states, "Connect the Predator and start the Xmodem transfer before pressing OK". Do NOT hit "OK" yet. On your Predator hit "Continue" (Enter), and THEN on your computer hit "OK". This will start transferring the file.

Note: If using 57600 does not work, please change all 3 to 115200 and try all the steps above, again. If by any means you restart the Predator PC Interface Program (Xmodem), and you originally changed and successfully used the baud setting at 57600, you will need to go back and change to that baud rate again, as the Predator PC Interface (Xmodem) program defaults to 115200 each time. Also, the Predator tool itself defaults to a 57600 baud rating, so if you power down the Predator and then power it back up, you will need to change it to 115200 only if you find that you need to use that baud rate setting.

We will build your new tune from this file, and then I will email it back to you and you will download it into the Predator the same way (instructions are below). Please list me all your mods line item style (a new line break after each mod), from the intake to the exhaust. Also, please note what all changes you want done and any issues that you are having now.

To reinstall the new file that you're sent as a "Custom Tune", do the following:

1: On the Predator go to "Options" then "Custom Tune", then select "Import Custom Tune". On the next prompt do NOT hit "Continue", yet.

2: Then in your Predator PC Interface (Xmodem) software on your PC, click "Send File", select the file that you saved that you wish to use, and click on "Open". A "File Transfer Status" dialog box will open up.

3: On your Predator hit "Continue" (Enter). This will start transferring the file.

Note: Remember, if you get time outs or if you aren't getting any communication, to please check your baud settings as you previous did when transferring the file from the Predator to the PC.

4: Install this tune into the pcm as your normally would.

Note: To erase any custom tune out of the Predator and go back to the previous included tuning that came with the Predator default, go to "Options, Custom Tune, Erase Custom Tune".

You can get the PCinterface software here..

If you don't have r12 installed on your predator I would reccomend updating your firmware before you install your tune. It adds more functionality. If you do it after, you have to restore your original backup. update it, read your vin, upload the tune, and reflash.

Updating instruction for r12 can be found here..

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